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VW dealer warning.

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Don't go to VW motorworld in Kidlington, near Oxford. I'll let the pics do the talking.... :x







Now call me paranoid, but to me this looks like they went back and changed it later because they found nothing wrong. The discs are less than 12 months old. :p



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Sorry didn't know which forum to put it under, just wanted to give a warning. VW motorworld WILL find something to charge you for if you go for an MOT there. :!:


The MOT tester had gone home but the servicing manager was there, I said they were taking the piss failing it on that, he said fine lets go have a look. When we got to the car and inpected the discs he just looked kind of sheepish, but maintained they were cracked and that it must be in inner edge. So I made him put it up on ramps....inside edges looked exactly the same.....a few tiny hair-line cracks but nothing you wouldn't expect on drilled discs.


After that he didn't want to talk to me anymore, just said he was backing the tester and his opinion was final. I got a VT17 MOT appeal form, but nothing more.


By ministry do you mean a VOSA centre? To appeal I have to fill out a 4-page form, pay another MOT fee which is only refundable if I win my appeal, and I'm still not entitled to a refund of the original MOT fee. On top of that my MOT runs out on the 18th and I wouldn't be allowed to change the vehicle in any way until they've inspected it....so my car would probably be off the road for ages. So they've got me over a barrell really, takes the piss, you just have NO comeback. :(


Anyway, I took it to the local garage I should've gone to in the first place, he took one look said they were fine and that he'd pass it, so I've booked it in there for an MOT. Costs the same as appealing but I'll definitely get a certificate and won't have to do without the car. Wish there was more I could do. :x

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Hmmm - If another place passes it then you should be able to get your money back from Motorworld, threaten them with Trading Standards - worth a go...

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Get the MOT from the other garage, then put in a complaint, copying in your NEW MOT certificate, those photos and the fail certificate from Motorworld... You may not get anything back from it, but they WILL get a visit from the inspectorate not long after to see what's going on there and to make sure that they're not ripping people off... ;)


If there's one thing that the DTI don't like, it garages taking the p!ss with MOTs by either passing stuff what shouldn't be passed, or failing stuff for the sake of making a few quid... ;)

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I'd make sure that the second place is happy with you firing off the photos and cert to the inspectorate. Nowt worse than having it blow up in your face. If the inspec agree with VW it would go down badly for the other place.


If you are matey with the other fella, get him to have a look at the MOT guideline book they have.


I did this when doing a car with no door handles. In that case it said you had to be able to open the door from the outside, no mention of how you had to do it though.


Cover all the bases.


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Cheers for the advice guys.....don't know what to do really. Don't want to drop the second place in it for giving me an MOT, but then again I don't want to let VW get away with it. This is what I get for going to a main dealer :roll

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Just check that tester #2 is prepared for the investigation if one happens. You shouldn't be paying £80 to get your car tested.


You could have bought new discs and then taken them off again? A lot of fcuking about though.


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Right the car just passed no problems at the second place, he said he has no problems with me getting the car inspected by VOSA so I'll be filing a complaint against Motorworld later this week. :p

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Go for them, arrrrrgh :)


Did he really think he was going to generate some work :roll:



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My Mum bought a new MK3 Golf from them in '93 which has only done 20K, even today. 5 years ago she took it to Motorworld for an MOT & they tried to persuade her it needed £600 spending to get it through the MOT.


Luckily, she didn't fall for it & I got it MOT'd no problem somewhere else. It's never needed any of the stuff they claimed! Motorworld also lost a loyal customer as she flatly refuses to go there for anything now.

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Just dropped the car off at the VOSA centre for inspection....should know the outcome by early afternoon. :?

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I WIN. The tester agreed that it was an "advisory" item and should not have failed. Getting my MOT fee back from VW as soon as they have the report. :D

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Tut tut.. hopefully Motorworld are gonna get a rocket up the ass for this.

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Garages normally back down if its a legit complaint and you threaten them with the Ministry because the hassle that a visit creates is just not worth it, your entire MOT system is put under a microscope and they pick out every little problem, after so many warnings its bye bye license so its just not worth it.

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Kudos? 8)


I got them once; they're worse than bl00dy gift vouchers though, you can't spend 'em anywhere...




Good work on getting the dealers to back down though, gotta be a few red faces all round...!

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I get my MOT fee and a 'good will' gesture. The bloke on the phone couldn't say for sure what I'd get though. I'll be going in for a chat with the manager when I get the report back from VOSA. ;)

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Got my MOT fee back today, at last, plus £20 for fuel and inconvenience. Happy with that, and hopefully they got a load of shit from VOSA, still won't be taking another car there again EVER. :roll:

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