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Utterly disenchanted with life

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Looks to me like it was break fluid mate. Or possibly Nitromorse.


Had a similar thing happen to my first car, a £15k Xsara VTR, many years ago.


I knew exactly who'd been involved as I'd had a fallout with a local chap over something very trivial. Spineless bastid couldn't sort the issue out to my face. So he left a carrier bag full of brake fluid on my roof.


What had been a relatively minor fallout became war!

His car mysteriously caught fire in his driveway one night a few months later and he was paid a visit by some "connected" friends of mine and told that was the end of it!


Took a while to get the petrol fumes out of my clothes. ;)


Not that I condone such action now as a mature 28 year old.

But when someone attacks your family, property or person you have every right to defend it.

My dad was a policeman for 23 years and he constantly laments on how hard it is to catch little scumbags like this.

On the few occassions they were caught, they were often very clumsy and tripped on the pavement or fell down the stairs at the station.

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Three cheers for Mike, the only way to treat them, respect to you my friend. I've got a camera out the front and make sure i talk very loudly about it to people while scummers walk past. Only £40, and well worth it.

The sound is great too, well sensative.


Its a shame the police tend to be more intersted in doing you for 45 in a 40 than catching pikeys that reck your hard earned. Burn them all.......

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That is shocking, I cannot believe there are people out there that do that kind of thing!! Hope no one does it to my newly sprayed VR :?

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Bally, nothing to do with why she's now an ex I hope :lol:


:lol: I maybe mad.... but not that mad :lol:

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real sorry to hear that mate.....this countrys legal system sucks.....too much freedom and no control!! hope you get it sorted.....

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Nightmare, aside from having your car nicked this is the next worse thing. Good to look on the positive side though, do some project work on the motor.


Coppers just arn't too helpful when it comes to this sort of thing and nine times out of ten they could narrow the suspects down to about 10 little to$$ers in the local area - the only problem now is that they can't go round and rough the little feckers up anymore. :mad:

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the only problem now is that they can't go round and rough the little feckers up anymore.


You'd be susprised how accident prone young offenders can be whilst in Police custody. ;)

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Still, it is a sad state of affairs that we've gotten so politically correct in this country that the thieving little dregs of society seem to get more rights and better treatment than the honest joes. Its great that they do get a bit of a tough time by the police, but all the tree huggers would be out in force complaining if they knew about it / could prove such things were going on!

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Legal justice and social justice are poles apart.


There is something to be said for the Saudi system of justice (Ahem) when it comes to these sorts of crimes.

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Absolutely gutted for you, that's a terrible thing to see. Is there a reputable bodyshop in your area, as I think you could get the work done for about half of your insurance excess.

Good luck,


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