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Andy Brookes

Uprated Earthing Kit?? Is it worth it......

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A friend has a 350Z and has fitted an uprated earting kit. I remember when I had my last G60 that there was a bit of chat about fitting better and additional earths to help performance etc etc.


Since I did my front end strip down my C is not so eager to start, turns over a few times. No I have a feeling that the earths are not as good as they were before and this is causing the problems.


Has anyone fitted better/more earths. If so did you see any differences??? Also wondering where the additional earths should be. Had a quick look at my mates 350 and he has loads of new leads.


What do ya think

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I've thought about this myself Andy, coupled with relocating the battery to the boot that is.

I recently upgraded my alternator and have seen improved battery readings of 13.5 - 14 volts when the car is running, but the car sometimes judders when there is a heavy electrical load. (Xenon headlights and heated seats don't help!)

I thought of implementing / rewiring the following connections:

1) battery to chassis ground

2) battery to intake manifold

3) intake manifold to opposite side of the engine head (in the front)

4) engine block to gearbox

5) engine block back the battery - basically creating a dasiy chain.


On this topic, what is the requirement of the earth strap to the bonnet? Mine is currently snapped, but I can't think of a purpose for it being there.


BTW I'm going to speak to big John about arranging a meet at the Smugglers on 27th February. Cheers, Guy

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From what i've been told Guy, the strap that goes to the bonnet isn't all that important. It was snapped on my old valver and swapping it made no noticable different, and I just noticed the other day that its gone on my G60 too.. i'll probably get a new one because i'm pedantic but I don't think its absolutely crucial :)

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Found my bonnet earth snapped the other day. Where do you get replacements, or is it just as good to make your own ?

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Stealers do em, but I think its a bit of a stinger price wise. Still, nothing new there eh? Think it was about £8 for a new one...

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Could it be for the heated washer jets i.e. same reason you have an earth on a plug?

Also does anyone have a part number for this I just noticed mine has gone as well?

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something like,the bonnet being earthed prevents interference coming up through the bonnet,like a force field! if youve ver seen under a shitron bx bonnet they are made of plastic and have a big wire grid under them for the same perpose

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Could someone post a picture of where it is & what it looks like (the under-bonnet one that stops radio interference). You gents may have just solved a problem that's been driving me nuts!



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It also helps to reduce the static buildup from the road and as a side-effect this minimises radio interference. It is located on the passenger side of the bonnet by the hinge and attaches to near the base of bonnet (ie near to the PS scuttle). You can easiy replace this with some flex provided the rating is similar (a couple of 2.5mm cables)

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You gents may have just solved a problem that's been driving me nuts!




What - a steering wheel in your trousers? Sorry.. appalling gag.



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Could it be for the heated washer jets i.e. same reason you have an earth on a plug?


Nope, washer jets have 2 wires going to 'em... live + earth. They're earthed back in the engine bay somewere... :|


The bonnet earth strap was mainly to prevent static build up and to help with radio reception as stated above.... 8)


My new G60 has been messed with in a pretty major way wiring wise... (not all bad I hasten to add! ;) ) I've now got Gold battery clamps and all of the main lives and earths from them have been replaced with some seriously heavy duty cables... I'm gonna tidy it up a little this weekend while I fit my sub/amps/speaker cables etc, so I'll see if I can get a couple of snaps to show what's possible... 8)

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The best thing RE the earthing cables is to replace the battery negative-to-chassis-to-gearbox cable with 0 guage amplifier wire with gold ends. And also the alternator to battery with 4 to 0 guage (depending on current rating). This is known as "The big 3" in audio circles and helps the car as well as ICE performance.

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new to posting an especially adding pictures, but hopefully here is a picture of earthing points I put away waiting for a day when I get the opportunity to do it, so cannot comment on how well it works and can't remember much about the site I got it from, american I think. Will probably get around to it when it gets a bit warmer!

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