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Tiff Needell / Top Gear G60 vid - see P9 for download :!:

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Does anyone know if there is a link to the video of Tiff Needell test driving a G60 on top gear? must have been in the early 90s :!:

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Not seen it.. would love to tho. Various people who post on here reckon they have various clips from Top Gear of the Corrado back in the day but never seem willing to stump them up for people with the right kit to copy / encode em :(

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I can remember watching it first time around (showing my age now). Tiff was really putting the car through its paces on the track (lots of inside rear wheel off the ground stuff) and was extremely complimentary about the car.


Would love to see it again.

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would love to see that.... someone out there must have it.... can't we get in contact with the bbc archives or something.....

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I've sent an email to someone involved in Top Gear.. maybe we'll hear something back? Fingers crossed.

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Wow.. he was quick to reply.. anyway, doesn't sound good i'm afraid :(




Good to hear from you.


I'll be honest, I wouldn't have a clue where those old Top Gear films may be. The original show was based in Birmingham, the present TG was born in London. We keep absolutely everything now, but old TG was running for almost 25 years, and a great deal of stuff is lost. I imagine the BBC may have a copy in their library for programmes to use, but I wouldn't be able to dig them out and release them outside. You can only go along and view them in Resources.


Its all very patchy I'm afraid, so I don't think I can doing anything to help, as much as I'd like to.


Kindest Regards,


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Oh - and a follow up email - I mentioned about hoping to see some more Corrado content in the forthcoming series's as long as it wasn't used in one of their £1,500 car challenges... response was:


No chance, the Corrado is well loved in my office!


I don't know if some 1970 supercars will escape though ;)


new series starts on Sunday 13/11/05, and is turning out to be top stuff...if I do say so myself.




Nice little sneaky peak on a forthcoming feature which should be.. er.. entertaining ;) :)

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You'll need to get in touch with someone at the BBC Library - they'll almost certainly have it archived and if it's a friend of a friend that could make a copy of the tape...

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You'll need to get in touch with someone at the BBC Library - they'll almost certainly have it archived and if it's a friend of a friend that could make a copy of the tape...


I would say we are getting desperate now, not that I am disagreeing with you... just stating the obvious. :-P

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Would be good to see one thrown around in a 'just out of the factory' condition.


Gotta love that guys comment 'No chance, the Corrado is well loved in my office!'


Wonder if that was a factor in picking the cars..

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Believe me, this video will be well worth the effort if we can get hold of it. Tiff has a great old time in the G60 with lots of big smiles on his face as I remember it.

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A brief sampler is on the beginning of the Storm to Wolfsburg clip.


Geeee, this is going back aka 1991 - 1992.


No! I haven't (or at least I couldn't find it tonight.)




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I'll ask my neighbour about the Tiff clip. She works for the BBC as a researcher, used to work on that program about buying cars taking one person who wanted to buy a car and they gave them 3 options and took them into dealers with hidden mics and cameras telling them how to negotiate - you know that really crap one!!!! She also rights freelance for Top Gear. She might know how to find it, but they have just moved premises from Pebble Mill to the Mailbox which is a fraction of the size so losses of archives are probably inevitable!!!!


Incedentally she owned a G60 until about 2 years ago!

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Speaking of video links anyone got the TG(think) piece with the wee Richardson guy on future classics with the C vr6 and Merc 190 cossie?Think it was shown maybe 2 series ago.Would be nice to sit and gloat over it!!!!Any who havent seen would do well to watch.

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Nice one if you could ask Sam. The bloke I emailed suggested the only chance we might get it would be from someone in BBC Birmingham so she sounds like a possible contact! :)

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I think you're missing a codec but i'll be buggered if I know which one it is.


If you go into the Codec folder on the site and download that 7MB file, it will bring all of your codecs up to date and put in any that are missing.. you should then have no problems watching the video clip :)

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Roger Blassberg,


try d/l from http://www.corrado-club.ca/ go to media -> right click "save as"


this should play in windows media no problem, if not open windows media player and go to the top of the screen "help" check for updates , windows media 10 is the latest version



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RB, when I first downloaded it Media Player would have none of it, however it works fine on Realplayer.



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