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C. Will Corrado G60 2

Kamei Eyebrow spoiler

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Ok, I know this has been around a little, I've been trying to find a Kamei eyebrow spoiler and am having no lucky!!! :(


I know GSF are doing a version but is it as good? I bought one from Eurocarparts sometime ago but thought it was shite!!!!


Anyone help out here as I really want to get one fitted.



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I had one from GSF on my valver and it was pretty good quality, certainly as good (if not better) than the reiger brow/grille i've got in the shed.

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IIRC i paid around £25 for mine, but i dont remember any instuctions... i got mine fitted by the bodyshop when they resprayed the car and they just bonded the eyebrow along the top of the lights and grille. I dont think i've ever heard of anyone having a 'sagging' problem with that style of eyebrow and from the looks of things once it was on, the fit was pretty snug. Q&A is what this sites all about matey :wink:

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i drilled through my spoiler and into the headlights and grill....4 little screws and away you go!. :D

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Look on ebay, ive just got myself a deep grill spolier, should get it this week, will see how it fits and post pics.

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great minds think alike! :wink:


by the by...is sir available for his delivery of free corrado parts this eve?...will be givin a driving lesson at some point.

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they've said to try Germany!


fairly broad suggestion there.....its quite a large country... :o

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Chris.. im sure if you rang around G&S stores you'll find one.. did you get yr lamps in the end at Ace Cafe??

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the photoshop master strikes again :lol:

as soon as i get a digi cam i'll send you some pics,cheaper than spending cash doing the mods

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Never mind the lights mate, which personally i think look great on a black raddo. WHAT ARE THOSE WHEELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they look the dogs!

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Shit I need some more cash!!! Thoses photoshop touched are shockingly good. Shame when I popped out side she didn't look the same!!!


Given me some ideas though!!!! Thanks


NickVR6, FK's mate a well kept secret!!!!

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Very very nice!


I've just ordered a kamei style eyebrow from that bloke on ebay. Will let you guys know what its like when i get it next week.


Anyone know if its possible to spray them yourself with a spray can from vag?

I take it you would be a genious to get any sort of finish without it done prefessionally?

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