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Mystery dashboard grill...

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Hi All!


Here's a quicky for you...


On a Corrado dash board, there is a grill either side for the speakers, and a grill in the middle as well.... What's the middle one for? Does it do anything, or is it for anything?


Anyone know?


Cheers! :D

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I would love to know too!!


It must serve a purpose or to secure the dash further more?? I dont know?

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Pretty sure it's another speaker for quality stereo imaging ! :wink: Center Staging.

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Mine didn't have a speaker under that grille when I did my heater control fix. Must have been an option or something? 5.1 dolby surround!



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damn right. centre channel. very cool 8)

Think it may be time to install my Yamaha DTX 5.1 amp, and TV into the car then! :lol:

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Mate, I have a TV and tried to find a suitable place to put the TFT screen, if you put it near or on the dash it just obstructs your field of vision.


I thought about installing it slighlty inside the glove box cover, not actually in the glove box as my CD cahnger will go there if it fits but other than that I dont really know where it can go.


Can anyone say where they have fitted theres or even show us a pic? :D :D

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put your cd changer in the first aid slot in the rear seat divider

That's where my fire extinguisher lives... 8) My CD player wouldn't fit there and with some of the people I give lifts to, it wouldn't last long if it did! :shock: At least a fire extinguisher isn't gonna get squished by 2 rugby players! :lol:


Erm, Rams I dunno if you know, but it's illegal to drive with a TV on where the driver can see it... :? If you're stationary and watching the TV, what does it matter if it blocks your field of view?!? :roll: :lol:


Of course, I'd never help a mate get around the built in safety system on his Clarion TV so he can watch TV while stuck in traffic... Honest guv... :wink:

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ive always thought the middle heater vents/stereo would be a good spot for a screen.. then move the deck down to where the ashtray/lighter are.

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Isn't it illegal (over in the UK anyway) to have a screen where it is viewable by the driver?


Looks smart though!

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Isn't it illegal (over in the UK anyway) to have a screen where it is viewable by the driver?


Kind of... It's illegal to have it switched on and viewable by the driver when in motion.... Most in-dash TVs have a switched live so that they won't switch the screen on when the engine is running... :?


Easiest way around this is not to connect it though! :D

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That's why it was'nt put where the heater vents are , cause when followed by the federalli hood they would see it . Put it lower down - they dont see it :lol:

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Pretty sure it's another speaker for quality stereo imaging ! :wink: Center Staging.


Hate to blow the center speaker theory but.....


if you remove it you'll find nothing more that the screw(s) that hold the screen vents in!!

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You could remove the grille and put some blue led's in there I suppose :?:












(This is a joke by the way. I do not condone the use of led's for huge power gains.)

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Some people want screens for pose fator and some for the purpose it has. I would say that most of the screens I have seen in cars, certainly after market, then they are all on display. You can get an alpine headunit with the screen that slides out of the head unit and upand lies infront of the middle vents.


As long as it doesnt sit proud of the dash then I think that would look cool, most things in life are illegal, going 35 in a 30 is illegal and we all do it. I like the screen in the ash tray, it looks cool but I would prefer mine to come out of the head unit and fold up and alpine is good kit. My plan is to get ,my C all tarty and when I get my screen I can play a dirty porno for people to watch. :shock:

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(This is a joke by the way. I do not condone the use of led's for huge power gains.)


However, it was recently proven that Corrado-Forum.net stickers give a minimum 50bhp increase when stuck in the car.


Ok, maybe not.

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all fine and good rams... but that alpine unit was over $1500 last time i checked (canadian). you can get just a clarion screen for $300.


i'd like to have the screen hide away in the head unit, but for the extra cash it really isn't worth it to me. if i do it (and i will once i have some spare cash... so it may be a while!! haha) i will mount it where the middle vents are. sure its illegal to have it on when you're driving, so shut it off. its illegal to drive while talking on a cellphone, or with a radar detector, or even drinking a bottle of water in some places. i wouldn't compromise the comfort and effectiveness of an expensive screen by putting it in an akward location just because you want to hide it from the cops.. if you're that worried don't have it on when you drive or just shut it off when you see pigs.

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If you put the screen on the dash regardless weather its turned on or not, it still obstructs your field of vision.

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It was Henny, that was saying its illegal to have the screens on. I am cool with what can and cant be done.


The apline headunit means I can just use the stereo as a normal headunit and dont have to display videos when im driving for the police to see, except for the general change of track and that display.


All nme cars such as BMW and Mercedes if they have the sat nav option then you can see maps and diagrams but it wont allow you to watch TV when on the move.



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The radar systems are now legal to use, they discovered that the detectors were slowing people down where there was a black spot or bad areas were there are lots of accidents.


Now, all of our gatso - speed cameras have to be painted bright yellow or refective yellow sop you can see them. They figured that this method would save lives and reduce black spots. The law knows everyone speeds, its just catching the driver! :D You may find that your law changes mate. In the UK they used to be legal to buy and illegal to use!! How stupid is that! Thats why they changed the rules and I am due to buy a detector called road angle which operates all the GPS services and are proven to be very good.

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thats why i want it... sat navigation. my dad just got the high-level murano with all the options and i love that navigation.


also figure you can watch dvds, burned videos from the net (tv shows, music vids, whatever), play playstation or whatever system you want to hook up, hook up a laptop to it and have a computer system at your disposal, internet if you have a cellphone... and last but not least, how cool would it be to have stand-alone management all controlled by a screen on the dash? a lot of neat stuff you can do with a $300 screen. how about hooking up a little camera on the front bumper, or rear bumper, or wherever and having it display on the screen. heh heh. ever notice you can't see out the back of a corrado that well (especially with the giant spoiler my car has on it)...a camera facing backwards with a fisheye lens displaying on the dash would craaazy. :lol:

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