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fitted blue/red clocks!

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Arrived in the post this morning, thanks to gradeAfailure, and since I had a day off work recovering from last nights excessive intake of alcohol based refreshments, i decided to fit them. Took me about twice as long as it should have due to wobbly hands and a wooly head, and then I had to take them apart again as i fiddled with the needles and messed up their positions (once again thanks to gradeA for telling my how to undo my mistake). Pretty unimpressive after the install....but then it was bright sunlight so the illumination wasnt visible! :lol: had to wait until now to take some snaps and its STILL not properly dark outside. The photos show them a little brighter than they actually are, and the MFA screens are red not orange which means the whole thing matches my headunit illumination quite nicely.


I also re-routed the wire/LED for my alarm into the clock unit so its positioned in the lower right blank space along with all the other warning LED's. If i was doing it again I'd put it on the left as its not very visible to potential theves, but it does look pretty neat and saves distroying a switch blank which I recently found out have been discontinued by VAG.


next job is swapping all the other LED's to blue! - note to self dont do it with a hangover :roll: :lol:

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Looks much better than the green 8)


I've been doing exactly the same thing today... was getting incredibly frustrated because I kept dropping screws in the dash while trying to put it back together!! :lol: But after taking the dashboard apart and putting it back together, I've had a very happy, distracting drive home :)

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smart 8)


did you send them away to have them done then?

how much etc?



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I bought the whole clock set off gradeAfailure, but I'm pretty sure hes doing DIY kits, best off PMing him really! I think the illumination bulbs could do with being a little stronger as the photos are pretty much how bright I'd like them, but in reality they're not as bright as that.


oh and chris, I dropped the screws a fair few times too until i found my magnetic screwdriver!

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Shilakadaddy, Did you just replace the original bulbs with coloured leds? If so where did you get them etc? Been meaning to do this for ages.

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Well i'll defo be in if its going to be soon, i take it it will be blue bulbs for the top section and red for the lower section?

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ya dont need the bulbs for the mfa display, just use a red filter instead of the green. i used a ring binder and it worked a treat.

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As above, just use filters from a hobbycraft or similar place for the mfa.


The top bulbs will be your choice, as will the rest of the led's for the switches etc. Im just waiting for them to get back to me.

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I just purchased a set of Reverse RED LCD for my corrado and was wondering how hard it is to install these. It would be great if somebody had a step by step because I know I will break something diving in on my own..

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Looks much better than the green 8)


I've been doing exactly the same thing today... was getting incredibly frustrated because I kept dropping screws in the dash while trying to put it back together!! :lol: But after taking the dashboard apart and putting it back together, I've had a very happy, distracting drive home :)


I tend to put a small blob of blue tac in the screw head so I dont drop the screw using non magnetised drivers

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next job is swapping all the other LED's to blue! - note to self dont do it with a hangover :roll: :lol:


Chris are you going to atempt to change all of the electric switch gear from green to blue...


If so what replcement LED are you using???


Wouldn't mind giving this a go myself as ive got blue illumination on my dials.

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what about the ones for behind the MFA and clocks? the Stubby LEDs what is their official name as I dont want to look a wally in Maplins. The staff there have a tendancy to be a bit geeky.

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what about the ones for behind the MFA and clocks? the Stubby LEDs what is their official name as I dont want to look a wally in Maplins. The staff there have a tendancy to be a bit geeky.


i know the feelin Zippster. I was lucky when i went into Maplins. I got served by the electronic nerdy geek... (the sort that would work there even if her didnt get paid for it.... you know, the sort of geezer that creams his pants talking about resistors and diodes which i know jack all about!)...


Anyway.........when i took an actual switch apart in front of him, i could tell he was getting his "thrill". He got all the gadgets / testers / meters out, and sorted me out with just the right bulbs i needed. 20p each or something stupid like that. So far have managed to do all the LEDs from Green to Red.


The MAF thing is easy. just coloured see thru plastic. I did mine with loads of layers. Got loads left over if you want it.


Just got to figure out how to do the headlight switch. Its the only one that looks odd. Anyone help me out with this final piece of the jigsaw? This and the heater controls.

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Hey Del, Long time bud. Ive got my MAF and clock in blue but it is obvious there is a bulb behind it caus there is a bright spot.


The light switch is in 2 bits, one to show you where the switch is and an alarm one to let you know when it is turned on. By all accounts it is a case of cutting some gel to the same sizes.

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Ive got my MAF and clock in blue but it is obvious there is a bulb behind it caus there is a bright spot


When you took the green filter out from behind the MAF, did you take the white sheet out too? If so, put it back. I got that tip (alongside a million others for this mod) from GradeAFailiure. Its like a diffuser which apparently spreads the light over the whole area.



Hey Del, Long time bud.


It is. Are you coming to Ultimate on 5th March? Will be a good time to catch up. Only a few weeks away now.

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