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C**TS !!

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Whoa i never saw it properly earlier (I was the guy at Stevens) hope it gets sorted mate. Sucha clean car as well, there just Jealous of your motor. One of the guys from no-rice had his gti boxed in by another car the other day and had the shit kicked out of him and his car. There are some w'nkers about.

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Reminds me of when my Dad caught someone trying to steal his car outside our house at about 2am.


The guy was pissed as a fart, and managed to get into the car but was failing miserably to get it started.


My Dad calmly went outside and starting helping him! ;)

(He had called the Police already obviously).


Dad proceeds by helping the guy bump start the car down the road (it won't start - the ol' HT lead removed trick) to get him round the corner, with help from my next door neighbour also chipping in.


Guy must think its his lucky night, until they then pull him out of the car, and sit on him for 10 mins until the cops turned up.


Ah those were the days.... (was about 15 years ago now!)



That story is closely followed by a couple of years ago when a Driving Instructor school car careered into my Dad's car one sunny Sunday afternoon. Made even more funny the fact that the driving instructor was driving! Hmmm, I'd book him! ;)

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I'm sorry to see those pictures, I really am.....Its happened to me in the past and a red mist descended and didnt lift until I had beat seven sorts of s**t outta the guy. Best thing was he turned up with his dad the next day who had a cheque for me for the damage....felt a bit guilty then.

Can't you post a pic of them hanging from a hook in your garage? maybe it'll warn off other visiting chavs?

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Thanks again dinkus for the door mate, nice to meet you! and also nice meeting up with paul 8v aswell at stevens scrapyard! the car wont be in the bodyshop untill next week now but the guy knocked of £100 just cus i had taken out all the gumf from the door so all they have to do is remove old and fit the newly sprayed one so that was a slight bonus, all i have got to do now is sort out my MOT as i forgot it ran out last week!!! :shock: better get that sorted soonish i reckon....

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i got an idea... make real good friends with the guy, tell him all is forgiven, and then, bring him to along Edition 38 to meet other Corrado owners... we would all really love to meet the guy in person.

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Stuff like this makes me mad, i feel for you mate.


I heard of a situation like this before (nothing to do with me honest) and one day the said youth whent missing, and found himself 50miles away outside a payphone with no clothes on and a 10pence piece gafa taped to his leg.


Funny nothing ever happened again.

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I've heard of similar stories which always make me smile.. sadly they are too few and far between :(

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Stuff like this makes me mad, i feel for you mate.


I heard of a situation like this before (nothing to do with me honest) and one day the said youth whent missing, and found himself 50miles away outside a payphone with no clothes on and a 10pence piece gafa taped to his leg.


Funny nothing ever happened again.


I think you should do that Neil ^^^^^

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Stuff like this makes me mad, i feel for you mate.


I heard of a situation like this before (nothing to do with me honest) and one day the said youth whent missing, and found himself 50miles away outside a payphone with no clothes on and a 10pence piece gafa taped to his leg.


Funny nothing ever happened again.


:lol: :lol:

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That really sucks... :(


Think we should just have one big series of Big Brother, invite all the scum (let's face it, they all want to be on it), then nuke the house...


Harsh? No, natural selection...! :lol:

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Excellent! :lol:

Though I'd have stuck a £1 note to him so he had to get change! :evil:


We had a similar problem a few months ago.

I was standing in my mate's drive around 02:00 having a smoke.

Watched two pissed up 17yr olds staggering up the road.

Stopped beside my mate's Omega and did a Karate Kid on his wing mirror.


Then they meandered off. (didn't even run!)

We chased them down with my mate's two Rottweillers and put the fear of God up them. (one of us told them they had a pretty ass!) :lol: Then held them until the cops showed up.

Thankfully the cops were sensible and took them home to their parents.

None to pleased to be woken by the Fuzz in the early hours I'll bet.


Angry parents and very sorry kids appeared at the door the next day with £200 and a letter apologising.

We did have the option to press charges too.

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Proper gutted for you pal.....I had two tyres slashed the first night i had my raddo..... a mate dropped it off at 10 pm so just left it for the night....local scum off the street did it not knowing it was mine. One of them spilled the beans to me after a fall out between themselfs...so i slashed both his tyres on his motorbike while he was actually sat on it, and told him next time i would put a few slashes in him...I will never forget the look on his face.......no comeback either !....find out what they own pal (if anything!) and smash it to bits......take it out their wallets ! it hurts more than a belting....that will wear off in the morning.....also go round to the parents and say someone seen em do it so you want some cash or the police are coming round to sort it. you will be suprised of the results........Major quizzing by parents and frit to death of getting the police involved. All probably on an asbo anyway so need to tread carefull..........good luck with it.

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