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run away 'rado :( - another update - fat lady sings.

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typical isnt it? just as you think things are going ok, you go and do something stupid.


It seems somehow the handbrake failed and last night my car took it upon itself to roll baclwards from where it was parked, bounce off a mondeo, clip a metro, crash into an astra and scrape a golf, ending up resting on a garden wall. feck.


the attached pic shows the worst side, the drivers side isnt 'much' better but that fist sized dent in the rear quarter is my main worry. 3 of the wheels are badly scraped and I have nice green go faster stripes down both sides of the car... again...feck. the other pic shows the path it took.

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to be fair they're been cool about it, the astra was the worst with a caved in front arch and battered bumper, the rest seems to be mostly cosmetic but obviously mine came off worst being involved in 4 sequential accidents.

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Noooooooooo! Absolutely gutted for you matey :cry:


Did the same with my MK1 Golf a few years ago but nothinhg to this scale... hope all works out Ok in the sorting out of everything...

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Well it's good that the neighbours are fairly cool about it......We are only human at the end of the day but i guess that won't stop you kicking yourself about it for some time.

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jeez! Not quite as good as Nathan's effort but not bad! You had 6 months to sell it, wasn't that was a little premature? :twisted:


What a bummer. Good luck with sorting it all. :(

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Ouch mate, thats bad. 4 cars is pretty unlucky. Good luck with sorting it out and maybe you should take up bowling! ;)

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Thats a pretty bad hangover for a Sunday morning.

Sorry to hear about this and hope you get it all sorted without to much hassle.

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ouch!!!!!.............been there done that...........except i came off really really lucky..........my Ur-Quattro went travelling backwards down the g/f's(now missus's) street into a neighbours fence..................result luckily for me was a slightly deformed middle section of bumper...which was easily persuaded back into shape.........otherwise i'd have been looking for £800+ just for the middle section of bumper..............all down to a faulty rear caliper btw

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Thats just sh1t. :(


Upside to it is that at least you will get an almost fully resprayed car.

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Nasty :(


My corrado did the same thing one day (not as bad - no damage) but the handbrake did actually fail, and it drove down my drive into my mums 4x4 (luckily driving straight into the rather fat tyres which cusioned the blow). I'd been braking quite hard, so the disks were hot (and expanded), put the handbrake on, went inside... the disks then cooled down, contracted, mixed with it been a very windy day just to give the car a push, and off it went :? This is my theory anyway...

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Sorry to hear about that mate. I hope you have a decent insurace company - Would be a great shame to see such a beauiful corrado written off

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should all be covered by the insurance fingers crossed! only problem will be my premium going through the roof, so the planned mk3 gti might be out of the question :( 1.0 lupos any good? :lol: TBH I'm keeping my sense of humor about it, no point getting upset, just feel stupid and guilty for it hitting other peoples cars!

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I don't think you'll suffer too badly as a result of the insurance clain, especially if your NCB is protected.


Is there a chance it'll be written off (and do you secretly hope it is)?

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Oh thats awful Chris.. really sorry to see that :(


One of the benefits of living on an f'ing great hill means that, if you haven't put the handbrake on, you know about it as soon as you take your foot off the brake!!


Good luck getting it all sorted.. that should get sorted on the insurance easily enough :)

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NCB isnt protected :( but we'll see what happens, got to go through insurance really, theres no way i can stump up the cash myself!


not sure about it getting written off, its a fine line with C's and I counted 6 panels plus the back bumper and 3 wheels that need work, so I'm really not sure. in way yeah, if it gets written off it'll save me trying to sell a recently battered but repaired car, but I'd hate to see that happen really :( buying it back might be an option depending, but even so i'll still have to sell it in the long run.

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At least it's good, honest, light panel damage rather than a bodged up hard front-ender. I know words are cheap but I'd still buy it post-repair if I was in the market since it'll be mint again.


When I bought my Corrado I was well aware that it'd had two fairly large accidents in its life - one requiring replacement of every panel on the driver's side and a fairly hefty impact in the front near-side corner. However, they happened a long time before I bought it and it was still clean and drove ok. That's about all a car has to do to achieve my required standard! The path it took to get there is largely irrelevant as long as it's honest.

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