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rac bodge, all painted happy again

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coolrado, they're still talking crap mate...


If they tried to close the bonnet with the stay up, it wouldn't have damaged the bonnet there as they bend out forwards from the car (look at the angle they are at when the bonnet is propped up.)


That's been caused by some muppet leaving something on top of the engine and dropping the bonnet down from a height to shut it...


Their excuse doesn't explain the mallet or the rags shoved in the fan either though.


Personally, I'd be talking straight to RAC headquarters and to trading standards. They are utterly liable and as such HAVE to put you back into the situation you were in before they damaged the car, whatever the cost is. Take 'em to the cleaners, and don't forget that you are well within your rights to claim for a hire car of a similar size while your car is off the road... ;)


Unfortunately early bonnets ARE obsolete from VW (I asked earlier this year when I got my Grey G60 as I wanted to put an early bonnet back on it) so you're looking at either getting a good second hand one, or getting the hump... :(

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Don't lose faith mate.. persist with this and take those fecking nimrods to the cleaners. You are absolutely within your rights to get the car put back to the condition it was in before they fecked it up regardless of how much it costs them!


Hopefully a stinger of a bill will teach them to actually give a crap about how they treat customers cars!

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thats disgusting mate!!! I would get the name of one of the directors or someone REALLY high up and write a letter and send it recorded. Because its recorded the person on the envelope has to sign for it!! Not like a normal letter which gets only as far as secetary!!


Also they WILL have a top level complaints team which if you are persistant enough you will get through to. I dont work for the RAC I might add but HAVE been screwed around before, granted not as bad as you.


Hope you get it sorted and keep us updated.


Give 'em hell

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coolrado, they're still talking crap mate...


If they tried to close the bonnet with the stay up, it wouldn't have damaged the bonnet there as they bend out forwards from the car (look at the angle they are at when the bonnet is propped up.)


That's been caused by some muppet leaving something on top of the engine and dropping the bonnet down from a height to shut it...


Their excuse doesn't explain the mallet or the rags shoved in the fan either though.


Personally, I'd be talking straight to RAC headquarters and to trading standards. They are utterly liable and as such HAVE to put you back into the situation you were in before they damaged the car, whatever the cost is. Take 'em to the cleaners, and don't forget that you are well within your rights to claim for a hire car of a similar size while your car is off the road... ;)


Unfortunately early bonnets ARE obsolete from VW (I asked earlier this year when I got my Grey G60 as I wanted to put an early bonnet back on it) so you're looking at either getting a good second hand one, or getting the hump... :(


i allready have said about the hire car and they are sorting that out as soon as it needs to be painted


the damage is from the bonnet stay as its above the hole for the stay and they showed me the stay this morning and it was bent double also the stay pivot is bent down a little the hole where the bonnet stay sits in the bonnet is actually torn out where they have ripped the stay back out


it looks like the chimp has got in a strop and has slammed the bonnet in a temper without taking the prop out

i actually dont care anymore all i want is the car back to as it was before without me spending another penny i am honestly considering selling it as soon as its done as i never seem to get chance to drive it due to someone elses cockup

so far its been crashed into, the charger blew because vw didnt change the oil feed even after they changed the charger 3 times before i had it, and now this, whats wrong with this f***ing country nobody seems to take pride in their work anymore and its just not worth all this hastle


i was motivated to get more stuff sorted out on the car after some of the beautifully done cars and great people at e38 but now i just dont feel like it.

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bummer dude.... don't worry about it, it'll get sorted... 8)


Hell, just look at my track record with my cars/engines and the run of bad luck I've had with mine to make you feel better... the head gasket that's sat on my kitchen table will be the 5th I've had to put into one of my 2 corrados in the last 3 years and I only managed 500 miles with J-DUB running perfectly before she got written off after spending 10K+ on her... :roll:


It'll get done, and once you actually get to drive it and enjoy it again, you'll remember why you got motivated again... 8)

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I was feeling just like you are now mate after a couple of feck ups on my C, I agree people don't give a sh*t these days, as long you pay them the cash for the job thats all they care about.


At the moment you are understandably gutted but once the car is sorted and you've given it a damn good polishing you'll be back up again!! :)

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im sure i will change my mind if it gets sorted but i just cant see it being done any time soon


i had the whole week booked off work to firstly to get the stereo re fitted then pick my brother up from the airport on wednesday and spend the rest of the time driving him round to relatives and friends he hasnt seen for years, so i wanted the car to look as good as possible, now it looks crap and i havnt had time to sort the stereo out


im just keeping my fingers crossed that this all gets sorted out

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I've said it a million times (and had it said to me) - don't let a bad episode with the car tempt you into parting with it. I've been there, twice, and I still wish I had a Corrado again.


And besides, if its not a Corrado it'll be something else that some mindless fcukwit is ruining on your behalf.. it seems near enough impossible to find garages you trust these days! Thank god for the handful that make it worthwhile - Stealth, G-Werks, etc etc..

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LOL! Not laughing at the misfortune at all, but that avatar is f'ing funny mate! :)

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Oh man that is terrible. I am very untrusting of garages, I insist on being present when work is being done. I would recommend that if you have to leave the car unattended, then make sure they see you taking digital snaps (with the time stamp on) of the car before they start work on it.


I don't know what it is with corrado screens. Mine was done in 4 hours and a perfect job was done. The genuine factory Sekurit top tint glass screen cost them £140 (I paid £50 through the insurance) from an OE supplier and when talking to the fitter about Corrados, he said they're no different to any other bonded screen and he couldn't understand what all the fuss was about, and his workmanship confirmed that.


Unfortunately you went to a place that was incompetent and I reckon other cars they do are bollocks'd up jobs aswell.

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I don't know what it is with corrado screens. Mine was done in 4 hours and a perfect job was done.

Unfortunately you went to a place that was incompetent and I reckon other cars they do are bollocks'd up jobs aswell.


I suspect you've put your finger on the problem - it took your fitter 4 hours (and mine 3 hours) to do a perfect job. Autoglass & the like want to spend an hour at most and so bodge & cut corners with the result that you wind up with a cr*p job. I just won't use them anymore after 2 major c*ckups on previous cars; I now use a trusted independant who actually takes pride in his work :)


Do they get paid by the job one wonders?

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I don't know what it is with corrado screens. Mine was done in 4 hours and a perfect job was done.

Unfortunately you went to a place that was incompetent and I reckon other cars they do are bollocks'd up jobs aswell.


I suspect you've put your finger on the problem - it took your fitter 4 hours (and mine 3 hours) to do a perfect job. Autoglass & the like want to spend an hour at most and so bodge & cut corners with the result that you wind up with a cr*p job. I just won't use them anymore after 2 major c*ckups on previous cars; I now use a trusted independant who actually takes pride in his work :)


Do they get paid by the job one wonders?


the thing is it took them from 9am to 4pm to remove and fit it so it should have been a perfect job but it was about as far from perfect as possible :roll:

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I had mine changed last year after I managed to shoulder my original one trying to get the handbrake handle off :oops:


It was an RAC mobile fitter and I was already tetchy about getting done after reading some other posts on the forum about windscreens.


It took him over 3 hours and I have not had a problem with it, not that this helps you but it does seem that the quality control of the courses they send these people on for training in how to do their job varies a great deal. :cuckoo:


I think the other problem is that we are all very protective of our cars - unlike the average Joe who wouldn't notice most of the damage or poor workmanship. The fact is the population at large in this country has no idea how a car works or how to look after one anymore :(

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Mine took 3 or 4 hours for the guy to completely f*ck up, that reminds me, its been over a week since they promised to completely re-do the whole job. No word as yet....t*ssers.

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I used to work for RAC screens (not that branch tho) and when i started people used to tell you all about the jobs that you dont want to do and the corrado was near the top of the list.


All big jobs like corrados SHOULD be done in the base/depo as the mobile fitters only get about an hour per job and most jobs/screens they get given only take that long to do (mk4 golf screens take 30min), corrados should take around 3 to 4 hrs topps. The worst part is the trim and its a propper nightmare to get it to stay on the screen while you lift it in. The bonnet should never be taken off.


The first corrado i done took me about 2 hours from the time i had the old screen out and to be honest it was'nt hard,it just took longer to do than most jobs.


Did you sign any paper work BEFORE you left the car and did the fitter go round the car for damage with you BEFORE you did?

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oh my god, sorry to see this mate. I;m suprised there were no fatalities!


I suspect new bonnet, [ainting and wing paintings going to be the wrong side of a 1er done properly. Thats an expensive mistake for those guys. Any problems with the cheque amke sure you post it up. I'm sure 20-30 people on here are up for watching the guy go to the bank to get the cash!


Lets hope theres no problem though. Best sit back and spend the time with your bro, and worry about this the following week mate.

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its going back in on tuesday for another screen and im picking a bonnet up from jay renshaw on monday so as soon as the bodyshop has a space its getting done.

i asked if there was anything to sign when i left the car with them and they said no, but if they had denied the damage there would have probably been some vinnie jones head slammed in the door style action


i dont think the fitter liked being called a f***ing chimp.


the thing is the car was done at the depot, they had all day to do it and i even took all the interior screen trim off to make it easier and they still managed to f**k every aspect of the job up


so far the bill for painting the bonnet and both sides of the car (sorts out all the parking dents too) has come to 850 quid and then the screen fitting place has to order the under bonnet foam, the bonnet stay, the lower screen trim and the new screen, so yes it is going to be very expensive for them so i hope they learn their lesson and sack the complete tool who messed it up

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Well they fuk'd up there aswell then.


There was a big memo sent around when i was working there about doing vehicle checks before and after the work is done.... but like you said there going to paint both sides now anyway. if they kick up a fuss just remind them about this..... Also check ur interior for damage that was'nt there before :wink: . esp the dash board where it meets the screen.

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the c's going in for a re-spray on the 30th of october and it looks like the windscreen place might be paying the extra 200 quid to get the roof done as well.


<..............found this picture of a cowboy chimp which i thought was perfect for rac windscreens :lol:>


i suppose i will just have to get the rest of the car sorted out in the mean time and try and figure out what im going to do with the roof trims, i also just got a dvb tv tuner for it so thats another thing that needs fitting.

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Glad its all coming together and despite all the grief at least you get a shinny new front end respray at the bargain price of much emotional grief (Or not)

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