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Car accident within 48 hours of E38.. update PG3

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They pootle along 60 limit country lanes at 40, and stay at 40mph when it drops to 30


Thats actually a very good point


Yet still, you don't see many people above 40 (EDIT - years old) in kill your speed ads do you? They're the feckers who cant read a speed sign but coz they've got 23 years no claims they can drive around with 9 points




Maybe i had better sell my Corrado and Type R then as im to old to enjoy them!! I shall look forward to meeting you at e38! :mad: :wink: That's if i can see far enough to see the signs!

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They will replace 'a' wheel, unless discontinued, and only then will they supply a new set of 4....what ever is cheapest for them.


Some bint drove into the side of my MK2 Golf a few years ago, which also took out a rim (Corrado G60 rims) and one wheel cost a whopping £330 from the dealer + £30 for a centre cap. Outrageous.


What generally happens is they will fix all the directly damaged stuff under the insurance and give you the oppurtunity to add a private sum (undisclosed to the ins company) to spray the whole car. They won't touch the other side of the car or the front end unfortunately unless they were damaged in the accident. Get some one else to drive into the other side and tell the witness to say the biddy forced you off the road which trashed the other side!

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Gutted for you mate, bloody typical as well.


I think that the 'constant velocity' bunch are probably the worst type of driver out there, they usually have no idea how a roundabout works either.


I was nearly broadsided by a bloody focus estate on the way home today, what was worse was that the twat didnt even notice that he had done anything wrong and that was after I used the big loud button in the middle!


If need a lift up to E38 give me a bell

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gutted for you mate, hope you get it sorted soon, such a pain in the arse when someone hits you and you got sort out the insurance etc, happened to me a couple of years ago, took an age to get the money!


ps. still love the car by the way!

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kevhaywire, interesting to know G60 BBS wheels are still available.


Yandards, Thanks for the offer mate.. but i'm still gonna drive. It'll take more than this to stop me.



PeteL, hi mate! long time no hear from.. glad to hear the 16v's getting love!


Everyone else.. thanks for the comments guys. :oops: :wink:

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Yikes - sorry dude!


Had a similar annoyance - but not to quite the same degree with this bloke.....


40mph fixed, no matter in a 30 or a 50.


Nice plate! :roll:

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Heh heh, I saw that pic and thought you had a carbon bonnet for a sec and you'd kept it awful quiet!...then I realised it was the dots on the bottom of the windscreen... :lol:

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Heh heh, I saw that pic and thought you had a carbon bonnet for a sec and you'd kept it awful quiet!...then I realised it was the dots on the bottom of the windscreen... :lol:


I'm glad your getting off the road today before I get on it then Dom! :wink:

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Heh heh, I saw that pic and thought you had a carbon bonnet for a sec and you'd kept it awful quiet!...then I realised it was the dots on the bottom of the windscreen... :lol:


I was gonna write that joke about the blonde swerving to avoid a tree, that turns out to be a magic tree on her mirror, but perhaps dom wouldn't find that funny. :wink:

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Hmmm, carbon bonnet on a Blackberry car................

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sorry to hear that Baron.

Reminds me of a funny time I went to a friends in bristol, and as I was drinking, got the coach, I asked one of the drivers "Excuse me, whens the next coach to London" and he replied in a really thick Bristol accent.

"Well yerr a pedantic bastad aint ya" I was so shocked, I just laughed, still chuckle to myself about it to this day.

So you sorted your hire car out? I drive all of those type cars in the company pool, the Focus is nice.

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Well having seen Baz's rather squeaky-clean C at E38 this weekend I have to say that there was a slight over-exaggeration with the damage...


I had visions of the side of the car torn up and hanging off - actually it's just 2 small scratches (not even dented the metal!) on the wheel arches and a small scuff on the wheel.


My bloomin' bodywork looks worse...! :lol:


But, it will still need re-spraying, so will be a hassle to get tidied up :(

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as dinkus, said, i may have been a bit over emotional about the damage caused at the time, but as insurance is progressing i thought id update.


Angel Assistance haven't been very productive with dealing with the claim. At first they got the 3rd partys reg no wrong, so came up as a non registered car. They then done this again, but third time lucky, they found his details.

I was sent to a local garage for a quote, which came out at £1300, for respraying one side, replacing a wheel and pulling out the dented front wing. I was advised that as my car is worth £1500, the car will be written off. :roll:

I asked the girl to put down her glasses guide and do some reasearch into the 'real ' values of G60's. She called back to say perhaps it's not a write off and the repairs could go ahead. I asked how she got on with the third party admitting liability and she said, 'oh yes, i haven't checked that' :roll:

She then calls back to say they do not accept liability, and they cannot now deal with the claim. It has to be dealt with by a solicitor, and I may get a cash payout, if they admit to a percentage of the fault.

I said i'd accept nothing under 100% thier fault, and asked if she had contacted the witnesses. Answer was 'no'. :roll:

She then calls the witness, and calls back to say after speaking to him, she is happy to pursue the claim.


I am now booked in to get the work done in two weeks time, but due to my dodgy paintwork, i'm gonna fork out another £600 to get the front end and other side done at the same time. Now all i have to do is find £600!


So it looks as though i've got there in the end, but sometimes it feels like you have to do the insurers job for them. I'm just glad i spent a year in insurance and got my basic certificates!

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bristolbaron, hope you get it all sorted mate, seems like your gonna!


Louie Lungbubble, that was my mate elis` from leeds, happened just outside my house the day before, he`s just had 3/4 respray, new bumper , fog, indicator, £1300 from insurance and no right off so there is hope



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And i forgot to add the best bit...!


When the girl was discussing what hire car i would get, i requested a VW. She said she will make a call to confirm if i could definatley get a golf. Apparently, as my car has a 1.8 engine, and the golf would have a 2.0 litre engine, it would be classed as an upgrade, so couldn't g'tee it.

She said i would most likely get a vauxhall vectra! I told her there was no way i'd drive it. [vectra's sit in a similar position to me as rovers and mondeos]

She asked why, so i told her i'd rather shove wasps up my arse.


You just know theres gonna be a Vectra waiting for me now..

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Or some wasps in a jar Baz!!


It does make you wonder, I swear most of these companies go out of their way to ensure that they don't pay out by finding the most trivial thing to pick at.


After looking through a few insurance websites the other day I was amused and somewhat horrified to read a class of mod entitled 'performance badges' on reading furthur 'any badges that indicate increased performance' So all those chavs with a shopping list just in front of the A post are unlikely to have declared that mod and hey presto that will invalidate their insurance..

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Yikes - sorry dude!


Had a similar annoyance - but not to quite the same degree with this bloke.....


40mph fixed, no matter in a 30 or a 50.


Nice plate! :roll:


Blimey, looks like Lesley Neilson from Police Story!

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Hey, Baron - sounds like you're sorting out the cash. Where are you getting the respray done?


I definitely need a proper touch up and respray, but I think th ereadies won't be available for about a year. I'd be interested to know where you get it done, and how pleased you are with it.



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I definitely need a proper touch up..


:norty: :norty: he he!


Getting it done by a place called CRASH in corsham. Wanted to use redland, but they're not on their approved list and i cant be bothered with the hassle. Plus CRASH are on my way to work, so its handy. If the do a bad job, they can re-do it until its right.


Will post pics up here when its done, i've seen some of the other cars they have done and they looked up to scratch. fingers crossed!

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