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caught speeding

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was being followed by a dark coloured volvo (didnt know it was a police car) gave car a bit off welly and lost the buggers next thing i know i was sitting at traffic lights and got pulled over had right go at me saying they couldnt keep up with me this made me laugh thought those volvos where meant to be quick he said by the time he hit 40mph i was doing 55-60mph great what alot of engine mods can do but then you realise much better to do it on a track but i had just cause as my girlfriend was being followed by her violent ex(cant wait to see him)and so explained and got off with a caution and got to produce my documents which is a bugger as i have just sent them all off after moving house was a great weekend til then and first time i had driven car this weekend too,remember have fun but not fun thats too fast haha

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...and relax! Thats one hell of a long sentance dude!


Kinda reminds me of the way that Vicky Pollard from Little Britain speaks :lol:


Edit: remembered name of charicter

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A similar thing happened to me on the M5 last week... a dark unmarked Volvo V70 rolled up to my backside going through some road works. When the lanes opened up again, he roared past me, and then slowed down in front of me to about 65mph.

Thinking he was just some jerk trying it on, I roared past him and got to about 95mph. Looked in the rear view and he came barrelling up to me again but with some weird blue/white lights flashing in his headlights!?!

He stuck his hand up and gestured I slowed down.... then he flew past again with the same flashing lights in the rear clusters too.


What the feck is that all about? There weren't any police antennas on the car and the occupants were plain clothed. Some muppet trying to be impersonate the police?

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i know thorpey, theres loads of traffic police around worthing at the moment!!


my top tip, stick to the country roads!!!

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i got caught on camera amber gambling the other day........£60 and 3 points :(



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kevhaywire, thats cops mate! they were prob doing something more interesting, hence undercover. I saw a scooby get pulled by police in a fiat punto! was around norfolk, scooby caned past me down dual carrigeway, slowed for a roundabout and punto behind me put lights on, went round me and pulled him over. He had blue lights in the grille and at the back.

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Anyone know if Gatso's can catch you if you're going the opposite direction to which they're pointed?


There was one pointing down a hill and i went up the hill at 35ish and it flashed, but there was no-one else around. Are they designed to work both ways when there's only one camera?



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If its a Gatso only flashed once its probably OK, happened to me a couple of times. If it flashed twice - could be a Truvelo.

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Saw someone get pulled over on the A27 the oter day buy a Black BMW with lights in the grills.

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gatso's (yellow) face back of car only. Truvelos (blue) are forward facing.


Cheers chaps - was def a Gatso. Don't seem to get to many of those nasty forward-facing one's round here.

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Anyone know if Gatso's can catch you if you're going the opposite direction to which you're going?


the grey gatso ones we get in birmingham can do both ways. didn't know until recently -i was travelling towards one (facing the same way i was travelling) and it flashed just before i got to it. I thought it was odd -there was a merc coming the other way.


never knew they could do that :x

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