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Petrol Price watch/Fuel Shortage

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[throwing extra fuel onto the fire]


As has been pointed out to me today, if the high price of fuel is to do with the increase in crude oil prices, why hasn't fuel come down now that crude has come back down to the level it was before Hurricane Harriet?


[/throwing extra fuel onto the fire]

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Ultra Low Cost Value Unleaded (50 RON)


Especially popular with Rover Metro and Nissan Micra drivers, our 50 RON ULCVU fuel is made from refinery leftovers. This is a very inexpensive fuel indeed as it is actually classified as industrial waste rather than fuel.



That's a top quote from Petrol Direct. :lol: Flat caps optional :roll:

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The bottleneck in the system is not the availability of crude oil, but of refining capacity. A large proportion of the US refineries was on the Gulf Coast and has been disabled by the hurricane, so they had to go onto the world market looking for replacement stocks. Releasing strategic reserves of crude oil has no real effect, other than to appear to be doing something.


But why our governments on this side of the Atlantic have allowed our supplies of refined product to be diverted into the tanks of 10mpg American SUVs is totally beyond my comprehension. It can be argued that "the market" controls this and that the product heads for the highest price, but governments do have the power to control the movement of strategic supplies if they wish.


In fact, it's the good old (one way) "special relationship" in action. Guess who gets to bite the pillow yet again in that relationship.........


Best wishes



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Well, I hope those that stocked up on fuel for themselves are happy. No reported protests or problems with supply, and yet forecourts are dry, and prices are on the increase again. Cheers.



Incidently, whilst up in Edinburgh I noticed the pump price of unleaded actually fell 2p/litre between Sunday and Tuesday. In the meantime my local garage has gone up by 1p/litre.

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I haven't been to the pumps since Friday.. but to be honest, a lot of stations around here are now dry of unleaded but have plentiful supplies of derv so I might go and top up!

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i know adsa in wrexham sold out on friday,there were also lots of queing at petrol stations at 6 in the morning,also heard there was a bit of fisticuffs at one place :shock: :lol:

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doesnt look too bad here today, drove past sainsburys on the way to work and it looked about normal, no shortages and no queues... glad i didnt panic and sit in the massive line yesterday to get a full tank.

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Well I've not had to fill up at all over the last week and I've just been watching the madness unfold around me.


The yokel place that is usually too expensive and I have no idea how it stays open has been charging £1.04 per litre of STANDARD unleaded and has completely sold out. I think Tesco was selling at 97.9p/litre and had also sold out, although I have a feeling they might have more in stock now.


Madness. Absolute madness. I might change the listing on my Golf on ebay and say it's a full tank of petrol with a free car :lol:

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doesnt look too bad here today, drove past sainsburys on the way to work and it looked about normal, no shortages and no queues... glad i didnt panic and sit in the massive line yesterday to get a full tank.


didn.t realise they had sainsburys in Katmandu :)

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I've given up on the car and have been taking the train into work for the last 2 days...


On my way home on Monday I normally fill up with petrol for the week... After driving past 11 petrol stations on my way home this week, I gave up 'cos they all had closed due to having no fuel left except for 2 which had HUGE queues...


My local Shell garage (about 300yards down the road) had enormous queues and has managed to sell out again this morning... :roll:


The protest that was predicted at the Cheshire refinery DID start this morning....










...two people were there protesting... no tankers were stopped or even delayed by the protest... :roll:


To anyone who's panic buying... QUIT IT YOU PILLOCKS... :roll: :mad:

The average amount people were putting into their cars at my local garage dropped from well over £20 to around £9 over the last couple of days as every muppet and their dog decided to fill the car to the brim... even if that meant queueing for 30 to 90 minutes beforehand... :roll:

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Filled up this morning at Shell and all they had left was Optimax and Derv..... suited me just fine :lol:


F'in people....bloody lemmings the lot of em.

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That's been my line of argument as well. I just don't get these people. What are they hoping to gain by doing this? 1 week extra petrol over their "competitor" citizens? One week's advantage being able to go to work, the supermarket, bring the kids to school (that's a point: has anyone else noticed that despite the "crisis" those b*stard mommies can still afford to bring their kids to school and clog up the roads every day? Well, petrol prices aren't high enough then ... in my days I had to walk to school ... kids and their luxury today!) as opposed to their "fellow citizens"?


Stupid lot, stick 'm in a bag, hit it with a club, and you're bound to hit the right one. I already had an argument with someone like that yesterday :lol:



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Anyone turning up at a fuel station with more than, say, a quarter of a tankful remaining should


A) be refused service

B) have the word "HOARDER" scratched good and deep into the paint of his driver's door in letters a foot high.


Best wishes



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just read this on the bbc news site...



Chris Hunt, director general of the UK Petroleum Industry Association, which represents oil giants Shell, BP, Esso and Total, said a week's worth of petrol had been bought in one day.


But he said the panic buying was a "blip", as "once you've filled your tank you can't keep doing it".



er... isnt that how cars work Mr C Hunt?

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Maybe he's let slip on the super-secret 'infinite power' fuel that all the petro companies have been developing over the last few months... :lol:

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I really doubt there will be a drop, certainly not by the government, if it does go down 3p, u can bet it will be up atleast 4p by christmas.

These people panic buying! eeeww, all there doing is increasing the likelihood of further increases!

When I rolled up to BP this morning, I asked some guy in a Berlingo what was going on, he just said "They've only got the dear stuff!"

LOL, I don't really see the point of putting the normal stuff in a VR.

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I spoke to the guy at the local texaco and they are doing ok, they had a top up delivery of 25,000 litres this morning. But he did also state that he had been a blue ass fly with a long stream of cars coming in and out.


I think this whole episode has been a joke really. As far as i can tell the protest had no effect on the fuel deliveries, at all - just joe public has shot himself in the foot, with this typical greedy hoarding we show. To top it all the oil companies have done alright this week, its every businesses hope to sell all there stock.


I do dislike the streak we show as people, stuff like that always pisses me right off, i have to fly quite a lot for work and you always get the part where as soon as the plane stops everyone jumps up and sticks the elbows out - pulls out there bags from the overhead whilst twating some poor bugger across the back of the head with there samsonite. This is followed by them standing there for ten minutes huffing and puffing and stewing in a pool of resentment.


I always just sit there and finish reading my book, can't be fecked with all that.


To have to stay at home and not commute to work cause theres no petrol is far from bad for me..I mean how bad can an extended snooze and day washing the C be?

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Loved the article on BBC Breakfast News this morning by some tree hugger saying how we should all use public transport. Like to see how I could get from deepest West Sussex to Chalfont so that I could do my job, earn my salary and pay my taxes to support some unknown but sure to be living in a council house somewhere close mother of ten who can't keep her legs shut, has never worked in her life and expects the State to keep her in a manner which allows her to have her Sky, cans of Heineken and fags

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Loved the article on BBC Breakfast News this morning by some tree hugger saying how we should all use public transport. Like to see how I could get from deepest West Sussex to Chalfont so that I could do my job, earn my salary and pay my taxes to support some mother of ten who can't keep her legs shut, has never worked in her life and expects the State to keep her in a manner which allows her to have her Sky, cans of Heineken and fags


Andy, you sound very sweet on your missus, surely your kidding?

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Loved the article on BBC Breakfast News this morning by some tree hugger saying how we should all use public transport. Like to see how I could get from deepest West Sussex to Chalfont so that I could do my job, earn my salary and pay my taxes to support some mother of ten who can't keep her legs shut, has never worked in her life and expects the State to keep her in a manner which allows her to have her Sky, cans of Heineken and fags


Andy, you sound very sweet on your missus, surely your kidding?


Mate - i reread your post, i am with you now. You mean supporting someone who sits on there arse - sorry mate :?

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