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dub envy

What the hell is all this about?? Dodgy ebay scammers...

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No it's because Ebay don't want you to be able to report things.


Causes more work.


Have a hunt round.

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hes not actually doing anything wrong..he is telling you that you are bidding on a light bulb so id say hes inviting you to make an offer off ebay to save on charges...his other auctions are ok

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its still a bit....hmmm....




Community tab and follow the list of complaint options to the end


If he was offering the lights he should have said dont bid or something like may other sellers do

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hes not actually offering the lights for sale..he is descibing them but no where does he say they are for sale on ebay..i know it sounds dodgy though

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its still a bit....hmmm....




Community tab and follow the list of complaint options to the end


If he was offering the lights he should have said dont bid or something like may other sellers do


nice one!


Yeah, if he was doing it to save on charges why the small text?? So far the few people I've shown the auction to on msn have fallen for it. Other auctions I've seen where people want to sell off ebay they have BIG writing with lots of "***"s and stuff....

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its still a bit....hmmm....




Community tab and follow the list of complaint options to the end


If he was offering the lights he should have said dont bid or something like may other sellers do


nice one!


Yeah, if he was doing it to save on charges why the small text?? So far the few people I've shown the auction to on msn have fallen for it. Other auctions I've seen where people want to sell off ebay they have BIG writing with lots of "***"s and stuff....


ive got a dodgy eye and i spotted it straight away!! :lol:

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Matt black lights - mmmmmm!


Yea lol, doesnt even look like tinting spray, he prolly say you are bidding on a light bul cuz he want you to phone him up to buy them to avoid the ebay fees/hassle!

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Local pickup only though - hope he brings some mates if someone who buys the bulb thinks they are getting lights!

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Its gone:

Invalid Item

This listing (4586203596) has been removed by eBay or is no longer available. Please make sure that you've entered the item number correctly.

If the item was removed by eBay, please consider this transaction cancelled. If anybody contacts you to complete the sale, please ignore the request. Completing the sale outside of eBay may be unsafe and will not be covered by eBay purchase protection programs

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