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My Windscreen Wipers=S**t

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My wipers are attention seeking again.Driver-side works after more Blue Peter antics.I wrapped some foil around the spindle(i think that's what it's called)and this has helped to grip to the arm/bolt.I have tried the same with the passenger side,but to no avail.The wiper works for around 10 mins then nothing.

I would like to get the Lupo conversion done soon(OEM at the moment),but want to get to the bottom of this before i do so.

Do i need knew spindles?

How much do they cost?

Am i best getting them from dealers or other?


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i had the same on mine,but i just really tightened the wiper arms to the spindle,you should be able to get new parts from the stealers,think ill have to change mine as they are well worn, Supercharged, hes not asking about the lupo wipers as such

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it can also help if you add another washer below the nut that holds the wiper onto the shaft.... this pulls the arms down onto the spindle harder and stops 'em from slipping... ;)

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I've got a full set of original Corrado arms and blades (not sure what condition the blades are in) that you can have for the cost of postage :)

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Thanks guys.

I really should take a car maintenance course i think.This is my first car,have previously driven new cars-so not used to fixing anything!

I don't think there are any washers on the spindle. :oops:

I keep tightening the bolt,but as i've said-they don't grip for long.

Dinkus,thanks for the offer,very kind of you.I'll take a proper look tomorrow at the damn things.It's been hard rain up here for god knows how long.i'll see if the washers make a difference,if not i'll contact you about the wipers. :thumb right:

At the moment i have to enter the C via the passenger door,as the driver-side's handles gone too.And with only the driver-side wiper working,this car is testing my patience!

And i nearly forgot,the ABS light is on constantly too.

The joys.

Thanks again team.

I'm off to do myself in.

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