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Chris VR6nos

Faster than Fast

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I had an eventfull night last night out down a local gathering place called spillers.

There were a few nice cars there and some of them you would think twice about racing.

The challenge was to race a Impreza WRX STi.

I expected to get beaten as you can never tell what has been done to these things.

So off we go from the line and as expected, off he shoots as i do my best to keep traction in the first 3 gears! just a little spin in each gear on the change trying not to loose it all.

Surprisingly 3rd gear showed it's colours and i pulled all of his lead back and passed him half way down the run!

There was not the world of difference between us however my little C did the business!




On the way home a lad called Wayne in his MR2 turbo(import) went against me and earlier he told me that his could beat the scooby that i had raced down Spillers.

From Team-Valley (where there is always a cruise on a Saturday night) to Sunderland we went down the Washington dual carriage-way and booted it.

We were pretty much door handle to door handle as the speed crept up, and up.

We were at 120mph and i had to break to let the MR2 in to my lane to get past a car going 70mph, once past, floored it again and both to the floor it was a fair race.

He is on 1bar boost and I am only using a weedy 6psi and no nitrous.

The road is long and straight so there was nothing to stop us but i didn't like looking at the speedo at those speeds but needed to know what we were doing.

At 150mph and still side by side I began to think twice about the potential concequences.

Never the less i had to stick with it and hold my end up against him.

The climax was that I passed the MR2 showing 165mph on my speedo!!!

I was somehow still accelerating but had passed him and the race was won!

We slowed to a stop at the end of the road and put our thumbs up, both happy and surprised with the performance and went our own ways home.

So how fast is your car and what have you challenged and won??


VR power! with a little help from Vortech.


Corrado meeting 9pm Sun night @ Team-Valley





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Nice one bloody hell very intense looking forward to have a look at your car tonight, thats performance I want whic is kinda why I want a VR6 but I am sure you can convince me it's the best way to go!!

Well best go out and get my car into running condition as it's been a little tempramental resently. see ya tonight.

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Jesus.. I can only guess what the power of a supercharged VR must be like.


Seriously though, its a good job we don't have any coppers on this forum.. i'm sure they'd be asking for your details from Andi by now :)

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It was good because I always said that I didn't really get the impression of power so enjoyed the chance to put it against a couple of capable cars for comparrison.

Will use the nitrous next time to wheel spin past the MR2 :lol:


I hear Mully has sold his red VR already, don't know why.


Next step either a charge cooler which i'm told maintains full power and makes a difference of up to 30bhp from a hot engine in summer temperatures, or water injection but i have to get a smaller pully to give 8-9psi and take it to near 280-300bhp without the nitrous, see how it goes.


Can't wait to get my ultra-lite flywheel on so it revs like a motorbike! :evil:

I'll bring it along tonight to show because it's so sexy it's worth seeing.



Cheers Chris

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One thing I must say GET WATER INJECTION. I have on mine and when you get out the car from a hard drive and feel the boost pipes they are cold even under a really hot bonnet.

I have a system on my G so you can check it out tonight oh and I'll bring the RR results that show the gains I got from it (no-one believes me otherwise) oh and you can run methanol which gives you loads more torque (like you need more anyway!!)

Yeah a smaller pulley is always a nice cheap mod cos your garrenteed a big gain. Is the charger running off toothed pulleys? they are again a great investment (if they are available, mine is running some and the boost comes in so low down full and does'nt dye away at all.

See ya tonight

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165mph in a vr6 would be right on the 7000rpm rev limit that the vortech kit provides. The speedo only goes to 160 though so I assume it was just past that Chris VR6nos?

Also remember that most speedos overread slightly ao it was probably nearer to 150-155mph.


Out of interest, did you notice what the rev counter said or were you too busy watching the road. :lol:


ps, ive seen 145 on my speedo (private road of course) and it still had a bit left, there was a roundabout coming up fast though so had to slow down.

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I did have fun!

The revs were around the 7000rpm mark but not quite and i have a std gearbox.

I have done 160mph before and have spoken to a few people that have seen the same on thier C's.

The MR2 showed 160mph and I was going past him, my speedo was about a 5mph gap past the end of the clock going by the graduations, anyway it was bloody fast and I don't want to do that many more times as it only takes a mistake once!!


James, I don't have to show off by killing round-a-bouts Zebedy! sorry mate 8) stay cool.


Paul, In all the excitement, I forgot to show you the flywheel :?





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Seriously though, its a good job we don't have any coppers on this forum.. i'm sure they'd be asking for your details from Andi by now :)


...there's a least one ex-copper on this forum...







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this reminds me of a recent thread where the general conclusion was that on the road it is not the fastest who will win but the driver who is prepared to be the biggest plonker and take the most risks.

not meant to offend

just my 2p worth


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Chris - glad to hear that the charger has been worth the wait now that it's all sorted! :D

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I don't think I should be judged on this as it was 3am and only got in to the high speeds after passing a solitary car so we were the only ones on the road but admitadly it was a dangerous event and as i put it 'not something I want to do often' and I don't endorse this sort of action on a public road, BUT, it was exciting and adrenalising and a good test against another machine!


Tom, you told me that you were doing 130+ up the mountain road last week!


Don't drive silly and don't kill anyone including yourself and all will be well, but if these cars were meant to go 30 & 70mph only then they would have 1litre engines!


Enjoy your VR6 and the mods you have invested in and continue your hobby and stay safe. Hows that? :lol:


Come on lads lighten up I am more sensible than a lot of people but love my VR and what it can do and take it to it's limits, how many people can say they have done that with thier VR's?


Lets not turn this forum into the Yahoo Egroup!


My 2penneth worth :evil: :evilbat: :multi:






P.s. Cheers VR6 for the ps comment.

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Chris mate,


I did clearly state that it was not aimed at you but merely this type of thread. It's just unfortunate that I aired my voice in this particular thread.


I wouldn't hear a bad word against you. That's the truth.

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One thing I must say GET WATER INJECTION. I have on mine and when you get out the car from a hard drive and feel the boost pipes they are cold even under a really hot bonnet.


I second that. Used to have an Aquamist system on my 16V Turbo.


oh and you can run methanol which gives you loads more torque (like you need more anyway!!)


Not really. Methanol is a cooler and it is this cooling effect that gives you the torque, if you advance the ignition to take advantage of the denser charge, that is. Methanol is not as flammable as petrol. You need twice as much methanol to do the same job as petrol. It's simply there to cool and act as a 'fill-in' for the petrol as you've removed some of it's flammability by introducing water.


I used to run a 60/40 mix (Water/meth) in a 9 litre washer bottle from a Headlight washer model MK2 Golf. If you can't get hold of neat methanol, use screen wash.



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