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Should I highten the ride?

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FurkiG60, you can't cock your rear like me though ;)


Though I do drive the 'tractor' of the CF SE Meet :)

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True, but I know how much suspesion travel there is once you drop below a certain point, i.e very little. I drive mine VERY hard and I set it up so it doesn't bottom out on the shitty roads I have to put up with on a daily basis. There's a particular nasty B road that looks like a tractor has ploughed it, but I take that at 100mph..... whoopy me, aren't I a hero, but I know for a fact if I drop it below 50mm, it will ground out.


I'm not saying you're a wuss behind the wheel but surely you can appreciate that if the wishbones have no travel left, what is going to absorb the shock? ;-)

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what is going to absorb the shock ;)


Don't goto the gym and get a lard-arse like me ;)

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Andi, hats like 2 yrs ago and that not something to be proud of and deep down u kno that...lucky u wasnt behind me the other day,,, you would have driven over me :lol:


kevhaywire, regardless of the height i wouldnt drive mine through something like what your describing..EVER.. although handling wise i can def say my car as an individual has never held the road as good as it does at the mo...if your car is setup PROPERLY it can still be driven has hard as a standard car,,,, properly doesnt mean sticking a set of wheel on and lowering your coilovers to the end


Nasty A,B,C or whatever road if its going to happen it will happen anywhere..... got nothing against ppl who want to lower their cars and jus cruuise about, a lot of corrado drivers like to relax and take it easy rather than to drive on the edge (has they say) all the time...

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I drive myn 100mm down everyday on all road surfaces.. I wouldnt go mad on a country road cos I cant be arsed!


I have never had problems with my car being low.. I cant be arsed in driving like a prat..


Ive had a few forum guys out in my car & are suprised how it drives considering how low it is..


Im no facking chav either.. dont class low riders being chavs..


heres a pic of my bros car at E38 for those who have seen it.. lowered 100mm on 19's





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I have never had problems with my car being low..


No problems? So why do keep mentioning arch scraping and grounding out then when ever the subject of extreme lowering comes up?

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I have never had problems with my car being low..


No problems? So why do keep mentioning arch scraping and grounding out then when ever the subject of extreme lowering comes up?


what others see as being a problem I dont.. I like my car LOW & have no problems or worries with it scraping of grounding out.. if you like the 4x4 look then fine..


I dont facking care!

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i'll just make my way through these flying handbags to make my post...



My car is currently lowered by around 85mm i would say...it was done before i bought it so im not completely sure but it makes a 40mm drop look comparitavly high. Im about to have a set of 40mm springs and shocks put on because i find the car being any lower than 40-50mm to be a complete arse...i would say it probebly makes a difference where you live, around here theres alot of country roads etc and im tired of the cringeing everytime i hear the bottom of my car strike the road at 40mph....


it's horses for courses really...what suits one person wont suit the next. :D

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LOL, yes you do Bally otherwise you wouldn't even be posting in retalliation :D


Mr Wales, WTF is that avatar??! LOL!

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LOL, yes you do Bally otherwise you wouldn't even be posting in retalliation :D




mate I aint got a problem with peeps making comments.. I just dont agree with the comment abt being a chav for having a low rider.. so all the golfs etc you see decked on there arses are chavs too???

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Ride height is always going to be a matter of opinion, I love the look of low VW's which is why I have the height of mine set at what it is, and intend to go lower! I can understand why some people class it as chav, but to be fair I don't think raising my car 20mm or so will make those people suddenly change their mind, you can't please everyone.


Also I'm not a big fan of comprimise, I prefer having a focused direction to base everything I do around. If I'm going for performance, then it'll be on 15" wheels etc. Rather than having it not look quite how I want, but handling a bit better than if it did. Although if these factors work to favour each other, then bonus! Each to their own, as everyone always says :lol:


alan_edward, I think the ride looks great as it is. If you don't mind raising it slightly then do it, but if you're like me (and couldn't bare to do that), then try getting it setup properly (if its not already) and see if that helps things :)

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hey kev at least u got coilovers now,,, dont have to rely on half a ton of sound deadning to lower ya car :lol: :lol:

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Bally, your bro's car looks superb mate


suspension is a compromise , looks and performance

higher suspension increases the ride quality but also increases body roll

lowering doesnt do the cv's any favours , too low on an escort and you can pop a drive shaft !

i dont agree with " A balanced ride height earns more respect." a lowered car will always look better , a balanced ride looks like you havent done anything so why the respect ?


bottom line


"each to their own" :-)

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hey kev at least u got coilovers now,,, dont have to rely on half a ton of sound deadning to lower ya car :lol: :lol:


I would have thought that you guys who appreciate smooth, well done cars would understand the reasoning and work behind all that sound deadening. Makes the Corrado feel a lot more solid and a lot better built than it actually is, thats for sure! :)

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hey kev at least u got coilovers now,,, dont have to rely on half a ton of sound deadning to lower ya car :lol: :lol:


I would have thought that you guys who appreciate smooth, well done cars would understand the reasoning and work behind all that sound deadening. Makes the Corrado feel a lot more solid and a lot better built than it actually is, thats for sure! :)


if i was a mod i would understand surely....

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coz it seems u all live in cuckoo land.....


this is seriously talking immaturity to the lower level...sort it out guys

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Ok only one way to settle this guys.


Bring your handbags to the next SE meet and fight it out in the Grasshopper car park :lol:


Seriously tho, if you like it low, then cool it looks sweet, but it's not hugely practical if you live somewhere with speed-bumps or crap roads.


'nuff said. Can we move one now please?

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i dint start anything so dont start on me like usual..... i jus educated and next man got the hump like a lil girl

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Look.. i'm just confused as to how you could misinterpret my comment in any other way than the one I intended it.


You guys appreciate good, OEM+ cars and I made a comment that all the sound deadening in Kevs car makes for a real improvement over the stock sound proofing!! WTF is wrong with that?!


I never even made a comment about the whole ride height debacle.. I wanted to steer well and truely clear of that. In fact i've told Bal plenty of times how much I like how his car looks that decked!!

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I have a renault magane front spoiler on mine and it fits a treat!!


You got any close up or front on pics mate? Be interested to see it as mine is a bit low too ;)

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