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Went for a drive the morning with a friend (pictures)

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Here they are... =]














A picture of a long time friend who came to visit from Arizona (My co-pilot for the drive)

Kevin.jpg :D

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Dude you seem to have a yellow golf following you around :lol:


Nice pics... wish we had scenery like that round here!


P.S. Happy to come over to do a shoot for you for free if you can pay the expenses ;)

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It's sunny california, it's all like that. Trouble is you keep getting overtaken by black trans am t-tops with flashing red lights in the front grille...

I've always thought black would make a good colour for wheels. Particularly on a car like the C where there's a lot of black trim anyway. What finish do you have on the wheels? They look like a matt finish (which would be ultra cool)..

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actually the cops here use camaros and they are white with slimline lights on the roof, my friend has a black trans am t-top with a supercharger, 550 HP crazy ass thing... not all of california is like that, just the uninhabited parts, central california coastline basically. but yeah u guys get rocks and ick.. sorry nice job red=fast, one day when I come down to santa Cruz to visit some friends of mine we will go on a drive, I think u have the rims I wanted, oh well now I have to get hyperblack instead of black. hehe 8)

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Wish our country side was that pretty!


Actually, when I visited I was surprised at how CA countryside looked just like Devon. And the coast.. well, I couldn't tell the two apart. (Apart from the weather's 100 times nicer)

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One thing about California (and the US in general) is that they're so obsessed with roads and cars over there that all the really nice scenery can be driven to and parked right next to with ease. Here to see the special places you have to get your walking boots on or risk your lovely car down some tiny little country track that's usually only driven down by tractors...

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Haha Nice one Phil. Just let me know when you do make it out here and we can do a shoot.


dr_mat, the rims are flat black. I don’t think that black with a clear finish or something similar to that would go as well. (They match all of my faded black moldings on the car too well).


Yeah as for the police here, there only a few on the road, but they do drive the Camaro's. I found a couple pictures of them...






Those are very scary to come across. You never notice them until they are too close to you with the super slim light bars. I could not find a good picture of one unfortunately.


It’s been raining here a lot for the past few weeks. Were on day 4 of no rain though. I am pretty happy about it. It gives me more time to ride my mountain bike. =]


Potatonet, totally let me know when you are going to be coming into sc. Are you a part of http://www.norcalcorrado.com?


dr_mat, yeah I think we are pretty lucky here in California. I really like it here. It’s just the government that almost makes it not worth it to live here sometimes...

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Well at least HALF of you voted for him! ;)


As for the rest, I wasn't so sure it was a good thing to build roads everywhere. On the one hand it makes it easy for people to get to see places, but on the other hand it inevitably pollutes all the nicest and best (and most fragile) places.


Vancouver Island has a place called Cathedral Grove. Stunning, ancient, massive, giant redwoods, and there's a road right through the middle of the densest section of the forest!! It's beautiful, but it's the kind of thing that trucks should NOT be thundering past.


Mixed blessing...

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sweet! there needs to be more members there.


dr_mat, totally understandable. it really is beautiful in this area (I'm pretty lucky to have grown up in Santa Cruz county) its a shame all of the huge SUVs are all over the place. =\

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Oh, a couple more shots:










Sorry for all the dead bugs on the gill, we drove up the coast first.




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I have spent several weeks in scotland and wales and granted the countryside is nice there but in my opinion the u.s just has so much more being a bigger country. Last time I went to cali, it was amazing, you can have snow one minute in the mountains and hot weather just a few minutes drive away. UK is too cold and wet most of the time, were it not for a certain mr bush, I may well move there- althoug New Zealand beats it hands down IMO.

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samm_cvr6, yeah NZ is really great. I went there last time I was visiting some friends in AUS.


I think I am going to leave the grill black just to keep to the theme of the car. =]

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you could leave the grill black and just do the eyebrow - would look better and more deliberate / finished IMO (don't listen to me - it's your car :lol: )

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Phil K, I was thinking about just doing the top bar on it...I think later this summer if I can afford it I am going to have a lot of body work done on the car including a re-spray of the original color.



samm_cvr6, it’s kind of funny how the Corrado lives here. Not everyone knows about them still. I still get the occasional "That’s a Volkswagen? Is it new?" which I find hilarious. as for the people that know about them, most people kind of respect the drivers of them because they are a lot of work to maintain and I personally think they are the ultimate VW enthusiast’s car because they require so much attention. They aren’t as common as they seem to be over there, probably because they didn’t sell very well over here as far as I know. Plus you guys also got more years out of the G60 and a few other models we didn’t get over here.

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did you count the dead bugs? we had a thing going here a little while ago where some native bird census group were asking drivers to count the number of dead bugs on the number plate after each trip. have to laugh don't you

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