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What's the best looking/most ugly car ever made?

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Ugliest: AMC Pacer


No way, Pacers are great, I've had a soft spot for them ever since Wayne's World came out.


Bit cliche but the most beautiful is the Aston DB9.


Ugliest has to be this monstrosity!

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Best - Lamborghini Muira SV


Worst - Alfa Romeo Arna - Japanese Design, Italian Build Quality :shock:

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I think some cars are more dated than ugly, but agreed the Fiat Multipla is hidious!

But for me its the latest Nissan Micro looks like a frog on wheel, whereas the Multipla looks like its got a disease!

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isn't the mazda 121 essentially an old fiesta anyway? wagon R is pretty damn awful, not bad choice, but think we might have to start a new thread for most practical, because that means different things to different people, some look at space, others purely at mpg etc..


WIth regard to the 121 there was one before that that looked like a bubble. It was truly horrid. How about this for a beautiful car:



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Best looking i'd say late 60's/early 70's corvette stingray - what i'd give to own one of these babies


Worst I'd say new micra - looks like a thin car has been squeezed over a fat one! :pukeright:

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Ugliest car...??? hmmmmmm.... i'd say its gotta be a close run thing between the Multipla, yuckity yuck...... or the Hyundai Accent, especially in white with a biiiiiig spoiler.... uuugh...... revolting......


Prettiest car.... can i be really sad and say i still think that the Rado is stunning, but that the Alfa Romeo Brera makes me come over all funny at one glance.... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!



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