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Mequiars Clay Bar - Whos used it?

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I've recently got this Mequiars "Quick Clay" clay bar cleaning stuff (cant remember the exact name), but was told before i use it to get some tips from people that have used it in the past...


So, has anyone used it before? Can you give some tips on how best to use it and get a good result on my car please? Thanks.

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Used as written on the box. Hand hurt afterwards though. Impressed with the result.

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From the small patch i did the other day the results are great, i followed as per instructions on box, though i cant imagine how long it will take to do the whole car!!

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Yup, I've used one. As the guys have said, use as directed on the box :)


To make sure you've got the paintwork as clean as it'll get keep rubbing until it stops making any noise at all, then you know you've got all the bits out.


The bar is really only good for one use though, so chuck it when you're done.

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oxfordpaul, throw it away or use it on your wheels etc DO NOT USE IT AGAIN if you have got dirt in it trust me it scratches your paint

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Ive used it, took about 45 mins the other week, good stuff.


Apparently you can use blu/white tack and it does the same job, as no doubts you'll still have loads of applicator left ;)

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I've tried Blu-Tak with the Meggy's Quick Detailer stuff - it takes off the big bits, but is nowhere near as good as the proper clay.

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Second all those comments, it rocks big time. Prob only need to do it once a year if that. just feels oober smooth after you've done it. Wack a load of polish on after and wow, bling paintwork.

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I used it the other day on my car. There's a guy on here who sells it at a discount:




As everybody says it's not that nice to use, make sure you spray quite a lot of the spray on or the clay "grips" the paint. However, the results are very good. I did the bonnet wings and roof and then the Swissol wax went on and came off very easily. As I ran out of time I could only polish the doors and rear flanks and the wax was much harder to polish off without the clay bar pre-treatment.

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Well after a frustrating episode at Halfrauds this morning (come home with claybar kit, etc - put car round the back, open box, no sodding claybar in there) went over the car with this today. Washed, dried, claybar'd, dried, Zymol'd, buffed, then one last hosing and hand drying.


Two things from this whole experience - the claybar pulls up an amazing amount of crap from the paint, it really does - and especially after waxing the paintwork does feel like glass, seriously. Its not too tiring either. Going over it with the Zymol was nice and easy afterwards too.


Only panel I didnt touch today was the roof - the sun got a bit hot just when I broke out the wax (about right really) and the paintwork was scalding hot to touch in some places so.. not ideal weather for this work really.


But also highlighted that, on the front of my car at least, there is a serious serious amount of stone chipping - its quite embarassing actually :(

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jim u should put some wax on it now for protection and durability---i assume the zymol was the cleaner wax?

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Yeah it was.. so is there meant to be another layer on there again after that lot?

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yeah something like meguiars nxt or gold class wax....u need something like a pure wax without any cut agents....something like carnuba 100%


that will make it seriously BLING and hopefully protect it too

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Did some clay barring yesterday and I didn't really get much out, tried varrying pressures etc to see if it was 'seat to switch' trouble but still did not make the clay bar that dirty.


It does look good though just need to get some wax to go over the top, and I know what you mean about stone chips Jim!

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Yan, it does'nt do anything on cars that have a surgically clean mirror finish to start with!! It only works on cars like mine!

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u kno what i didnt notice hardly anything after i clay'd mine.......paint was def smoother but thats it

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I've been using this today and was a little disapointed.

The paintwork does seem smoother, i've then safe cutted and waxed half the car so far, but thunder stops play.


I will buy it again in the future, but as a once yearly job.

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If your paintwork is already silky smooth and clean, then a clay bar is gonna make diddly difference.


If your paint looks like junk and feels like sandpaper and you're thinking about a re-spray then the clay comes into it's own...

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