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Went a drive last night. 3 big pics

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If the weather holds up tonight, I am going to take the car a drive tonight. Going to leave edinburgh, head west towards Glencoe/Crianlarich, then head east again perhaps towards perth/auchteradarder, back to Edinburgh.

It would be a nice big loop, without any doubling back to come home again!


I will give those I have numbers for a text, but anyone one else wanting to join in let me know here.... we could get some really wicked pictures!


I will be on CF at work all day.



pics on page 2

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Bugger! Would be up for this Andy but I've got a birthday party to go to tonight. If the drive goes ahead, make sure you get some good pics to post up.

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I am sure there will be another time! At least that saves me a text! Joe, Leon, if u read this... I have to top up my mobile, so U might as well reply here if I havent Text u yet!

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Ill get back to you soon, mot expired yesterday and ive got to stick the cat back on and a few other bits to get it through.

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i might be up for this, was actually planning a drive up to the campsies tonite on my own!!! what time u leaving at???

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well, VW never got the damn parts that I ordered - they had the wrong number of bolts for the inlet manifold (replacing all the bolts etc) - so I didn;t get the 4 branch fitted today :( not impressed as this is a repeat offence...


rant over lol


Now, do i make an emergency cancellation and not go out tonight and instead take the car out round aroute I've been itching to do or suggest making it Sunday for a full day event?

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my reasons for doing it on a friday night, is that everyone is at home, or out drinking.... therefore not in my way. On a sunday u have a load of caravans and grandpoppies tootling along. Also... I have nothing to do tonight!


Think I will leave Edinburgh around 7pm.....

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let me get back to you then. at what point would i join you then if i came along? leaving work at 4 today i think.... not sure i can do as i'm supposed to be having folk round for drinks to start the night off - though been waiting for such a drive for some time

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crap - cant make it cos am gonna need to stay in work a bit later, wouldnt make it thu for 7...


if anyone is planning anything similar again, please gimme a shout!!!

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through? I am going to leave edinburgh at 7pm, going to glasgow, and throught to loch lommond. As long as we are clear of Glasgow by 8pm, I can still be around glencoe when its light and there is a good view.

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do'h... blonde moment!!! am forgetting u need to come this way first anyway!!!!


will let u know if i can get outta work in time n so i can join ya...



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For tonight, I think the route will be....


Go to theAA.com put start from Glasgow, destination Stirling, via Crianlarich then Callander.

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Hmm, not enough info for the aa website, its asking for more details.

Ill go, does your route go through Milngavie? If it does it would probably be the best place for me to meet you.

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Joe, I am going to follow signs for lochlommond once i get to glasgow..... where is a good place for me to wait for you.


Leon, are you coming? Do you want to meet me in Edinburgh, or go straight to Glasgow?

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Just seen your post Leon, there will be another time!


Scarlett, you coming? Or is it just me and Joe..... again! (It often ends up being just me and joe!)

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been wanting to do a good long drive in the car for ages now - just if i come i'll be letting others down so... next time if i know a day before hand i'll be there

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How about I get you at the secc, then we can go via stockiemuir road heading to loch lomond joining on to where your route will go. Its about the same distance but much more entertaining than heading through Clydebank and Dumbarton.

Ask biggrim, he knows the road. (From the trip to stirling.) :)

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Good idea this - I regularly go to Stirling/Callander/Tyndrum/Glencoe, but usually stay up there for a day or two.

I would be keen to go another time with more notice, but prefer to avoid Loch Lomondside.

Unfortunately (?) Friday nights the night my wife and I drink wine with our meal and I have just been cross examined in court all afternoon so will have to give tonite a miss. Like the idea for "central Scotland" folks, though. Maybe next time Andy and others?

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scarlet, i am meeting joe at the SECC for around 8pm...... u gonna be there?


anyone else feel free to join us!



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I like the idea of a nice drive, maybe in the future, once I get my pile of s**te running and handling better again!

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andrew - sorry i got totally caught up at work, didnt get out til after 8 so wouldnt have made it anyway.... gimme a shout next time to, head up Loch Lomond/Campsies quite a bit so will def be up for it!

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You guys all missed out! It was a great drive!


Went up to Rowerdennan lodge on the north east of Loch Lomond, and then across to Aberfoyle and on to Stirling. It was most excellent... the road noise dissapeared completely on the brow of at least two hill, and I lost traction on the brow of countless hills! Its the first time in 6 months the car has actually made me smile! Brakes got sharper with some decent usage, with the tyres warmed the car turned in and gripped great!


Here are the 3 best pics.... of the 8 that I took.


Next time i think it would be well worth some video camera action!


The first from the Peir at Rowerdennan on the east side of Loch Lomond:



A nice picture of Rowardennan Lodge:


And my favourite... Mine and Joe's cars with Loch Lomand, and Beinn Bhreac in the background:


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