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ET ?

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hi people just a quick question. when people are selling the wheels and they mention the ET as in ET15/20 or 30 what does it mean ?


also i am looking at flaring my arches, whats the difference between pulling them and rolling them and which is best for the corrado.



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I'm not sure what ET actually stands for, but it's also called the offset for the wheel,.


If you look at the wheel side-on, the offset is the distance between the centre of the wheel and the position of the bit where the hub joins up to the wheel.


As far as pulling and rolling goes, they usually mean the same kind of thing, but rolling is when they take the wheel off and attach a little mechanism to the hub, which is then rotated and rolls out the inside of the arch. If you look at your rear wheel arches, then you'll see there's a second skin on the inside, so if you roll that out then you can fit bigger wheels under, without having to change the appearance on the outside.


To me, pulled arches is basically the same thing, but implies the outside arch has been pulled out as well as the inner arch.

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I'd agree with the rolled arches description dinkus, but I think when he says 'pulled' hes talking about flaring them out like PhatVR6's and every C at worthersee :lol: I'm not entirely sure whats invloved in flairing but its more complex than rolling, and the general consensus is if you're even going to get the arches flaired DONT roll them in the interim cos it makes things harder/more costly later on.

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ET stands for EinpressTiefe, and literally means "insertion depth" (I think - Tempest, feel free to correct me!)


The lower the number, the closer the mounting face of the wheel is t the centreline, and so the further out the wheels will stick. The higher the number, the more the wheels will be tucked into the arches. I think the factory offsets are ET35 for the 4-pots and ET43 for the VR boys...

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Yeh, tried to be clever with my G/friend and said "How much EinpressTiefe do u want dear" 8) and she replied "Oh go on then all the way in please" :shock: - surprising what these women know when it comes to sex :wink:

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