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My Ibiza Cupra 0-60 after mods! LOL

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This another one of your rolling start down a hill vids. :-P


NOPE... video was filmed BUILDING UP speed on teh A3 London Bound !!! NO HILLS no WIND LOL


ok since theres a bit of disbelief i will re-film with a difrent camera? and play music...

*& no music heard from the speakers not high quaility music i dub over the video yeah*


look at the refecttions the appear the same rate if u drive a 20vt u know 2 gear maxes out at 60 ITS ALL REAL LOL.....


ohhh well b4 i posted it here i knew this will be another 3-4 pages of disbelief ohhh well


;-) ill prove it down the stip at inters... OMG

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ohhh well b4 i posted it here i knew this will be another 3-4 pages of disbelief ohhh well


Probably, because you've given us no more reason to beleive this one than you did the last.


In fact, I find this one more unbeleivable.

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I love the way it seems to spin right round to 80 without trying.... you know it just ain't happening

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why post 'exactly' the same kind of video as you did before with no further proof to back it up after the amount of doubt people had over your corrado's 0-60? whatever trevor!

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hmmm does look a bit fishy to me, but the reason for the dip in revs around 20mph could be to do with the traction control as the light flashes at 20 mph

most speedo's have a bit of a dead spot at the start even my bosses porsche does so why does the video start imediately as the revs pick up? would be better if the camera panned down to the speedo from the top of the dash to prove you are stationary

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chris CORRADO? No, Doctor Who more like. Leave the tardis at home next time.. ;)

Or are you really just chris COLORADO using a pseudonym?



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And now... my Schrick-ed VR. Time warp not working on this video, it almost looks real.. :)




(Note the fact I had to turn the wheel (and the camera!) to turn out onto the private racetrack in question, so you can't see the fact that I lost a butt load of time due to spinning of wheels in 1st, hence the somewhat early gearchange. Lots of grit/crap on the road, unfortunately...)


* (de-embedded movie)

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why post 'exactly' the same kind of video as you did before with no further proof to back it up after the amount of doubt people had over your corrado's 0-60? whatever trevor!


1st my name is chris not trevor LOL




please give me a like song to play incase u think it not my car...


then i will get a mate to film the ride... *thats means 2 up* and we will both talk to one another so you can c that the vid is NOT speeded up OMG LOL

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Chris: correct me if I'm wrong, but listening to your clip it seems you changed up to third for the 40-60 sprint, then went for fourth just afterwards.. That seems bonkers low gearing, what's going on?

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tbh I do find this clip more believable than the last ones, them cupras make 200+bhp with just a remap and are lighter than a vr. Still think its a slightly rolling start, possibly downhill and the last 16v vids were definately fake. :-P

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them cupras make 200+bhp with just a remap


I'm not so sure, if this was a 150bhp 20VT. The 150bhp engines, I believe, use the K03 turbo and that's not capable of producing 200bhp with just a remap. The K03 Sport and K04 are more suitable.


Please correct me if I'm wrong.

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