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are people really that stupid???

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Hello all


as you all know corrado up for sale and from the enthusiast sites im getting good questions etc


but decided to put it on ebay to get more publicity for it, now ive had couple of guys thats come through with good questions etc and trying to come down to see it


but the others OMG think as two blanks of wood :mad:


and one guy told me and get this, its a high mileage (10K a year it works out) 14 year old car thats worth nothing in parkers compared what im asking for it :shock:


off course told him to feck off and put the phone down but come one are people really that stupid ??? oh not to mentiuon one guy wanted to do striagh swope for a bravo 1.6 lol oh boy

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Had the same thing a 3 years ago when I sold my G60. One guy phoned up and offered me £2k (I was asking around £3.5!). He said such an old car with over 100k miles certainly wasn't worth the kind of money I was asking! I politely said no to his offer and suggested that he didn't really have a clue about Corrados.


Just stick with it Alex. The right buyer will come along sooner or later. Everyone's finding it slow at the mo'. Just be prepared for a bit of a wait.

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i know make but for soem reason i hate stupidity even when i do it myself and react very badly to it :(


dont worry only blowing some steam off lol


what makes it worse decided to use it all day yesterday and OMG its a great car to drive thats the thing about corrado's leave them for a while get back in them and its like youve never driven anything like it


but its fault u always find something new this time a rattle from the middle hanger under the car when it was cold lol bloody corrados lol

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its always such a pain trying to sell a niche car. we all know 3.5k is an absolute steal considering the interior is worth 1.5 k of that! youll find a buyer mate as andy says youll just have to wait.

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i totaly agree one guy said he wouldnt be happy with G60 lump fair enough not to everyone taste but if you thing about it


£5000 for the car take away that Ive been offered £1300 for the complete G60 lump with intercooler gear box so you now have a £3700 car that you can put anything in there 20v (even thou i would be fecked off) Phats 2.8 24v v6 which i nearly did etc


its just people see a high number and get scared they dont think whats behind it and no offense to anyone out there selling their corrados (even thou this comment is about any enthusiast on here or other forums) but there is some sheds out there that look cheap but as we all know will cost u a packet to get right in the first year

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One guy phoned you up to tell you he wouldn't be happy with a G60 lump?!?


yep he did say that but the guy sounded like he was more of a turbo guy so i guess he had a vr6T 20vT or mayve 24vT in mind maybe even a 16vT


but dont get me wrong since driving with the G60 lump is very smooth and torquey from very low done but no offence here is no way as much fun/feel as a 16v IMO


I might be wrong but never been a huge fan of 8v for the fun side of life I just see them as a sensible option


Also Dinkus thats the most stupid thing ive prob seen on that ebay


god where do these people come from ???

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when i was selling my valver i got a phonecall from someone asking if it was the 1.6 version, and someone else kindly rang me up just to tell me he thought corrados were really rather crap. nice.

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One guy phoned you up to tell you he wouldn't be happy with a G60 lump?!?


yep he did say that but the guy sounded like he was more of a turbo guy so i guess he had a vr6T 20vT or mayve 24vT in mind maybe even a 16vT


but dont get me wrong since driving with the G60 lump is very smooth and torquey from very low done but no offence here is no way as much fun/feel as a 16v IMO


I might be wrong but never been a huge fan of 8v for the fun side of life I just see them as a sensible option


Also Dinkus thats the most stupid thing ive prob seen on that ebay


god where do these people come from ???



That wasn't the point (can of worms, more like!) I was making - it just sounds odd that someone would see an ad for a G60, then phone up to tell you he wouldn't be happy with a G60 lump.


It's like phoning up someone selling a red car and saying yeah, nice car, but I wouldn't be happy with it in red - why bother ringing?!?!

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ok appologies as i miss understood u


ok reason he is interested is he really likes the look of my car and the work thats been done with it


Ive been getting alot of compliments about it etc which are always suprising as ive mention on another thread as I think there is some great looking corrado's out there and Im guessing thats whats grabing peoples interest the looks of the car as engines can always be changed which come on lets face it alot easier than changing the colour of the car.

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Fair point about the engine swap - and no need for any apologies :)


I hope he's not taking the p*** and expecting you to drop the price just because he wants to perform an engine transplant! :)

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nah mate its ok im not moving on the price because personaly i think its a great price consideirng all the work to it etc


and like i mention above if someone did buy it and decided to sell the G60 lump to put something in themselves I would be a cheap corrado to start off with but thats down to the new owner and not me to dictate


Im still tempted by Phat's engine but means Ill go straight back to square one and the reason Im selling up, I cant carry on dedicating all my money and time to the car 5 years is enough for me need to move onto other things like getting a life back lol

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A life...? I dream of having a life...it seems you can't have a job and a life at the same time...:(

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I sold my Xantia on ebay a few weeks back. Starting bid was only £50, but ended up going for £110. I didn't care, just wanted rid of it. BUT, i couldn't believe some of the questions i was asked. One woman asked about 15 questions, all pretty technical to be fair, but what the hell was she expecting for such a low price?? The one that made me laugh was 'has the clutch ever been replaced?' Err, the car had done nearly 300k miles, do you really think it would get that far on a single clutch?

Needless to say, she didn't bid for it. Probably because i wasn't offering a warranty!!!

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A life...? I dream of having a life...it seems you can't have a job and a life at the same time...:(


yep once car stuff all gone ill be working on the job side of my life


never ending list :(


also Steve ur kidding me warranty one ur workhorse lol (no offense:) ) man people expect everything for nothing lol

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A life...? I dream of having a life...it seems you can't have a job and a life at the same time...:(


yep once car stuff all gone ill be working on the job side of my life

Yeah, well I just spent the last 2 years working my arse off on the job front only to just have gotten blown out on a decent pay rise because of some procedural cock-up (not by me, I must add). So not best chuffed at the moment.

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ouch that got to hurt :(


im in similar situation were I have to do all the work but dont get any of the benfits or respect but hey thats life

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Aposegil, stick with it mate. I've seen your car for sale a few times over the last week now and if i had the money i would take it right now. You are right now to budge on you price. People out there havent got a clue. I'm suprised though that nobody from here has bought it - its a very nice looking car mate.

Hang in there....

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As with a lot of members here, even thinking about selling up after all the work and time put in is a no no, but sometimes you have to move on. Good luck with the sale Aposegil.


Seems to be so many time wasters around at the moment. I'd rather set light to my car and push it off a cliff than relent to some time wasting pleb's silly offer. Some people want everything for nothing. When you know a car intimately down to the last detail, it just isn't worth selling yourself short.

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Selling a car privately is soooo much hassle......stick with it though, someone worthy will snap it up soon!!!!! :)

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guys thanx for your kind words trust me they dont go missed :)


also yeah i know its just ive never been a great people person and stupidity just really sets me off Ive sold cars before but i think because its my own corrado etc im getting more offended easily which silly for me to get like this but I guess its natural after whats Ive been throught it.


Supercharged - it was a 16vg60 but thanx to my old DTA system it let go (bore wash) so to be able to sell it easier putting a standard G60 lump back in made more sense as its bad enough trying to sell a car with list of body mods that wont be to everyone taste which is fine so thats my way of thinking.


golfg60 - yep ive been trying to advertise on good enthusiast site (and that other place lol) and I know wrong time of year like everyone im just thinking of xmas partied food and drink lol but I fugure if i get it out there now when it does picking up ill be in peoples minds so hopefully should go


kevHaywire - mate thanx again I know youve said it in the past it is hard but i personally think its a good time, tonight the biggest question i got was "there has to be something wrong with it for you to sell up" and i just simply said nope its just time to move on.


Dubby - I know its like everything in life never simple but then we wouldnt have much to talk about lol


thanx again guys

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