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Corrado SLC 'road test video' from 1992!

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Right then.. now that i've finished downloading (so you guys wont slow my download any more than it is now!)!


Some nice fellow on VW Vortex ripped this and uploaded it :)


http://homepage.mac.com/timothynosenzo/ ... do_VHS.mov


Just downloading now... not sure what the actual video is like, but getting a few thumbs up from the Americans :)

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nice video, the guys pronouciation (spelling??) of 'cohradhoe' is a bit annoying but the way he says 'pissaaart' is just funny!

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Yeah, nice cone work, but that VR burble brings back scary memories :?


What a crap programme tho, my god. I was starting to really worry but then they came up with the 'Maryland public television' bit at the end... :lol: - explains a lot

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Now available to download from fastpurple :)

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yea - the cone bit is well cool - didnt realise we could do that ---- im going cone hunting ;)


Make sure your axle bushes are fairly new, otherwise it'll get messy...

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A full 29.4 megaloupies too!

Fun but the music was a bit OTT at the start lol wasn't it?

Hated the way he said Veedobleya, It's Veedoubleyou i was saying to my self.



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yea - the cone bit is well cool - didnt realise we could do that ---- im going cone hunting ;)


Make sure your axle bushes are fairly new, otherwise it'll get messy...





good piont - how do i know if there any good? what do they cost ( not hijacking thread - just a quikieto save space)?

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good piont - how do i know if there any good? what do they cost ( not hijacking thread - just a quikieto save space)?


Well you get a line of cones... :lol:


Seriously tho, if the bushes are dead the back will feel very unsettled and soggy and you'll get quite a lot of rear steer.

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biggerbigneil, nope, when the rear bushes die, they float about all over the show meaning that the rear axle is passively steering ALL the time, even on straights! Cornering gets somewhat interesting 'cos the control part is done by the rubber bushes, with them going all soggy, you suddenly find that the rear end is trying to steer as much as it can even in the lightest of corners... :|


It's an interesting thing to try and drive is a Corrado with dead rear bushes... (yup, mine went, did you guess?!? :lol: )

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Aye, definitely sloppy when dead. Mine was downright scary above 50 before I got the bushes done...

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nooooooo... Poly bushes in the rear end (ooh, that sounds painful... :| :lol: ) will kill the passive rear steering and mess up some of the handling characteristics of the Corrado that make it such a fun car to drive... :|

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enjoyed that! shame they slagged of all other models tho!

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