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My VR did me proud *:)

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Just been messing with a BMW motorcycle this afternoon.... came to the front of a dual carriageway with a set of traffic lights and I opened the VR up and this Motorcycle started more or less level with me then looked at me to say - no chance mate..and booted it.... started leaving me behind quickly....


Anyway as went up dual carriageway (following the bike) I had to take off on bypass that is a high speed corner that goes on for quite a bit (I'd say 3/4 mile) then a short straight.... the bike went in the same direction and slowed down for the corner (As bikes do) - not me... I went barrelling into it at 110 - 120mph... :shock: held the line all the way round - over took the bike on the INSIDE of the corner .... clipped the apex and banged it into fifth at 125mph once I hit the straight part and accelerated up to 145mph before slowing down to come on to the motorway - when I slowed down the biker pulled up along side (he had dropped right back) and gave me the thumbs up.... :D :D


Goes to show my 8yr old VR6 with standard suspension still handles extremely well :lol: :lol:


I was chuffed :wink:

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Scott, fair play!!I wouldnt try that against an R1 though.


Corrados have a strange way of surprizing you be it, mechanical faults, nice women with big knockers looking at the car or winning races against bikes! I like the expression bang it in gear, sounds like you were driving hard! Corrado 1 bike 0

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Well its been proven Cars out handle bikes :lol: 8)


But I was driving flat out and the biker was leaning right over *:) LOL

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And thats what I love when talking about the Corrado VR6.. you changed into 5th gear at 125MPH.. f'ing awesome IMHO :)

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And thats what I love when talking about the Corrado VR6.. you changed into 5th gear at 125MPH.. f'ing awesome


LOL :lol: :lol: :lol:


Indeed it is awesome 8)

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When Joe M and I were on a, cough, "private road" on the way to Kames he changed into 5th at about 125-130 and left me for dead. That and the fact I realised I was doing 130 and backed off :twisted: There was plenty o' juice left in the G :lol: Was well impressed with the VR though. Gonna have to get one of them aswell :twisted: :twisted:

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God.. I can't wait to get back into Corrado ownership again ;)


To be honest, I dont think I ever did that kind of speed in my Corrado.. I just love knowing that the car has the potential to do it :)


I think I just value my driving license too much (and my hard work keeping it clean & claim free) to risk getting done by John Q Law... obviously if I got the chance to take my car down an airfield or something, then i'd definately be up for that tho ;)

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Generally not a high speed fan, more of an accelleration junkie but thought I'd see what it could do and got scared by how slow 130 felt :shock: Lucky it was on a private road then eh?

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Generally not a high speed fan, more of an accelleration junkie but thought I'd see what it could do and got scared by how slow 130 felt :shock: Lucky it was on a private road then eh?


You sound the same as me.. I love feeling the punch of the car up to about 80.. then I try and tell myself I am being a bit silly and slow down :D

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Just been messing with a BMW motorcycle this afternoon.... :lol: :lol: :lol:


Says it all :roll:

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Scott, fair play!!I wouldnt try that against an R1 though.


Someone with sense at last :lol:


How come everybody backs of when i appear on my R1, maybe its about time i came to your neck of the woods scott :shock: :wink: :D

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Well its been proven Cars out handle bikes :lol: 8)


But I was driving flat out and the biker was leaning right over *:) LOL


You must be referring to the motor show test (Top Gear?) where they put an R1 against a Porsche 911 turbo. I seem to remember the R1 was way quicker on the straights but even on the corners.


Remember, cars have 4 wheels and 4 brakes, bikes don't. Any biker that keeps with cars round bends at 3 figure speeds either has a well sorted bike or balls the size of grapefruits.



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.... clipped the apex and banged it into fifth at 125mph




Glad to see I'm not the only looper on here!



:salute: Respec' to the loopers !!! :shock: 8) :D

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Had the R1 out for a blast today over the lech road and what did i have a run against.....a ferrari 360mondeas and he could keep to my pace.

Does this make to the conclussion that the vr6 is better than the Ferrai! :D

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Well there is one bend in particular that can be a bit tricky on the way to my mates flat, dodgy surfaces camber change, it can get windy too and of course the other traffic. Its one of those bends that if you dont pay attention to your speed you'll do it 95-100 but if your concetrating too hard you wont try!


My Brother regularly takes it at 115-120 on his CBR and My mates the Same on his GSX-R. Most proper sportsbikes are sorted standard, so like my mate with the GSX-R, he bought it for £1500. You show me a car for the same price that can do what that bike does!!!! Hence why i will hopefully be taking ownership of my brothers VFR very soon :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:lol:

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Had the R1 out for a blast today over the lech road and what did i have a run against.....a ferrari 360mondeas and he could keep to my pace.

Does this make to the conclussion that the vr6 is better than the Ferrai! :D


Yup, let's see what the build quality of the Ferrari is in 8-10 years compared with a 'rado... :lol:


I know of 2 year old ferrari's that have needed pretty major bodywork doing due to rot... Oh, and the old trick of the recall to coat the engines in araldite 'cos the alloy they make the block out of is so light it becomes porus after a while and lets the oil out THROUGH the block! :shock: :?


gimme German engineering everyday... 8)

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Well its been proven Cars out handle bikes :lol: 8)


But I was driving flat out and the biker was leaning right over *:) LOL


You must be referring to the motor show test (Top Gear?) where they put an R1 against a Porsche 911 turbo. I seem to remember the R1 was way quicker on the straights but even on the corners.


Remember, cars have 4 wheels and 4 brakes, bikes don't. Any biker that keeps with cars round bends at 3 figure speeds either has a well sorted bike or balls the size of grapefruits.




Funny you mention that i wondered what kept hitting the petrol tank this afternoon. :lol:

If i remember correctly the porsche cut the bikers line up at the last corner :evil: :shock:

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Remember u never know whats round the next corner LOL

lucky for u scott there wasnt a G60 round there .........LOL :D only kidding


Bet u was buzzing going round that bend lol

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Yup, let's see what the build quality of the Ferrari is in 8-10 years compared with a 'rado... :lol:


Corrado build quality is nothing to write home about and not all Ferraris are poorly made. Take the 456 GT for example. It's a real solid machine with stunning interior and exceptional build quality. Sounds every bit germanic when you shut the doors.


The F355 is a weak Ferrari though....I've seen the damage caused to one hitting a grass verge at 27mph :shock:


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