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I don't F***ING believe it!!!!

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I've just spent the last 3 months totally rebuilding the C to a very high (No expense spared) standard.


I was backing it out of the garage on Monday to change the oil after the first 100 miles had sucessfully been covered when I saw my tool chest moving too!! :shock:


To cut a long story short - I now have a (No Bulls**t) 2 foot long crease down the passenger side door :mad:


Arrrgggghhh [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ghewIONG'KLWnha'''''''''''''''''ionb'io\OBG'DNGBP'r :cry:


The Car is white if anyone is breaking a C with a good NS door.

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there is a white c being broken here at the moment

ill check the n/s door for you tomorrow

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sorry to hear about your bad luck :?


on the bright side - at least it's not a metalic and you won't need to get the whole side blown over should the new door need painting

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