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sorry if anyone here are police officers,,, but fucks sake so many fucking arseholes, not only did i get pulled over 3 times in one drive while going through london, for no flippin reason just a "routine check" and they thouht my insurenace was not valid... they had a computer that scanned number plates to see if the car was insured....


and to top it all off. i got a fucking penalty charge for something i well and truly did not know about.... they are trying to fine me 100 quid,, 50 if i pay within 14 days,,, arghhh one of these dodgy london roads at nite where you cant see anything properly anyway! ARGHGHGHGHGHG i DONT HAVE 50 QUID!!!!!!!!!!!


is there anything i can do about it?

http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b321/ ... CT0107.jpg

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i doubt theres much you can do about the fine, what is it they say? ignorance is no excuse! (something like that!) fair do's if you didnt see the sign but not seeing it doesnt mean you can get out of the fine.


3 routine checks in a night is a bit OTT though!

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lol my cousin has been stopped 32 times in 3 weeks. drives a very nicely done M325. ... e30 325 with M kit ....he drives to uni so though london every day,,, hence loads of stopping...

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not really at the mo


london they have just started the Drink and drive thing and thursday being one of the busiest night out now here im not suprised


Also there tends to be more police about on thusday due to what happened in July they recon thursday is their day

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We all may feel a little aggreved with the police sometimes, however they ahve a job to do so I say be polite and let them get on with it! If you've done something wrong thenyou can't really argue!


All to often th ePolice get a bad rap and I'll agree some the power goes to the head a little, but they have a job to do and lets face it if you need them, if your car was stolen or house broken into etc etc you will want there undivided attention.


My full respects to the Police!

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yeah sorry, just opened the letter, heat of the moment, would like to point a finger at someone if you know waht i mean... im very co-operative with the police, dont put up a fuss,, as i respect what they do,, was intrugued with that insurenace detector thing,, was pretty good..


and yeah they do have a job and i respect that.... though often it is a few police which give a bad name to the rest. on pair of tits were very rude,,, the other two occasions was alright.

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gone to pay online.. camden website....


traffic fine ... add to shopping basket... lol pic of basket and everything.. like a online shop..


right il have 3 traffic fines please.... checkout.... woah special offer. 3 for the price of 2... bargin..

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Have you checked that the sign conforms to the regulations laid out in the road traffic act?


e.g. It wasnt on a yellow sqaure or something. (who else saw that trevor macdonnut :lol: )

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lol tbh by the time i waste a day and go check it out and petrol etc.. it would add up to half the price anyway... paid now...


lol wat did the main man trver have to say?

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At risk of a slating .......


if they were actually rude then complain, ring their general enquiry number, it won't get your ticket revoked but they definately should not be rude to you. HOWEVER if you gave them attitde or where in any way bad tempered/aggresive towards them when you were stopped (for the third time) then they are likely to be somewhat 'firm and resolute' in their manner. You'd be suprised at how many people think you'll change your mind if they're aggressive towards you.

I guess they think you'll back down. BIG mistake!!


As for the stopped three times in one night, all I can say is some cars immediately get your nose twitching, young persons in sporty cars would start the process, a quick pnc and insurance database check brings up fast car, young person, no apparant* insurance......... guaranteed stop check on suspicion that vehicle is stolen but not yet reported or person is driving without insurance, mot, tax and/or driving licence.

At which point you 'spin' the person and car confirming their identity, that the car is road legal, tyres,tax and so forth and if everything is okay a quick 7 day wonder aka a producer to confirm docs are in order and on your way sir, drive carefully etc or at least thats how it works down here, can't speak for the met but they're bound to be twitchy at the moment.

Also worth noting that when the second stop occured the officers will almost certainly not have known you'd been stopped already and the third set would not have known about 1 and 2. I'll not bore you with the reason why unless you're interested!



* On the insurance database thing, its a bit of a pain as it's definately not foolproof yet, some insurance companies still don't provide the data and if you're covered on a group work policy on a company car for example then that won't show either. typically it brings up private policies and ALL the named drivers on it.

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A couple of weeks ago Trevor tonight was about dodging trafic penaltys. If the signs arnt exactly like there pictured in the road traffic act then there void.


e.g. Those 30mph signs that are circles on a sqaure yellow back ground are void in the eyes of the law. But only if you go to court with pictures, etc.

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I did'nt see that program so I don't know the full story around this.


Around here we have loads of the yellow background speed signs but although they have the yellow background they do clearly have the red circle with the white inner and the speed limit displayed as per the highway code for a normal speed limit sign.


These signs make it easier to see well in advance that your approaching a hazardous area requiring a speed reduction for safety purposes.

The irony of the very thing that lets you pick these out well ahead of the 'normal' speed limit sign making it illegal is definately not lost on me.


If there is any case law to uphold this decision then it is only a matter of time before the law gets changed I suspect.

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lol i wasnt rude,,, just think they had a bad day....


hmm it is interesting stuff... though icant be arsed. just take it as it comes.. its not a big deal to be stopped. can be quite amusing,,, they get an expression of they are onto a winner,, then to get let down and find out its only me :)


also insurenace thing cos of my company wrong letter. they had N instead of M :s

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I can't stand the extra orange/yellow bits they stick on speed limits etc.


If you are not paying enough attention to a: Notice the large speed limit change sign with a red ring around it made of a reflective material and b: spot the smaller repeater signs every 50 meters or so in some areas; then you just are not concentrating on driving the damn car.


Not only that but I find the bloody things reflect too much light at night and dazzle me sometimes.


It's just fecking stupid, if you don't know where you are going/ can't see or read the road signs then slow down so you can.


*Rant over*

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you just KNOW you're gonna get a speeding ticket now and everyone will point the finger back to your last post and give you no sympathy whatsoever. ;)

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you just KNOW you're gonna get a speeding ticket now and everyone will point the finger back to your last post and give you no sympathy whatsoever. ;)




Wasn't after sympathy just pointing out that some policeman still use 'speed appropriate to the conditions' when stopping people.


That and that it made me re-evaluate my driving.

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* On the insurance database thing, its a bit of a pain as it's definately not foolproof yet, some insurance companies still don't provide the data and if you're covered on a group work policy on a company car for example then that won't show either. typically it brings up private policies and ALL the named drivers on it.


[ cough ]


and it's going to happen more and more often as more fixed ANPR cameras are deployed. Add to that the fact that even the DVLA admit that up to a third of their records are inaccurate and it's a recipe for some unlucky people being stopped every five minutes.


Attempting to resolve this has a knock on effect with the Insurance companies. Norwich Union recently used the argument that having "Driving Other Cars" provision on some policies makes it harder for the police to identify uninsured drivers as part of their reasoning to remove that facility from their Fully Comprehensive policies. Other insurers have said that they may follow suit.


We may yet end up in a situation where you're only allowed to drive a car if you're a previously named driver for that vehicle.

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We may yet end up in a situation where you're only allowed to drive a car if you're a previously named driver for that vehicle.


Well that'll be just crapola.


Bang goes a quick spin to compare one persons mods when compared with another if they bring this in :(

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Or more to the point - how exactly do you test drive a car you're thinking of buying without this cover?

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Or more to the point - how exactly do you test drive a car you're thinking of buying without this cover?


I assume you would be ok buying from a Trader with trade plates but it would bring a grinding halt to the private seller.


It's just a bloody nightmare and all for yet more 'non-revenue' revenue generating policing schemes. :roll:

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