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Failed theory test :(

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My GF is learning to drive at the moment, and is soon to take her theory test.

Just for fun i tried the online test, and failed! 29/35 :oops: :shock:


Looks like i'll be getting a highway code for christmas!


On the bright side though, i have made myself a lovely new signature. :wink:

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Nice sig. :)


I failed my theory test first time, got 29 :( Problem was everyone said its easy so I did no revision and got asked about tread depths etc.


Passed it second time with 35 though and passed my proper test first time.

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35/35....*ahem* ...pro driver of course tho :wink: :p


I've not done that before as I did my test before the rule came in that you had to sit a theory. It seemed to be just common sense for alot of them.

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glad i never had to have a theory test,if i remember right i think i got asked about 5 questions once i got back to the test center

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I got 35/35 on my theory test, but only because I didn't get any questions about braking distances or tread depth! :lol:


Edit: Only got 31 this time tho!

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Sneaked through my test a year before the Theory came in.


The rule of thumb on the test was then, if you did ok and didn't arse up your manouvers then you got a couple of easy questions after the driving bit but if the tester didnt like your style of hanging it round corners and swearing at old people then you were asked questions until you got enough wrong to fail you.

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glad i never had to have a theory test,if i remember right i think i got asked about 5 questions once i got back to the test center


After a reverse round corner, 3 point turn and emergency stop, my instructor asked me to read a number plate from a distance, then flicked through a book containing road signs and asked me to name 3, and hey presto you've got a licence :lol: Glad i aint doing it today!!!

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im actually really pissed about this


8 years driving and passing first time and guess what ive got to go back to do this damm test


yes im getting my big boy bike licence when i can be bored to go and get my theory done :(

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what is the difference between car test 1 and 2?



Yeah i wondered that too, but tried the harder one and got a slap in the face !!!

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I just picked the safest option on any of them that weren't a factual 'what does this sign mean' typa question.

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Christ, 26. There were signs in that test that I've never seen before. Scary stuff considering I passed both my car and motorcycle tests first time over 13 years ago. I better not lose my licence because I'll never pass the test to get it back!

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Hahaha, that was fun! Here's what it told me after I finished Car Test 1:

"Sorry you failed"

"Your score 20"


I still don't know what to do at a Pelican Crossing!?

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