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Dr Forinor

I thought I was invisible...

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... apparently I'm not.


Got clocked last night over a distance of 0.389miles which took 18 seconds to cover, averaging a speed of 76.1 MPH.... on a 50 MPH road :oops:


Breathalised me, asked me if I have any qualifications to be doing that speed in such conditions (wet, but nothing major), and then proceeded to give me an earful about how accidents happen and dont end up a "statistic", blah blah blah!!!


First time I have been (caught) speeding.... so that'll be 3 points and a fine I assume? :( :cry:


My friends said "I've popped my cherry, finally", since it's the first time I have had points. Ah well, what better car to pop your cherry in than a 'Rado eh...










And THEN, an hour and half later, I get pulled over again, doing EXACTLY 30 mph on a 30 mph road, got told to get out of the car and into the back of theirs (ooo-er);


"Do you know why we pulled you over?"


"You were weaving in and out while driving"

"Yes I know"


"To avoid potholes, lowered car, stiff suspension"

"I have a lowered car, I don't do that"

"That's up to you, maybe it doesnt bother you, it bothers me"


Carried on to check my license, check the details..


"Have you been pulled over already tonight?"


"What for?"


"I will now check your breath for alcohol content.."

(2nd policeman) "He's been checked already tonight, it's ok"


So if you KNEW I had already been breathalised, then you HAD to have known I was pulled for speeding, why the hell did you ask???


"Please drive carefully from now on"

"So you are saying I can't avoid potholes from now?"

"No, I am sayign if you drive like that, then you will attract attention to yourself from the police"

"Fine, I'll carry on avoiding potholes..."




I feckin HATE them!!!!! :mad: :mad: :bad-words: :censored:

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3 points and a fine is so common place these days that it no longer holds the same stigma as it did 10 years ago and insurance companies seldom bother with SP30s either.....


Put it down to experience and move onto the next SP30 :-)


The real killer is having to pay £30 for a new license when you're 'free' of your points...grrrr!!

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Everybody said to me "Ohh you'll get points and fines having that for a first car" But I'm not really a nutcase of a driver, but I know my town very well and I know when and where to do it. (Got several dual carriageways near my house :D )


I got pulled over 3 times when I was first driving because Police didn't believe the car was mine!


( Don't hate me when I say this but I'm going to be training to be a Police Officer! )

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I fecking hate police!!!!

I got pulled twice in my Mk1 just so they could look at it!


One pulled me in the G60 because he said it sounded like I was speeding???

Even though it clearly said I was doing 27mph on his read out!!


And my ex ran off with one LOL!!!!

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i wouldn't critise the cops for pulling you for weaving around and 76 in a 50 seems a fair cop so i don't know what your beef is - not saying i don't do it but you've got to expect to be caught and thats not exactly a close margin


how about being caught on a dual carriageway, national speed limit, doing 69mph believing the limit to be 70 by a speed camera in the middle of nowhere on the brow of a hill so no chance of seeing it in advance?? and getting told the limit is 60 because there isn't a 3m wide central reservation???!!!!!!!!!!


now they were b45tards all right


...and on the point of people with points, there was an article i heard or read last week, can't remember precise figures, but it was something along the lines of -


......................in the past 5 years (since speed camera's) the percentage of drivers with 3 points or more has increased from less than 10% to more than 50%.................

talk about bloody stealth taxes and criminalising people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I don't blame them for pulling me for a 76 in a 50, that's their job, thats fine, but for weaving around, and it wasn't even that bad, and it was very clear I was avoiding the potholes, trust me, that patch of road has a lot of them and quite bad ones too, they were being dicks about it. But the 76 on 50, I can handle that, I was in the wrong. What I dont get is they were being dicks even after I said "I was avoiding the potholes", they were just being asses.

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So my insurance might not go up with the SP30 then?


P.S. Edited first post... :p


It shouldn't do, no. I had two SP30s at one point and never got penalised for it. Insurance companies are interested in bannings, drunk driving and points for excessive speed mainly.


If you get decent suspension you won't need to weave about avoiding pot holes :-) Seriously though, I do that sometimes aswell but I try and keep it discrete, otherwise you'll get pulled on the good old "driving without due care and attention" chestnut.

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Ooooohhhhhh, thanks for pointing that out, will take care next time. But yeh, when I do have the money I will be going for the much loved H&R / Koni combo, dont worry :)

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i tend to avoid potholes regardless of car/suspension setup but i s'pose that comes from riding bikes as well. i always gets my goat when the wife hits pothles without trying to avoid them -


never been pulled for it mind - maybe i'm just very discrete like kev ;)


...and as far as i'm concerned, if i'm avoiding such obstacles in the road due to the general disgraceful state they're in these days, i'm driving with far more due care and attention than people that don't try to avoid them.

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There was also some evidence to prove that accidents had increased in certain locations with speed camera's due to people trying to avoid getting caught.


If you come up over a hill at 10mph over the limit and see a camera you're naturally going to break and that's when you loose it, or end up getting shunted by another car doing exactly the same..


The police would say that if we didn't speed then it wouldn't be a problem. Of course the average motorist would say something unprintable and then stick up their middle finger in protest.


This morning on the walk to the train station they had a mobile speed camera setup, after a bend on a steep downward hill. With a little ice on the road as well I wonder how long before somebody breaks to avoid it and ends up taking out an old lady with a bobble hat on.... O.o

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never been pulled for it mind - maybe i'm just very discrete like kev ;)


The police in Tayside have a tendency to keep pulling you over once you have been caught for anything, so because I have been caught for speeding now, they will focus on me when they see me next time, has happened to a lot of people I know.

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The real killer is having to pay £30 for a new license when you're 'free' of your points...grrrr!!


I've left mine on my licence, I've had two SP30s, both are invalid now, but they ain't getting another penny out of me. Anyway I earnt those points, and had to pay for them, so I'm keeping them :p


By the way once SP30 made no difference to my insurance.

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depends on the offence tbh even a short ban and a ine make sno difference these days... u should be finr DR F,, jus behave if u want to be a copper :lol: erm actually dont they might make you a high speed pursuit officer :wink:

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I find it really strange because having done many many thousands of miles, a huge ammount for someone of my age, all of which have been done in powerfull-ish cars around town and across Britain over the last 10 years, i've never had a speeding fine, and that's not to say that I obay the speed limits, I've had a few flashes from static camera's in this country and in S.France but never had a letter through the door. It make's me wonder whether they are sometimes leaniant (sp?) with taxi's.Wierd.







...now where's the nearest wood for me to touch?

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i would def say road awareness decreases as you approach a known speed camera, i'll be looking at my speedo pretty much constantly to check im within the limit.

insurance wise, you'll be fine.

i had my license revoked at 19, for 6 points in two years. ive kept em on my license though.. no need to get them off!

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I've been pulled over five times since i started driving (two of them this august) and always found the police to be totally fair, in fact they've just ticked me off when they could have given me points and fines. Just be polite

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Polite really is the best policy - I know it's helped me in the past :D


Tough luck though... twice in one night :shock:

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Sounds like they were fair even if the 2nd pull was unjustified, at least they didnt make a big thing of it.


I would like to ask them what they think about the state of our roads though.


Amazingly road surface has no affect on accident rates, as speed is the only major factor. My hairy a..! It just does'nt make them any money!


I got done for 68 in a 70, but they said it was a temp 50 for road works, only the signs were all face down with sand bags on them!! Could have been vandals, but that didnt stop me being inocent!

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I was stopped recently by the old bill also.I was approaching a T junction and before taking a left turn,i looked to the right for oncoming traffic.Visibility is good at this point and you can see about 150 yards or so.I didn't stop at the junction(no give way)seeing it was clear,and turned left.The next thing a police van is behind me,lights,the full monty.Immediately after the junction is a roundabout,so i turned left again knowing that i could stop in a layby at the side of the dual carriageway for a 'chat'.The police van stops on the inside lane(!)immediately after the roundabout,and the Pc driver asks me if we're in a race.I explained that the road was clear and a 30 mph limit,so what speed was he driving?(i know,not the smartest thing to say-but he was extremely arrogant)he then went absolutely mental.The 18 year old rookie next to him looks at me as if i'm a piece of s**t,and says he has right of way.I explained to her that I have learned that much in 13 years of driving,but i was driving progressively and with due care.As luck would have it,they then received a call out and had to depart.

I have been stopped many times,mainly because i work nightshift and am driving home at 4-6am on quiet roads.I'm not anti-police,but sometimes the manner in which they speak to you is deplorable.Motorists are an easy target and it can be very hard trying to stay on the right side of the law with unmarked cars,cameras and what have you.Innit.

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