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More Speeding stuff

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My mate has just been served a NIP dated 19/07/2006 for doing 40 mph in a 30mph limit. But the date of the offence was 28/05/2005.


He was caught by a mobile camera (dunno whether that makes a difference) but doesnt the 14day nip issue rule apply here?

If so what does he do? I dont think returning it will a letter stating Up Yours or words to that effect would go down well.


Does he ignore it? or what?


any help would be appreciated



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if it were a mobile camera and the date was wrong, i'd be questioning its calibration and asking to see the paperwork for when it was last done. my argument would be if they cant get the date right how can you take their evidence of you speeding as fact?

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oops yes 19/07/2005


apparently the date he was caught was correct - as was the issue date.


only 52 days later...

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Make sure his address is up to date on his liscence!


I did this and mine was'nt. I got a letter back basically laughing saying, yes you are right but your address is wrong on your liscence. They gave me a choice, theyd wave the £60 speeding fine and fine me £1000 for having an invalid liscence or I could pay the £1000 and they'd wave the speeding fine.



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Yes, the 14 day rule still applies. He can either ignore it completely or send it back with an appropriately worded letter. He's a lucky boy.

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