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Veyron on TOP GEAR tonight. DO NOT MISS!!

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The second one mate :-)


And she's smiling there Lippy mate ;-) Wonder what that old perve standing behind her is up to? Could be using Walesy's strap-on?

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talking about Mansell last night he proved my point


he just proved how todays F1 driveers are shit he walked over the times like no tomorrow just proves he was one of the last ones to actually had to drive the car rather than everything helping him drive


also i have everything for sale to fund my new 8L purchase :)

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yeah but Webber took the smae line as Hill and Mansell took the same as the Stig which proves quicker line so i still recon Webber wouldnt have been close

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lol that blonde stuck out like a sore thumb for some reason. Nice but she looked asif she had no idea what they were talking about.

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I think there's a big element of 'being seen on TV' going on there.... when TG first went on air from it's new location, there were just blokes standing in the audience.... now every week there's half a dozen women there all trying to get the Hamster's attention :-)

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actually kev when you apply for tickets there has to be equal amounts of men and women so it keeps the equal opputunity people happy :)

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I wasnt suprised when mansell took the top spot on the f1 drivers lap times board, hes been doing it alot longer than the other two and has tried his hand at alot of racing styles, f1, indy, touring to name just 3. Experiance over youth every time.


he looked like he needed a bit of trinny and suzannah action though, hes SO 1990's in his turtle neck and leather jacket :lol:

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I just hope that they don't get bought by pikey footballers who can't drive properly and Middle Eastern oil barons who will keep them hermatically sealed in a garage. That car needs to be driven; ideally by me.

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Walesy, no, the article. we barely have electricity over here, and bbc is just a myth. Nah, actually we got bbc prime and bbc world, but I must've missed it. Does anyone have it on their computer or know a nerd that has?

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I wonder how long it'll take before someone makes the "optical upgrade" white side markers for it. A bargain at only £800 a pair!


And when will the eyebrows come? :p I gotta photochop this one into a real stunner sometime :D

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I bet AMD offer a re-map which will give a 20BHP gain on it :)


Surely you can get a resister to give it 20bhp extra off eGay for about £5..... I think it's worth invalidating your warranty for the extra power don't you :roll:

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Oh what a car! The noise it makes is possibly the most awesome sound I've ever heard!


1) Win lottery...

2) Buy Veyron.....

3) Live happily ever after!


Did you know million to one chances happen 9 times out of 10.......

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Won't be many mods available as the gearbox can 'only' handle about 1150 lb/ft maximum. Not bad for a gearbox the same weight as a bag of flour ;-)


From what I've read about the engine though, it's capable of a lot more than 1001PS :-)


My 'My first welding kit' arrived yesterday, so I think I can join two VR6s together and make a supercharged W12 by next weekend.....and mine won't need 10 radiators.... I'll show VW how to do it properly :-)

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