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Car Park Muppets!

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Picture the scene.....


Going shopping in town, trying to find somewhere to park. Unfortunately the only place that is available seems to be an outside car park. Once I find a space, big truck next to me, nothing the other side. I remember thinking to myself, these spaces are small!


Now luckily I didn't have the change for the ticket machine (Lucky your thinking? You will find out why!). I gave my mate a fiver, and he went off to get change, while I waited next to my car.Within seconds I can see this Serria Estate looking for a space. Yep, you guessed it, they start parking next to me! :roll:


Now the guys gone in to this space, there isn't a lot of space ether side of the cars. His Mrs (bloody big boned!) gets out my side, trying to be careful........ SMACK! :shock: SMACK!! :shock: She's banging her door on mine! So I start shouting as you do, "WHAT THE F**K ARE YOU DOING!!", "DON'T YOU THINK YOU SHOULD OF GOT OUT BEFORE YOU WENT IN TO THE SPACE!!!" so naturally you would think, you've him my car twice now, you'll stop & get the hubby to reverse out. :roll: NO! She's keeps trying to get out, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK!! trying to be careful, but because she is so fat & thick she carries on smacking the crap out of my door!!!! Then Husband now tells her to stay in the car. He reverses, she gets out, and he pulls in no with a bigger gap. WASN'T FU*KING HARD WAS IT LOVE!!!! All she could say was "oh I couldn't get out the gap was too small!" NOT SORRY I DENTED YOUR CAR!!


I could have chinned the bi1ch! It has taken the paint off, and the door will have to be repainted & blended in now! :mad: I am fuming! I got the guys insurance details, but it's just hassle I don't need!!! My car was undented! I never park in car parks! 1st time since I have had the car!




ARRHHH!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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"I could have chinned the bi1ch!"


:lol: pmsl :lol:



sorry to hear you bad luck though dude and hope you get it sorted with minimal fuss

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What a nightmare.

At least you got his details though mate. Silver lining and all that.

I returned to my car in an ASDA car park, to find an absolute peach of a dent in my drivers wing a month or so back.

No-one there when i parked up. No-one there when I came back to it. Just this little gift from another inconsiderate passenger who probably didn't know how fat her arse was. :mad:

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I reall feel for you mate, these cars are are pride and joy, im sure i talk for a few people on here when i say, i would rather a smack in my face than one to the car!

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Nightmare, people just don't care.

I have 2 dents like that on my passanger side door. Plus someone scraped my rear bumper whilst it was parked at work.

My car had perfect bodywork before this. Going to get it repaired soon.

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No way! The same thing happened to me last weekend, almost the same place. Though I didn't witness the retard who did it. Thankfully it was on the same door that its gone into get repaired today, so I just told them to fix it along with the other dent. Still didn't make me any less angry though. Sorry to hear about yours :(

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I reall feel for you mate, these cars are are pride and joy, im sure i talk for a few people on here when i say, i would rather a smack in my face than one to the car!




You can't have nothing nice nowadays without some fu8ker braking or nicking it!

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Unfortunately these things happen all too often especially in tight spaces with most culprits either not knowing they did it, or not caring, one of the two.


My mate recently had his Integra reversed into in the train station car park. Proper bent the NS wing, so much he couldn't open the passenger door. He's still waiting BT police checking 48 hours of camera footage so we can nail the bar steward! The annoying thing was that whoever did it could have turned a sherman tank around in the space he/she had.

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Asda does seem to be particularly bad place to park- i've had people dent my car. These people don't think- I'ts obviously a nice car that someone has pride in- not some old banger

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Dents! Ha! I had some kind soul leave a gouge out of my left rear quarter, with scrapes down to the metal all the way from the middle of the wheel arch back to the end of the panel about two years ago.

Plus they sprung the bumper off it's mount and cracked all the paint on the corner. New bumper, pull the dent out the wheel arch, rub down and respray the whole lot. Out of my pocket. Thank you kind sir.

No they didn't leave a note. Don't be so mind numbingly naive! :x

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I know its a bit sad but I try my best not to park next to cars,even if it means parking on the other side of a car park and walking in the rain! After getting all the parking dents sorted on both sides, another one would kill me! Either that or park in a disabled space and limp! (thats if there are plenty available of course!) :wink:

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well, not all people but just thick ones!


mine`s covered in dents, having worked at tesco and JJB theres no chance of not parking in the car park


but even at the far end away from every one theres always some n*b who parks right next to your car even though the a billion other spaces


even parking straddling the white lines there will be someone who TRIES to get in the small space next to you GRRRRRRR!!!!


feel for you mate, should have slammed her head with the door!!!!!

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