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Dick Dastardly

how does that fuel pump not want to be parted with the fuel

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Evening to all you Corrado lovers,


I stumbled across the website last week its makes good reading. Ive had my Storm since November 99. What a car, I have to agree with the comments that it is a bit below par under 3500 rpm. After reading some comments I contacted AMD to get more details on getting the car remapped, I am going to make the trip down in Sept to get it sorted out, cheers for the info.


Anyway I have a bit of a problem that I could do with some help with, the fuel pump has had enough I got a replacement at the local VAG dealer £95 (not to expensive) I am having problems removing the original. I have taken the cover off in the boot and removed the top seal allowing access to the fuel tank. Looking at the new pump it looks as though it requires turning anti clock wise but it doesn't want to move.


Anybody had this problem or know how to remove it?

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They are a pain somtimes to move,if you are trying by had -no way :mad:

Either tap it around with sutable flat punch(dont by shy to hit it) :evil: Or make a tool out of flat bar or something that will apply evan pressure


You have to use force with the plastic, its tough but just needs to be hit evenly on either side...


Or buy VAG tool :turn-l: :shock:


Hope ive been some help


Cheers James

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just a thought,couldnt you use one of the old oil filter wrench type tool,the one with a flat bar and chain,wrap the chain around it it and remove it like an oil filter

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I didn't want to hit it in case it left some debris in the tank, but I will give it a go, I am I right to be trying to turn it anti-clockwise?


thats what the filter is for, and did you relise just how much metal comes off the fuel nozzle every time u put that in, My old fiesta tank was full of rubbish.

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The tank is plastic so is the ring,dirt would only be from what u drop in from the sides :?

Yea, thats what the fuel filter is for :)


Rams ....whats under pressure ? the tank? :?:


And its anti-clockwize :D



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cheers for the help I got the pump out with the use of a oil filter wrench, I changed the fuel filter and put in some Hotshots as recomended in another thread. I took it a run all day just to make sure there were no problems

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