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Trackdays and G60`s?

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G/f`s booked me a trackday in December for christmas :) , first one I`ll have done with the G60 bolted on..


Car`s running great on a 65mm pulley and I`ve got the map just about spot on, but would be going back to a 78mm for track use be a good idea?


To be honest the car won`t see above 6k rpm I would have thought, and the charger is a G-Werks rebuild 800 miles old so no worries there!


What`s people`s experiences with G60`s and track driving?



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Oooh Megasquirt - someone's very clever/brave/nuts (delete as appropriate! :lol: )


I would have thought (in my entirely non-technical opinion) that as long as you don't run any more than 4 or 5 laps at a time and keep an eye on your oil temp and pressure you should be ok.

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Oil temps are the biggest worry on the track IMO. If you haven't already fitted an air/oil cooler then you should consider it seriously, again IMO.


My Golf would run upto 140 degrees easily. With the oil cooler on it would rise in 5-10 degree steps each session. I didn't let it sit that long TBH. Maybe 20 mins on track and 40 off? They were doing 20 min sessions with 3 standards of ability and not open pitlane.


You could watch the temps and as soon as you backed off for more than 100 yds the oil temp started to drop. A full lap of Oulton on a warm down had the oil back under 100 every time.


Oil pressure should be less of a problem, keep and eye on the level afetr each session though and bear in mind that lefthanders will cause the oil to run away from the pickup. Even with a std VW baffle on the pump. Brief drops in pressure won't be a worry but if the light ever comes on..........


And if you have never done one before, find an experienced mate to co-pilot for a few laps, or get some instruction.


Which circuit?


Be prepared to go through lots of petrol. My Golf had to have over half a tank onboard so as not to experience starvation on righthanders. Not what you need on a G60!!!!!! Either take some extra with you or spot a garage close to the circuit that you can nip out to.


If you have spent time mapping on the 65 just stick with that. Never run it to the limiter as laders don't like the shock they get as the power goes on and off.


I'd just keep it under 6k like you said, it'll be plenty fast enough. That's one way of keeping on the circuit. The first track day I did was in some Rover 414s!!!! We weren't allowed to go over 4000 revs. Which was actually not that bad and there weren't any casualties apart from the heap of slicked up front right tyres!


LAST PIECE OF ADVICE> CHECK THE WHEELS BOLTS AFTER EACH BLAST ON THE TRACK. I nearly lost one at Elvington, it came loose in less than a lap, all 4 bolts were in by a couple of threads. The heating and cooling of the wheels can slcken them enough that they vibrate loose.


Keep on the black.



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I would say fit a baffled sump if you have not already done so, with your engine spec you don't want to starve it of fuel.


I am going to the TSR trackday at Mallory, not taking the G60 though as got the trackday 8v Golf for those shenanigans (Its pretty much as quick as my G60 anyway). why not come along and spectate and see what everyone runs and their driving style.

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A warm up and cool down lap are a very good idea. Have had my G60 out a couple of times and the oil temp can get very high and I would tend to back off. IMO raod cars are not really great for using on the track. A dedicated track car is really the only way to go if your a complete track day nut.


But a track day is not a race. Drive it and enjoy it. Try to have some sympathy for the car and dont over do it. From what I have seen only people who drive over there limits and the car limits end the day on a bad note.


Have fun :-)

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If you're using mineral oil, once you get it over 120ish then you've cooked it and will need to replace it. I think fully synth will work up to 160ish (may be wrong).


I'd replace your oil before and after the track day tho, just to be sure :)

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you could even drain your coolant and fill it back up using water wetter,which is meant to lower the running temps


Yeah, another simple but effective tip is to put the heater on full to help get rid of the engine temps...

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Cheers for the advise :D doing Donnington, been there a couple of times before so I sort of know the circuit. Span it at Redgate last time and sh1t myself so I won`t be doing that again in a hurry!


Will keep an eye on the oil temps and I`ll be changing the oil beforehand, taking the laptop so hopefully I`ll be able to do some fine tuning while I`m there.


Normall run 3 sessions/groups of 20 mins per hour, I normally take some optimax in jerry cans to top up with during the day, will check the wheel nuts!


Can`t wait, hope I don`t blow the fecker up :lol:

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I'd replace your oil before and after the track day tho, just to be sure :)


Thats the way to do it, i do it when i go out in my road car, but the oil temp can be worrying alright

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Well whatever you do your motor will piss all over some faster looking machines i am sure


Well it`s down to the driver as well and I`m not the best :oops:.


Should be a laugh!

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Well I had a great day!


Think the car used 12 liters of water (water injection) during the day.


Ran the 65 pulley and restricted myself to 6k revs MOST of the time and it behaved faultlessly! Kept a beady eye on the oil temp and it never exceeded 110c which was the same as before without the charger.


I only used the road tyre`s (F1`s) and after the 3rd lap of each session they started going off, wish I`d taken the slicks..


Definitely need a baffled sump, next on the to-do list after the intercooler.


I was convinced it was going to blow up, so driving it home in 1 piece was a bonus!

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