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Wheres Rado.. Corrado Spotting at Ferrari Garage!

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I went with my boss to drop his Maserati off for servicing today at Bob Houghtons - A fairly local Ferrari specialist. It was the first time i'd been there and I could've cried. My poor Rados never looked so out of place!


As if i didn't feel poor enough, my boss is now looking at buying the 360 in the pic. :x


Bob Houghtons

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is that a light blue dino to the left of the pic??

*wipes drool from the keyboard *


imo i dont think that youre raddo looks that bad parked there

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Doesn't it make you cringe to think that a service on a Ferarri will cost you more than it would to actually buy a good Corrado?! :|


But yeah.. the Rado does fit in pretty well mate :D

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Like the illegal plate on the F40 :-)


Yeah, but who'se gonna catch it to tell him off? :lol:

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as jim says


corrado doesnt look out of place at all


reckon i could get adapters to make them F40 rims fit on my rado :lol:

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is that a light blue dino to the left of the pic??

*wipes drool from the keyboard *


imo i dont think that youre raddo looks that bad parked there


Well spotted! there were four of them there, plus a bare metal shell.

A lot of the cars there are owned by F1 team bosses.

We're going back next week, so will try and get some more snaps.

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yea bristolbaron get some pics of that dino their possibly one of the sexyist cars that were !! a modern model moderna might come close, but only might


andsure mabey with a few minor mods that spair shell might fit on a corrado chasie!!! :wink: :wink:

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cool mate, is that yr rado Baz?


Yup! thats mine.. you coming to BVF or GTI Fest? You'll have to take a look mate!


Will def have to get some dino pics, but didn't want to look like a gimp last time, taking pics and drooling when my boss is discussing buying a £70k car :oops:



Yandards the car was out same evening, but is going back next week for other bits and bobs... can't wait to see the bill!

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I love the way the mechanics come flocking towards the corrado.


They must have all been paged the second the raddo pulled into the garage.

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I love the way the mechanics come flocking towards the corrado.


They must have all been paged the second the raddo pulled into the garage.


:lol: they're all thinking now heres where we can make some real money!!

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excellent pic but are you sure they arent MR2's with body kits :-)




no, really the car park was empty, they're all photoshops!

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I see I wasn't the only one whose eye was immediately drawn to the 246 Dino :)


The most beautiful car ever made, IMHO. Sadly the closest I will ever get might be a kit version, but I have an aversion to replica kits so it'll probably never happen! :)

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bristolbaron did you ever go back with youre boss and get any more pics???



especially of the lovely dino beside youre raddo????? that would make a cool desktop pic for my pc, 2 of my favourite cars

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bristolbaron did you ever go back with youre boss and get any more pics???



especially of the lovely dino beside youre raddo????? that would make a cool desktop pic for my pc, 2 of my favourite cars


yup, been back a few times, he's had a few things sorted before it's px'd towards a quattroporte.


Will be going up on thursday to pick up his, so will try again then.


quick pic from last visit - was raining so didn't wander!

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theres a ferrari dealership around the corner from my house....Cardiff has more ferraris per square mile than anywhere else in the world apart from Italy so they're common as muck around here.....best thing is tho..the guy who owns the dealership is called " Dick Lovett "......nice....looks good on the bottom of the numberplates!!

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:lol: :lol: at first look at the pic i thought somone mangled the car to the left of the dark blue dino.....ddoooohhhh!!!! :lol:

that dark blue is lovely, never seen it on a ferarri before (not that i see alot of them :wink: )

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