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speeding offences (punishments) updated

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hi guys,

just after a bit of help really, got caught speeding on the m6 by one of those sneaky bxxta'd vans :p on the 7th may doing 102mph. just got my court summons through for the 28th november & was wondering if anyone else had been caught doing a similar speed. done a search on the forum & on the net but there's no rule of thumb. i've heard of some people getting banned while a friend of a friend got 3 points & a 60 quid fine! i'm thinking about going to court myself as i think if i'm there in person i can grovel/kiss arse/plead for leniency! i'm hoping that as it's my 1st offence, driving conditions were excellent & the road was empty that this will go in my favour but then again i don't want them to think i'm trying to slime my way out of it. has anyone got any experience of this sort of thing & does it affect insurance costs by much? dying to get my hands on a vr6 but thought i'd best be sensible till i hear the outcome of the court hearing!



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Try a search as someone posted up a free legal advice forum link (run by some lawyers in their spare time IIRC) when this came up before. Apparently it was quite helpful and helped a few people get off scott free!


EDIT: pepipoo, that's the one!

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99.6mph - 6 points

101mpg - 2 week ban

110mph - 2 month ban


All on motorway, 1st two in a 16V and third in a VR6 some time back now. :oops:

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"turn up in person" ...?


Dead right mate, if you don't turn up, they'll very much have a tendency to throw the book at you.

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101mpg - 2 week ban


Very impressive for a 16V, thought they didn't get much over 40mpg? ;)


Was it the old downhill in neutral then reset the MFA trick? ;)

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99.6mph - 6 points

101mpg - 2 week ban

110mph - 2 month ban


All on motorway, 1st two in a 16V and third in a VR6 some time back now. :oops:


I'm surprised you can still get insurance :-)


Motorway limits really need to be updated. A road like the new section of M6 is usually quiet (cause most people are too tight to pay the £3), long and straight, so there's no reason why it can't be 100mph along there. Pace of life is moving up a gear but the country's draconian limit's and road policies aren't.

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motorway limits need to be raised, but they also need to have a lower limit too. Trucks should be confined to the inside lane and not allowed to overtake, anyone doing less than 60mph where its safe to do so should be fined and obviously, the outside lanes should be reserved for cars capable of over 100mph made by VW and beginning with the letter C.

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Anyone see Traffic Cops the other week? There was a guy on a motorbike that got caught doing over 130mph (with a passenger) and got away with 6 points and £300ish fine! Suppose the difference was he was caught by a patrol car and was very polite, owned up and had a good attempt at persuading the copper it was safe. Seems to be a bit 'luck of the draw' with the punishment.

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owning up is always the best policy, the police arent daft and even if they dont have the means to record your speed, they know if you're going to fast.

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If they've got proof you were going too fast then yes it's best to own up, but if they haven't there's no point incriminating yourself unnecessarily, they can't prosecute you without evidence.

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true, but if they stop you and dont have the means to record evidence then they must be fairly sure you were speeding. As you say they cant prosecute without evidence so as long as you dont say something silly like "i was doing about 60 in that 30 zone" you should be ok. I got stopped a few years back, doing an undisclosed speed, by a panda car. I knew there was no point denying it so I admitted to speeding but said I wasnt sure what speed I was doing. Ended up with a producer.

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That's the way, never tell them how fast you were going!


Also worth knowing that regular Panda cars don't have their speedo's calibrated regulary like the traffic cars so they can't be used to prove you were speeding, only the motorway/traffic patrol cars and speed camera's can give evidence against you.



(100th post!)

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correct and incorrect, panda cars do not have calibrated speedo's but CAN be used to prosecute you for speeding.

Plod records your speed against his uncalibrated speedo. he then issues a fixed penalty ticket or reports you accordingly.

He then contacts his mates in traffic and runs the panda car through the laser or radar gun at the same speed he followed you at. Hey presto one uncalibrated speedo used to prosecute a speeder.

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99.6mph - 6 points

101mpg - 2 week ban

110mph - 2 month ban


All on motorway, 1st two in a 16V and third in a VR6 some time back now. :oops:


Any ideas on 125mph in a 70 ? :(

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I got pulled by an unmarked Mondeo ST 220 (looked to me like he was issueing a challenge the way he came up behind) doing 110 on the A12 just outide ipswich a month ago.


The road was clear, it was a clear dry day and suprisingly, I slowed down to the 40 limit when it went to a single carriegeway,


I was nice and polite to him but he said because of the speed he'd have to prosicute.


I asked what he thought I may get and he said if I was very lucky it may be 6 points and a fine, or I may get either a 7 or 28 day ban.


I have now spoken to a JP about this who said I'm more likely to get the ban and depending on the mood of the judge it could be up to 3 months....


Just waiting for a court date now I think.


Does anyone know if they still send a NIP when they pull you over ?

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Depends if they cautioned you verbally at the time and said they would be prosecuting, if they did they don't need to send an NIP within 28 days. Tried this one meself,



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140mph got me a 1 month ban and £150 + costs, no points.


Wear a suit, and grovel, first offence, don't make a habit of driving in such a way, all that stuff, and it shouoldn't sting too much.


Just bear in mind that to some extent it is up to the mood of the judge on the day.


Good luck

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my mate was followed by a unmarked car for a fair few miles and his average speed was 115mph he got away with 6 points and a hefty fine. only to get caught a couple of weeks later to get more points and a ban.

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just an update on my speeding offence, was up at court today & i think i got a bit of a result! they decided on a 10 day ban coz i said i needed my car for my job & they took into account that my company closed for xmas! so i've sorted a lift for the next couple of days then i'm off till 3rd jan. i'll be pxxsed from the 23rd till 31st so i'm well chuffed. it actually works out at a 9 day ban coz it comes into effect as soon as the hearing finishes! also got a £235 fine which wasn't great but i saved myself £100 by pleading guilty straight away.



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140mph got me a 1 month ban and £150 + costs, no points.


Wear a suit, and grovel, first offence, don't make a habit of driving in such a way, all that stuff, and it shouoldn't sting too much.


Just bear in mind that to some extent it is up to the mood of the judge on the day.


Good luck


you did well!


I thought I'd got off lightly with a 6 week ban and £500 fine for doing 132.35mph on the M18.


funnily enough, I bought my corrado on the very day I got my license back :-)

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yeah i'm pleased with the result, also i get out of picking up inlaws, shopping & the like over xmas! woo hoo! g/f's gutted coz she'll have to be taxi driver for the next 9 days! slightly worried about how much it'll affect my insurance but i'll worry about that in the new year.

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