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What is this ? Look at picture !

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Could anyone please tell me what kind of function the socket have on the picture ? As you can see, 1 wire is CUT OFF ! Why ? what is that giving for effect on the engine ? Maybe this have something to do with my "Warm Start problems" ??





Many thankz in advance!

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What market is your C from? (seeing as you have a Swedish flag?)


If it's from a cold weather market then the item with the wire missing from it is the heating element to prevent ice in the inlet piping, and it does not affect running.


In our C's this is just a dummy connector as we do not have the heating element. Strangly the wire is left in the loom though!?



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As DutchVR6 said. This is a dummy connector on my/our C's. Always wondered why??

I don't like the way all those wires are exposed though. Looks as though someone's had a right go at them...

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In that case Corre you should'nt have the heating element so hence these wires are not needed. Just tidy them up and make sure they don't short on anything.


As Steve says though it looks like your loom a has been butchered at some stage as the wires going to your TPS have been hacked and rejoined. I'd check the condition of the joins on these wires as they could be corroded, which would give you running issues.



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