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vr6 head (oi oi)

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Can anyone tell me if the head on a golf 2.8 vr is the same as that on a 2.9 C vr?

Can I just swap them over?

Ta very much....

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dazzyvr6, thanks mate.

so in theory i could whip the head off my golf and send it off for rebuilding, then when it returns swap it straight over onto my rado???

can you clarify the cam thing - i'm a bit useless mechanically! can i use the head and cam from the golf? WTF?? clueless......

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i think the corrado vr6 cams are longer duration,ive got a head off a golf(which is up for sale)and its identicle to the one off my corrado

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The only major difference between 2.8 and 2.9 is cylinder bore.


Run-out 2.8s had simplex cam chains though and OBD2 manifold changes but that won't affect what you're trying to do.

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kevHaywire, while you're there.....

misfire. appears to be poor spark on no. 6

new plugs. new leads. new coil pack. still doing it.


help please. i want to go fast again

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if only i had 3.5k!!!

i thought about an oiled up plug but that would burn off after a while would it not?

it was doing it intermitently, now it seems to be permanent (3 days) which sounds like something that WAS breaking, is now BROKE????

kevHaywire, you a bleedin bank robber or something? the disguise and fully laden rado gives it away mate.....

i want your car ;)

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actually, the OBD2 head is different. it has a big hole in the chain end, instead of the usually small hole that oils the upper chain.


something to do with the "air pump" on some models, something to do with emmissions control.

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obd2 being the late highline engine PhatVR6 ???

i'm guessing my (early) 95 golf and 93 rado have the same engine typre????

FFS i wish i was a grease monkey - i know burger all!

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double-6s, oil on the plug won't burn off chap unless you thrape it at 6000rpm all the while. Unfortunatley it tends to stick on the electrode and eventually break down the electrical efficiency. My avatar is Dinkus! It was part of a prank we did a while ago and I haven't got round to changing it!


PhatVR6, Yeah OttingerSLC or whatever his name is now mentioned that. Not sure if we got that in Europe. Didn't need it for my conversion anyway.

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kevHaywire, please move to worthing this instant and fix my car!! you seem to know what you're on about....

i'm gonna try and 'plug it in' tomorrow and see what codes it throws up

kevHaywire, there's a big mac and fries in it for you if you relocate.....

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kevHaywire, please move to worthing this instant and fix my car!! you seem to know what you're on about....

i'm gonna try and 'plug it in' tomorrow and see what codes it throws up

kevHaywire, there's a big mac and fries in it for you if you relocate.....


Ah Worthing, used to work near there in my SunAlliance days! I'll relocate for a KFC bargain bucket if you can stretch to that?


I only know about the plug thing cause it's common and mine used to foul up, causing a misfire when really bad. Then I changed to thicker oil and all 6 plugs remain oil free now - Silkolene Pro S 10W/50.


Remind me of your symptoms again mate.....

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feels like its definately running on 5 or so. not the full compliment.

have changed sparkies, leads and coil pack.

it was intermitant, bad one day good the next, or bad for an hour then ok. now it sucks eggs all the time.

my mate put his strange strobe type thingy on it and it showed up an intermitant spark on no. 6 (i remind you i know nothing, so terminology is not up to much)

i'll do a 9.99 bucket - you can whistle for the full 12.99.......

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If it's running on 5, nothing will show up on VAG COM unfortunately, other than fuel trimming adaptation errors because of the unburnt fuel going down the exhaust and over the lambda.


Tricky one this as you've replaced the main culprits. Are all the leads pushed on firmly? What leads did you use? You might have a duff one. I've bought a set before which had a duff one causing a miss on cyl 3.


I'd check 6 for oil fouling though, cause if it is fouled, that's your problem and that cylinder could be shot. Might be worth doing a compression check, preferably of the leak down variety.


No further help or advice until you fork out for a 12.99 family feast.....

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sun alliance - horsham?

i simply can't believe that people on here refuse to help for anything less than a full 12.99er........

it's just not cricket ;)

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sun alliance - horsham?

i simply can't believe that people on here refuse to help for anything less than a full 12.99er........

it's just not cricket ;)


I think you have to go to your local Korean food outlet to get crickets. I hear they're very tasty tho.

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sun alliance - horsham?

i simply can't believe that people on here refuse to help for anything less than a full 12.99er........

it's just not cricket ;)


I think you have to go to your local Korean food outlet to get crickets. I hear they're very tasty tho.


dog is the speciality at mine.

well they say it's dog, could be fobbing me off with any old sh*t though

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Aye, Horsham, sunalliance central. They have/had a branch in Brighton full of hotties :-)


Well, I don't want to ruin your weekend with news of cylinder badness, but lift number 6 out and have a gander.....

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