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whats the most you have paid on your insurance premium?

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being that i am an old git i have just paid £220 fully comp through norwich union for my vr6.

but i would hate to think how much the younger drivers pay ,and i have seen some on the forum as young as 18.

be interesting to know who has paid the highest amont.

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My first Corrado was probably the worst to insure.. think it ended up costing over £1,600 in one year.


You live and learn though eh.. getting cheaper every year now!

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Ah, but he had one of the first Corrados back in 1825, when he was only 18.

£1600 could buy you a couple of houses in them days!


Erm, hang on... ;)

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The price for insuring a grp 17 car, at 21, in a shitty area of the country.

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dunno whats the worst insurance as my valver was pretty cheap compared to my xjs which was £850 3 party fire theft (tft). Valver was about £500 tft when i first got it but has now plummeted to 260 with 3 points on my license and 5 years no claims on the street in a city (thats with adrian flux) :D .


Think the most ive ever paid was a volvo 440glt which was over the 1000 mark for 3rd party lol

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Ive been fleased for my VR. Not sure on the exact figure as i kept changing bits on the policy, think its around the £1500 mark full comp. First insurance policy so i guess its to be expected.

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lol - i went out and bought my valver the day after i passed my test :)



£2200 third party fire and theft - I WIN :)



no ,,, wait ,,,,, thats BAD :(

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i paid 1600 fully comp for my r5 gtt, the vr6 is the first time ive had insurance under 1000 and its the biggest engine car ive had...how does that figure?

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£1200 fullly comp on C 2.0 16v when I was 24. Was £550 last year on my VR with all mods declared (was 32), will be £700 in November

(when I get my licence back!) Woohoo!

Sorry I can't stop going on about it :D I'm just slightly made up.

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i paid £1300 TPFT on my old 1.8 16v when I was 23, the VR is costing just under a grand fully comp. I used to winge about how much it was, but it just become the 'norm' now. its the price you pay for having powerful tastes at a relativly young age!

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Heh.. you are right about paying through the nose. It does become the norm.


Then you tell people who drive pretty standard cars what you pay and the colour drains from their face.. that said, I felt that the £750 fully comp / protected NCD on my G60 this year (every mod declared!) was pretty reasonable! :)

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I paid £850 comp for my VR when I was 23. I set myself a budget of 1k to insure a performance car and was quite pleased with that. Hopefully will drop a bit next year too, if I still have it.

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payed 1500 fully comp on a 1.1 peugeot 106 when i was 17 :D

now paying £300 to insure my g60 fully comp on top of the £500 i payed for the pug at the start of the year (changed car on policy) that also include keeping the pug on the road till the 29th of april.

overall price for a full year is around the £700 makr fully comp. and im not eve 21 :D wahahahaha

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£717 comp with 9pts and 2 claims in a sh1ty post code where all the fire arms offenders live, only 1 1/2 miles from Pennywell if ya heard if it, I stay clear of it cos they even throw bricks at police cars, infact a copper got killed a few years ago by some scroats chucking half a paving slab through a police cars windscreen whilst he was speeding to answer a call!

The estate is in the process of getting knocked down, i should take pictures, I don't think some of the people on here could comprehend just what i'm speaking about!

It's that bad, but good if you want drugs, not far to walk.




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I think I have had my fair share of being stung......


320 E reg BM when I was 18 @ £1200.

1.6 Vectra P reg when I was 23 @ £540 (horrible, why did i buy it again?).

2.5 24V6Mitsubishi Gallant @ £750 (seriously quick)

2ltr 8 Valve Corrado @ £500 (best car to drive)


The worst bit is if you add up for every year that you have been driving - thats a shocker!

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The worst thing is if you add together your insurance, repairs, maintainance, and petrol for running a car for a year.. the figure can be a genuinely shocking amount sometimes.

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