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If "we don't need to look here, or here or even here", then why do i still have to que up in the post office for 40 mins with a load of adidas wearing chavz to get my tax disc!?


Why do we need the disc now then? I know they look pretty but they nolonger serve any purpose do they? Can't they ditch the expensive printing of them and give us £10 off the whole process, or have a missed something?



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Once everyone is issued with the new style MOT cert and you have your car insured you should be able to save yourself the misery of queuing and do it online.


I don't see the point either TBH. It only serves to prove you were legal that day. Nowt to stop you cancelling your insurance as you walk back out the door.


They are creating a database of insured cars though. As a condition of my trade policy, anything I have for more than 14 days whether for resale or personal use has to be registered with the insurance company. In fact I am not sure if that isn't a European directive.



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I think it's so they've got another excuse to slap a fine on us when we forget to renew the tax disc.. :roll:


My tax was up for renewal at the end of Sept. and I never recieved a reminder :x

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i got the reminder at the end of last month, thought i'd do it online but my v11 doesnt have the required referance number on the right of the form! how bloody good is that? new fangled system and they're not even using it!

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Someone stole the tax disc holder off my R1 when it was three weeks old. The Post Office wanted £7 for a replacement tax disc. I didn't bother for that very same "we don't need to look here, or here or even here" reason.

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i bought my tax disk a few month ago and now all the writing has completely faded and is unreadable, i think the girl in the post office must have used [fade]disapearing ink [/fade] :lol:

does that mean if i get stopped they could say im not displaying a valid tax disk?

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Its all a conn anyway.


Its not road tax really should be renamed to:


'Funding chav dosers through their existance with only a poxy little bit spent on our sh1t roads tax'


Is mine the only Post Office that smells like it needs a wash or is it a problem throughout the entire network?

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Its all a conn anyway.


Its not road tax really should be renamed to:


'Funding chav dosers through their existance with only a poxy little bit spent on our s**t roads tax'


Is mine the only Post Office that smells like it needs a wash or is it a problem throughout the entire network?


Don't get me started, over here (Ireland) road tax is based on engine size it starts at around €150 for an engine less than 1.0l and rises to €1,343 for anything over 3.0l :x I had a 2.8l Z3 for a while it cost me more to tax it than insure it. Oh and the roads are still crap :mad:

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Its all a conn anyway.


Its not road tax really should be renamed to:


'Funding chav dosers through their existance with only a poxy little bit spent on our s**t roads tax'


Is mine the only Post Office that smells like it needs a wash or is it a problem throughout the entire network?


Don't get me started, over here (Ireland) road tax is based on engine size it starts at around €150 for an engine less than 1.0l and rises to €1,343 for anything over 3.0l :x I had a 2.8l Z3 for a while it cost me more to tax it than insure it. Oh and the roads are still crap :mad:


Very true Dusty. I suppose us English guys are fairly lucky compared to the Irish lot. I took my old MK2 GTI (which was lowered) all around West Cork and the roads were an absolute nightmare. Made the roads over here look immaculate! God knows what your road tax is paying for!! The next time I visit, i'm gonna destroy a hire car instead!

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irish roads generally have a small hard shoulder which slow people can move into when you come rocketing up behind them!

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How much are the UK ones now? Think we're up to £184 on the Isle of Man.


£170 for 12 months :(

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The more I think about it the more I'm convinced I could live without a car. The bike is a 60mpg commuting weapon, costs bugger all to insure and tax and takes up little space. I'm pretty sure the cost savings of not owning a car would far outweigh the few inconvenient times when I have to borrow one from a mate. Definitely something to think about.

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I don't know why they just don't stuff it on the petrol price and do away with the whole scam. Then you pay as you go. Very fair.


Cuts the queuing and dare I say, stops the job creation and therefore costs of administering the scheme.



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I don't know why they just don't stuff it on the petrol price and do away with the whole scam. Then you pay as you go. Very fair.


Cuts the queuing and dare I say, stops the job creation and therefore costs of administering the scheme.




then the pikeys would just rob your petrol!! :lol:

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I think the same. Christ, we spend enough on fuel tax anyway, why do we need an annual flat fee.


As far as I'm concerned, what you spend on fuel has a direct correlation to not only how much you use the roads but also how much you pollute.


I would also like to see a government-backed third-party insurance scheme wrapped into fuel prices as well. Not only would - well SHOULD - that reduce our premiums by removing the third party liability, it means that any **** (insert 4-letter expletive of choice) who chooses to drive uninsured is still, by paying for fuel, actually insured for any damage/injury to third parties. The only financial loss is their own.


Well, it's a good idea in theory. I'm sure there would be loopholes to close...but it doesn't sound beyond the wit of man. Beyond the wit of chav, but not man.

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Wow, one of my posts took off while i was at work with no access! arrhh, time to buy an extreme mobile i think.


Anyway, Blair, totally agree with that mate, nice wording cracked me up big time, lol


Yan, yep don't start me on that either! Cameras = road safte, theres another, what about road surface under breaking you feck heads! Problem is their all driven round in jags with soft suspension and plenty of fat to keep them cumfy!


Anyway, still glad i dont live in Ireland! WTF OMG

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Anyway, still glad i dont live in Ireland! WTF OMG


lol It has its good points but running a car isn't one of them. Though petrol is slightly cheaper I think? the equivalent of about 82p/litre at the moment.

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On a tangent, Am I allowed to buy a car with no tax from somewhere and drive it back to my garage without taxing it?...seems you need a cover note to tax a car, and that will take at least a day to come through?

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