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VAG / Scorpion 5000 Alarm Keyfob Forgotten - Reset Procedure

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Posting on behalf of NickVR6 whose currently stuck in car park.


Looking for advice from anyone familiar with the VAG / Scorpion alarms fitted to Rado's. The problem has transpired from the battery going flat and been finished off by Nick starting the car. The alarm emitted a solid beep and now the indicators are permanently on and the alarm fob no longer functions. Oddly the immobiliser hasn't engaged so he's managed to jump start the car. He's contemplating driving it home, just got reservations that the immobiliser might kick in.


Any advice on how to fix / reset the alarm that i can relay to him. Im sure it will be greatly appreciated.

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I cannot take credit for this. ............


Try this. With car battery connected... open both doors fully (so interior

light is on)... switch sidelights on... open glovebox and slide switch light

to on position... fold down passenger mirror and switch mirror light on if

not already on auto on... open tailgate so boot light is on.


Now leaving everything as above disconnect the +'ve terminal of your battery

and wait a bit. Your siren may give off a muted tone. Now with the alram fob

at the ready reconnect the +'ve terminal to the battery. The siren should

sound. Holding the alarm fob near to the siren press down and hold the

activate button until you see the red LED dim. Let go of the button. Press

the button again. With this press the alarm should stop sounding.


Tighten your +'ve terminal. Close everything. Try setting your alarm.

Hopefully all is working as it should.

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I cannot take credit for this. ............


Try this. With car battery connected... open both doors fully (so interior

light is on)... switch sidelights on... open glovebox and slide switch light

to on position... fold down passenger mirror and switch mirror light on if

not already on auto on... open tailgate so boot light is on.


Now leaving everything as above disconnect the +'ve terminal of your battery

and wait a bit. Your siren may give off a muted tone. Now with the alram fob

at the ready reconnect the +'ve terminal to the battery. The siren should

sound. Holding the alarm fob near to the siren press down and hold the

activate button until you see the red LED dim. Let go of the button. Press

the button again. With this press the alarm should stop sounding.


Tighten your +'ve terminal. Close everything. Try setting your alarm.

Hopefully all is working as it should.


Whilst standing on one leg with your eyes closed. :lol:

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VR6 South :lol: bit of a long winded procedure there


H100VW, quality, you make it sound like some sort of voodoo Corrado dance


Im sure Nick will see the funny side and thank everyone once he gets home.

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I cannot take credit for this. ............


Try this. With car battery connected... open both doors fully (so interior

light is on)... switch sidelights on... open glovebox and slide switch light

to on position... fold down passenger mirror and switch mirror light on if

not already on auto on... open tailgate so boot light is on.


Now leaving everything as above disconnect the +'ve terminal of your battery

and wait a bit. Your siren may give off a muted tone. Now with the alram fob

at the ready reconnect the +'ve terminal to the battery. The siren should

sound. Holding the alarm fob near to the siren press down and hold the

activate button until you see the red LED dim. Let go of the button. Press

the button again. With this press the alarm should stop sounding.


Tighten your +'ve terminal. Close everything. Try setting your alarm.

Hopefully all is working as it should.


how on earth did someone work that out????

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VR6 South :lol: bit of a long winded procedure there


H100VW, quality, you make it sound like some sort of voodoo Corrado dance


Im sure Nick will see the funny side and thank everyone once he gets home.


May be long winded but I gave it a try as a last resort before forking out on a replacement alarm. Guess what it worked :D Definately voodoo :wink:

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I had a similar problem. The alarm was working but no matter what I did the indicators would not go out. I found a couple of fuses and relay close to the alarm unit that make the indicators flash. I just pulled the fuses so the indicators went out. They still work off the storks as normal as does the alarm.

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The alarm set up process:-


Disconnect battery. Turn ignition on. Reconnect battery. Press activate button for 10 seconds.


That's how I've always understood the Scorpion 5000 alarm "re-learn" to be to the fob. I'm sure I have seen that text before and it's a bit of wind-up but does the job cos the basics to do the above are built into it.


But if the "fun & dance" has worked, who cares. Next time, remember to charge the audiance for the "show" :)


just pulled the fuses so the indicators went out. They still work off the storks as normal as does the alarm.


Old style alarm from the late 80's/early 90's. Fuses are there to stop a screw driver blowing the alarm electronics by shorting the indicator driving circuit. Most now have circuit protection to combat this now from mid 90's. Removing fuses, removes all doubt about a little tike having a go.



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mmmm, just got home!


Firstly thanks for all the advice. Unfortunately nothing seemed to work.

In the end i pulled the fuses out of the block near the alarm and the lights went out, and then drove to my parents and grab the old mans battery charger. When i went to restart it the fuel pump cut came in several times but on the third atempt the car ran perfectly!!!!


Got home and it did the same when i was opening up the garage, started after 3-4 atempts and ran perfect again!!


Key fob still does nothing

I cant turn the round key thing in the alarm unit, it seemes jammed

The car is now sat in the garage with the alarm just going click....click....click....click and me going feck.....hate....feck.....you


I havnt tried the long winded jobie yet though?

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battery is now on charge. Alarm made a funny dqueek when i disconected the battery, but its stopped clicking now. Will try it all again in the morning with a little more juice in the batt.


Cant try it now, as the alarm will prob go off and wake up our bubby, at which point me or the car or both will prob be evicted!


Guess whos kicking himself for leaving the lights on thismorning then!

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RW1 IIRC you are the ecu reset knowledge man!


A. Do I need to as the batt has been disconected now for 10 hrs


B. Do you have a link to the full procedure I know you;ve posted before

as i cant find it on the search?


Many thanks

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Well i've tried all the above method and car is dead in the water.


3 days back in the car loving it and then a flat battery causes this!

Looks like its the train to work then, just for a change. Why did'nt i kepp my 200sx, it had no character but it worked!


no lol's here today

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When I checked my notes on this alarm last night, it did say leave the battery disconnected for 12 hours. It may be that the alarm memory hasn't been lost when you've done the previous disconnects???? Long time, I know. :(


Scorpion has gone bust a while back but I think Gavin (H100VW) has an engineer's contact??


For setting up, assuming that the battery earth is specifically disconnected for this reason, start the engine and immediately drive the car normally for ten minutes with a few mid throttle & full throttle accelerations where the throttle is held steady during the acceleration for at least 3 seconds (so choose the right gear and start at 1500rpm). The engine must alraeady be warm with the oil temp above 85'C.


Do not let it stand idling and nothing more during this first 10 minutes but idling as part of the driving in the first ten minutes from ignition switch ON is OK, eg at traffic lights etc..


After an hour, do Basic Settings on Group 001 with a registered copy of VAG-COM, (unregistered won't work - shareware limitation). Use Group 001 in Basic Setting, I'm assuming your engine ECU part number ends with the suffix "AG". (If it ends "B" or "BF" or "CC" then choose group 000, "CP" is group 001).



Bottom half of this thread.....

http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... highlight=




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Thanks guys, really apreciate your help on this.


I last tried the battery at 10.30 thismorning, so ill wait until 11 to be safe and try it all over again. I've had the + terminal disconnected but not the - though? mainly because its a mofo to get to!


Anyone experienced the alarm unit just clicking like mine does when the batt is reconnected out of interest?? And whats the point of the round key that goes into the unit (the one that wont turn for love nor money!)??

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If it's like a little round cutter type key, then it disables the alarm probably. Or in the case of Cat1, diables the siren when the car battery supply is lost.



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Bet your glad you have not put the dash back together now mate!


What is it with you and C's anyway? :wink:


Good luck, if it all goes tits you know who to call..


(Its not Ghostbusters)

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Cheers rw. ran a little plus gas in there (not too much) as id like to have that option!! Seems its just furd up a little.


I now have about 5 different reset procedues to try! Its a bit like the transit advert with all the doors shutting!


Yan, any idea if chris has the same alarm? As i know hes had his battery off a few times?

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My fob has two buttons, a slidey switch on the side which seems to operate the interior sensors (ie if you have them on the alarms allways going off every couple of hrs feature) and also has a pin connector on the side for proper reprogramming.


Tekara kindly found some scans on the forum for this alarm which gives another reset procedure, same as yours RW. A friend has another which include holding down the bonnet pin. My wife has the single button version on her vento, the book for that has another totally different reset for that one. Ill just try um all. !

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From the few times I have driven Chris' VR I seem to recall the his scorpian fob is the 2nd one down on the right.


I think his valver uses the same fob as yours but the alarm on that is rogered as far as I know - but the car is still long term dead so there is no point changing an alarm on it yet!

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Well rub my rhubab, it only worked!!


Unfortunately my once perfect idling car now runs like a bag of spanners. Lump idle, stalling at junctions and on a steady throttle has a really wierd kinda hunt to it, almost like the brakes are being gentley applied and off again!


I take it this means i do definately need to do the reset procedure and basic settings? Cant do it tonight but im hoping RW that your gonna tell me these symptoms point to that being needed!??


How long do i have to disconnect the battery for for again before starting this reset procedure then.


Many thanks to all btw who have posted on this, im not sure which one worked in the end, it was more a combo of all of them tbh!


The mother of all releifs...............CHEERS GUYS


Oh and sorry Yan but looks liek thats the end of your sarcasm mate! Until i break something else!

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