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Pothole dented my wheel... :mad:

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Well, I've just had a pain in the @rse end to my Friday night - driving at normal speed down a country lane after dropping a friend home, suddenly get a huge bang from the n/s front wheel and a major jolt, plus a load of hissing... Get out of the car and see that whilst my tyre is still inflated, the inner lip of my wheel (the rather unsupported section) has a lovely big flat-spot in it... :mad:


Walk back along the road with my torch and discover a feck-off large pothole about 4-5 inches deep with harsh edges... Great, so the roads that I pay tax to drive on have now just knackered one of my (nice and rare) alloys... They were going to be refurbed anyway, but I'm not sure of how easy it is to repair flat-spots?


And can I claim off the council for having sh1tty damn potholes in roads that we pay taxes to keep in good condition?


Damnit, I was in a good mood this evening and now I'm a touch peed off...

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Yep.. get an independant garage to verify the damage and the cost of a new wheel and send it off to the appropriate department in your local council. Apparently they have a budget set aside for such things as its cheaper than actually fixing the roads.

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sh1tter m8! :mad:


you wanna see the roads round here,theyre made from potholes! :mad:


a m8 recently claimed,and got paid out with no questions asked,the pothole then had a bit of sh1t thrown over it,and its now back to how it was!




good luck m8,get pics if you can too!



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Cheers Jim, totally didn't know that! Have you had any experience of this....?


My main issue is that 17" Borbet A's in 4x100 ET35 are pretty damn rare and I'm sure they're not made anymore, so if the wheels isn't repairable then my only option is to get four new wheels... :( I love my Borbets and it took me ages to find them...

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gradeAfailure, u prob understand the way i was driving when u guys came dowsn weaving all over the place :lol: mate ive been there too its a nightmare

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take a pic of the pothole and the damaged wheel, always good to have a little proof to fall back on!

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take a pic of the pothole and the damaged wheel, always good to have a little proof to fall back on!


Don't worry, I will be...


Thankfully I still have the wheels that were on the car when I bought it so they'll have to go back on for the time being... Was going to be popping along to the refurb place soon anyway, guess this just brings it forward to Monday!


Anyone got any advice on how to approach the council; which department to speak to, etc? Or should I have a word with my local CAB first?


Cheers for the responses guys, it's much appreciated!


I suppose it's my own fault for having rare wheels!

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If its any consolation - they do pay out.

Friend of mine scuffed (not damaged like yours) his chrome 17s on a pot hole.


Bought a whole new set with the money the council gave him ;)


It's wise to be generous with the truth :)

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Once again, the internet has come to my rescue! Two used Borbet A's in 7.5x17, 4x100 ET35 for 80Euros plus shipping from... wait for it... Finland! :shock:


And I shall be taking the receipts to the council's highways dept next week so will let you know if I'm successful!


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Bought a whole new set with the money the council gave him

He was lucky..! I gave up with my claim of similar bent wheel and 'egged' tyre after months of too-ing ad fro-ing. They filled the hole up rather sharpish though.


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Bad news matey!!! That road to Kates is very shit though... I've heard similar stories about the council paying out for damage caused by cr4p road surfaces - hope this gets sorted ASAP

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Yeh, I had same prob with my RS Turbo fitted with new Voodoos(17's) - hit a large pot hole. flattened the rim approx 1cm. Took pics of the road and the damage and sent to Highways Dept. - had a reply asking for a wittness - luckily my mate was in the car at the time - sent ALL details but dragged on and on - in the end just give up! However every story has a happy ending - Sold my RS to a mate for 3K, and promptly bought my VR6 Corrado to which I am now the proud owner! :D :D :D

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GradeA, I had the exact same thing happen - driving down the A47 at night, and feel a huge bang :shock: as the car fell into this pothole, the wheel has an awful dent in it, and the tyre totally mullered. Thing is, it happened 40 miles away from where i live (and at night). When i went back, the bar-stewards had covered the hole and the whole area of the road. :mad:


I'm in a similar dilema to you. I have a set of 16" Borbet C'c with an (apparently) unusual offset. They dont make them anymore, and Scotford dont have any left in stock. I've had to put the old 15" Speedlines back on, and it dont look anything like as good as it did. :(


Now ive got to live with that horrible "Been shafted again depsite paying £165 a year on road tax" feeling. The Fockers - if they had road markings, this would have been totally unavoidable.

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paying £165 a year on road tax


£170 now, as I found out when I renewed the road tax on my Mk2 Storm 2 days ago. It has been in Gordon's budget 2005, which, of course, I had forgotten :rolleyes:



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Brother has the same thing happen to his Scooby. 2 wheel bent and 2 tyres knackered. I felt guilty as I had just phoned him and he had answered his mobile( before the law came in).


Photos where submitted and it dragged on. Spoke to a friend who is a lawyer and he gave him the answer. When his claim was refused he wrote back " On which case to you base your judgement (sic). " This had a cheque for £750 in his pocket within the week!! Result.




I'll get the full version of wording from him if you want?

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Yeah, that'd be great if you could PM me with it... :left thumb:


Little update - went back to the place where it happened, and the s0dding council have filled in the potholes! I suppose at least it'll stop it happening to someone else, but...


Ah well, ya win some, ya lose some... Still gonna have a crack at compensation but tbh, I'm just happy to have found some spares. There's worse things happen at sea, you know...


Cheers for the support, been much appreciated! :D

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Only just read this thread....gutted for you dude! Can't beleive the buggers have filled the holes before you got a chance to get a pic of them.


Same thing happened to a mate of mine in his MK4 Golf, needed one new alloy/tyre, new front lower splitter, and new inner wheel arch liner. Council coughed up for all of it too!


We all pay enough council tax etc to cover these little mishaps, so I'd still give it a go at compensation.....

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Just imagine if you hit it whilst on a motorbike. Its a fecking disgrace that they know about this but prefer to pay out. All the money in the world isnt going to bring someones life back. Morbid I know but this has happened before.

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