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run away 'rado :( - another update - fat lady sings.

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that looks pretty good! however I suspect they arent 17's. I'll have to make sure I get a 5 stud pram.


quick google search revealed no websites about modified prams! it beggers belief no ones thought of it before!

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Ouch, I'm seriously gutted for you :shock:


There's a lot to be said for leaving a car in gear, although I learned to drive in the country so a level road was a rare thing, so leaving a car in gear is second nature to me. It has its downsides though, once drove a friends car and parked it outside another friends house, the owner then started it, of course I'd left it in gear, bang into the wall of the house he went :oops:

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Ooh nigtmare, gutted for you mate.


How bad are the wheels ? cos sounds alarming have recently

started refurbing them, they've got mine now and do a cracking

job at a good price too. could be worth a try.

(advert over :) )

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ahh lowered! lovin' your work dinkus ;) its even got a splitter to scrape on speedbumps!


quick update to the story, I'm now waiting for a call from the very genericly titled 'north of england coachworks' about getting my car to them for repairs, which is good, although I'll be wanting to see their work before I agree to let them touch the car.

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Re: your PM - Good move. And I've done mine also.


Oh yeah and what are we missing here?





Don't worry - nothing sexual. But as I can't PM you... (sighs), you'll have to ask Chris.


If his answer features a giraffe, a buffet and me in a state of arousal... I deny, I deny, I deny.

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I changed one word there, on that last post. What could that have been, then?


Well, I changed the initial 'donkey' to 'camel'. First for strictly practical accuracy: I mean, you just wouldn't need a buffet, would you, for a donkey? Second, if left as it was I didn't want anyone thinking that I was a dwarf.


Never mind the implication that I'm shagging an animal - that clearly didn't bother me.


Nice to see I've got my priorities right, then.


Oh yeah, and of course I wouldn't look twice at a donkey. Just once...

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Chris, just spotted this, bummer dude. Really sorry to see it. At least the paint will be a bonus as you have picks to prove it wasnt a proper prang.


Make sure you show us the shiney picks once done!!

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And without any previous training, without a glamorous assistant in a spangly swimsuit, and without even the use of a safety net, I somehow manage to bring these two disparate subjects together in this:



[align=center]What happens when you leave the handbrake off your donkey...



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I remember a simular thing happening to my parents caravan when I was a nipper James. Obviously it was attached to a car rather than a donkey, and they didnt apreciate my wetting myself laughing as they tried to get it back down to earth.

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right, quick update, went to the coachworks this afternoon and the guy who looked the car over has put it down for a new rear wing on the passenger side and a new passenger door, he also said they'd have to replace the wheels since they're badly kurbed and 'you cant do anything with a chrome finish' even though I pointed out they're not chrome, they're just polished, and not very polished at that. Anyway, he reckons the chances are with the work involved its likely it'll be declared a total loss, although its now in the hands of the insurance company. This weekend I will be mostly removing all salvagable parts!! dont think they'd be too happy if i turned up to hand it over fully stripped but I'm damn sure i'll be taking out all my audio gear and suchlike.


gutted TBH, although under the curcumstances its probably the best result, I get a cheque for the car and dont get stuck trying to sell a crashed/repaired car for next to nowt. The cheque should mean I can get a cheap runaround and insure it and build up my no-claims again (hopfully) but sadly it'll mean the end of an otherwise very very happy couple of years of motoring in corrados :(

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