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Side Strips on a Yellow Corrado

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My car is going in to get the paint work sorted out, and i am in a dilema as to whether to ditch the black side strips or not. Any thoughts?


My only concern is that the side strips break the colour up. I fear it may be 'too' yellow without anything down the sides?


Plus I am Mr factory looking and the strips are as VW intended.


What do you guys think?

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Personally I'd keep them, as you say yourself it breaks up the colour a bit, but I think its a personal preference thing, so go with what you feel yourself.

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the thing is I cant find any decent pictures of yellow corrados to base my opinion on. Anyone got any good examples of pics with the side strips and without?

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I have struggled to find any nice pictures of a yellow corrado (yellow corrados seem to be not very photogenic), but that is lush!


What I might do is remove the strips and keep them, then if it doesnt look right I can always fit them later.


Got any more info on that one then?

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I have to say I think the choice of wheel makes a massive difference to the look of a yellow corrado. The LMs are gorgous.


I dont know why but I think it draws your attention to the wheels

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There is such a contrast between the yellow and the black that the alignment has got to be absolutely spot-on or it sticks out like a sore thumb, unlike with a dark paint colour, where a very slight mis-alignment is concealed.


I tend to be wary of removing factory fitted bits, and the strips most definitely save you from the carelessness of some of our fellow citizens.


Best wishes



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there was a yellow corrado g60 (i think) lowered nicely with the number plate recess cut out feeding an intercooler. There was a site with loads of pictures on and you could search by car type and colour, I think it was on there.

Somebody help me out!

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nope not that one - keep looking :lol:

are you the yellow corrado man or something?! you must have an extensive database of pictures :lol:

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