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I've got a two year old and a 2 month old. No plans to sell it as yet!

Good on ya. My youngest was 2 when we bought out first Corrado, she's almost 14 now and her big sister is 17, I don't think either of them remember anything but squeezing into the back seat of a C (much easier now we've finally got recaros in :lol: ). I can never quite understand why people say they have to get a bigger car now they're having kids, unless of course they're going for more than two!

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I got my first one when I was driving to an amusement park with my friend. One of the attendants at the gate to the parking lot starts shouting loudly "V-dub!" He does the hand thing from the commercials where he makes the VW emblem with his hands (not sure if it was aired overseas). The man who took my money says "Ignore him, he's crazy." I simply reply with "He knows his stuff." I rev and chirp the tires a little bit as I speed into the lot.


The second one came from when I was driving my friend back to her school. It's in a small country town, and when I was entering the town some kid in a minivan makes a left turn around me. His hand is hanging out the window and he's shouting "Yeah, V-dub!"


Then two days ago I was sitting in a fuel station. Someone pulls into the pump next to me. As I am getting back in my car he is getting out. "Nice dub," he says. All I can say is "Thanks." He proceeds to tell me how he has a 2000 GTI, and he begins to explain to me what a GTI is :lol: All I said was "Cool," and drove off.


Then there's all the slander for having an unreliable G60. I got an award early October at a big VW show for having the most unreliable car there :lol:

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yer i got some random bloke walked up to mine, dribblin, said he loved um but never got 1,(why) cos he got a vr passat :shock: no helpin some people.

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Driving out of Halfrauds on saturday - a young dad was excitedly pointing at the C and telling his (disinterested) kids what it was as I went past :D

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I can never quite understand why people say they have to get a bigger car now they're having kids, unless of course they're going for more than two!


There's always the boot for no.3...

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i was washing my car at night, damn getting dark at 4.30 now! and window cleaner came to get money, started talking to me about my car and how much he liked it and always wanted one. got the usual question mi ALWAYS get, 'how much is yer insurance?' have to tell my story about hanggling it down to £450 tpft.


half an hour later he went and said


'you'll have streaks all over that now, you'l have to wash it again...grrrr...which i did 8)

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pulled up to tescos,parked up got out n some old guy was staring at me and he didn't stop, well i recond ooooerrr sumut up ear, "you ok m8" i asked, as he bent down to look at the rear badge, "oh sorry "he said, "ive got one of these, fek me , he was about 75. but what a grate chat we had, a real old VR fanatic, kool.

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another well funny one was, the VRwas in for a service (caffins V DUB) after the work was done i met the service manager out side he handed me the keys "bye" he said "see ya m8" i replyed."i wasnt talking to you. i was talking to the car" :o

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Had my first one today in 6 months of corrado ownership, Excluding my mates who are all jelous. Was in a job interview and we were just wrapping it up, after a bit of small talk I mentioned I had 2 weeks holiday booked from monday and I would be mostly working on the motor, they asked what I have and I said a Corrado. They both perked up, looked at each other and said "ohh very nice car". They then immediatly offered me the job.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


Must be the corrado effect i've been hearing of!

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Had my first one today in 6 months of corrado ownership, Excluding my mates who are all jelous. Was in a job interview and we were just wrapping it up, after a bit of small talk I mentioned I had 2 weeks holiday booked from monday and I would be mostly working on the motor, they asked what I have and I said a Corrado. They both perked up, looked at each other and said "ohh very nice car". They then immediatly offered me the job.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


Must be the corrado effect i've been hearing of!



i wished that worked on all jobs!

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...night-time in the middle lane on the M60 doing 60 with the others ...guy's with his wife and kids in a lexus-lights modded Bora... Holding up the outside lane his young kids are forced to look round - wife not interested - he's just there nodding his smiling head for what seemed the longest minute as he was holding up displeased commuters. I thought, yep it's a Corrado, well done now p*ss off.

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Result! A girl to whom I give a lift to fencing who is not a great car fan (Micra driver) commented on Wednesday how good it looked and what a satisfying rumble it made at idle. Made up for getting stabbed in the toe :-)


stabbed in the toe


You should find some taller people to fight



It isn't that funny but I wasn't expecting it. Jesus I haven't laughed that hard since I put a saltcellar of salt in my mates coffee. Yes he swallowed! :lol: While his brain was still trying to make it taste like normal coffee. Tee Hee!

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went to scarborough, was driving out of therer and stopped off to get me mam a crab as a suprise, this guy comes upto me and says he loves me car, :D


in the 21 years i have lived here (Scarborough) i have never bought or thought about buying a crab or any fishy friend from the seafront kiosks lol, if you want one posting let me kno! rofl ;)


On Topic, I got my new surround sound today from Comet and the bloke who brought it out said he loved it and has always wanted one :D made me feel nice inside :p, this meant i had to give it some beans as i left hehe :)

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another well funny one was, the VRwas in for a service (caffins V DUB) after the work was done i met the service manager out side he handed me the keys "bye" he said "see ya m8" i replyed."i wasnt talking to you. i was talking to the car" :o


Hahaha!!! :lol: That's the best one I've heard yet..

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took my vr6 to the local stealer for one of the free express visual checks and nearly every member of both sales and garage staff came to have a good look, felt goood!!!

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Got a thumbs up from a pedestrian who wanted to show his appreciation for my (dirty) VR6... leaning so far into the road, nearly ran the crazy guy over!

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A guy stopped while I was under the bonnet a few weeks ago and said "That is a llllllovely motor"

I failed to mention I was waiting for the AA to come give me a jump start however.

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well, i just been sent to ARGOS in brighton, (had to change a dud presant) took the VR, no brainer, the amount of looks i got, well funny, girls looking and the fellas looking away,as they got in the cavalier's and fords. COME ON BOYS, LIVE IT UP. :lol:

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Was parked in town waiting to pick my gf up from work - the C is freshly autoglymmed, looking the tits. A group of chav kids come past on bikes and one of them shouts to the others "LOOK AT THAT!".


I always get props from chavs. Is this a bad thing?

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Was parked in town waiting to pick my gf up from work - the C is freshly autoglymmed, looking the tits. A group of chav kids come past on bikes and one of them shouts to the others "LOOK AT THAT!".


I always get props from chavs. Is this a bad thing?


I get looks and flashed a lot by corsas and such like, kids on bikes following me out of carparks but at the end of the day it's because your car does look nice. Hopefully nothing like a done up corsa but you get my drift :p. I'm only 21, but a lot of my attention is from slightly older gents from the generation the motor came from, and that's a nice feeling when they notice :)



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I think also, because mine's totally debadged, some people just don't have a clue what it is!


"Nice car, is it a Mazda?" was one comment I got from a mate of mine. The knob.

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LOL. Yeah it's a ZXI :D Lass who I used to go to school with saw it for the first time and asked if it was one of those rover coupes. I'm actually sneering thinking about it now



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Driving my C. through the McD's drivethru last night and it died on me - so two of their workers had to come out and push it round to the car park bit... Not going there again - was embarrassed to say the least. Eating my cold Mc chicken thing - turned out when Gr**n Flag came out to "rescue" me, that only the sparkplugs leads needed pressing back in! Sh*t eh? And he called it a CorrOdo. Live and learn eh...

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Was just giving the car a well-needed clean, and a guy walked up and asked if it was really a K-plate, because it looked so good for it's age 8) He went on to say, he'd forgotten the spec, but they had a superb engine didn't they? 8)


And there was me, thinking how rubbish it was looking! :lol:

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