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changing rear pads...do i need a tool?

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Ive changed the front pads on my car before and it was a fairly straightforward job.But i now need to change the rears and just wondered if its basically the same job as the fronts or do i need a special tool.Im sure i read somewhere about a"wind in tool" for the calipers or will a trusty g clamp do the trick.Cheers

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It can be done with a G-clamp, but be very carefull not to damage the rubber boot, and its a comination of squeeze and turn (the piston) to get it to go back in!

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Yeah, you need to actually screw the piston back into the caliper, so a £15 wind-back tool from Halfords will help you a lot...

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Yep, don't use a G clamp, someone had said it's possible with circlip pliers but for the sake of £20 just buy the tool, Halfords sell them or Draper do a much cheaper version.

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Ive changed the front pads on my car before and it was a fairly straightforward job.But i now need to change the rears and just wondered if its basically the same job as the fronts or do i need a special tool.Im sure i read somewhere about a"wind in tool" for the calipers or will a trusty g clamp do the trick.Cheers


Yes there is. Go to halfords. They do one, for less than £20. Its worth every penny and it saves oodles of time in changing pads. No butchering, no swearing, and its dead easy.

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This is what you need such a simple little tool that makes lfe a hell of alot easier the part number is 52334 most motor factors should sell them, we used to knock them out at £3 so hardly going to break the bank! :D

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heat em up first I ve always found that works and while they're hot spray some plus gas around them it absorbs better that way. But if he's just changing the pads he wont need to touch the 2 allen bolts as he wont need to take the carriers off, just the calipers need to come off which is the 2 13mm bolts that hold the calipers in need to come out!!

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