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machine polishing?

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I was speaking to a bloke at a VW garage about getting my car resprayed, and he said that he didnt think it needed spraying, just machine polishing. Has anyone had this done with good results?

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My mates done it to his BMW, come up a treat, one thing to watch out for on Corrado's - mask-up the rubber seals otherwise they'll get torn to shreds, and we know how expensive they can be (I'm sure a reputable place would do it anyway). It'll be good as new!! :p

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machine polishing is good, make sure who ever does it does it properly.


Mine was done last week, the best way is to use the cutting agent first then the machine polish on the softer pad.


The way to do it is slow so the polish cuts into the paint rather than leaving you with swirl marks!

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so does it get rid of the pink faded look then? also my doors have faded in a different way to the rest of the car, so they dont match up. Would machine polishing sort that out?

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It will all depend on how faded it is, I would think it would bring it back up to quality paint again. As long as they use a new mop head and the correct polish and they know what they are doing then you will be well impressed.


Your basically taking a tiny layer of paint away to obtain fresh new paint whilst protecting it at the same time.


Then it will need a good polish, something without much silicone in it.


Mine was done as the whole car was painted and it looked a bit orange peal in the light so it was machine polished and looks like concourse paint. It really could do with a really fine wet and dry sand and then mop to achieve best results as loads of lacquer was used on my car.

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Is your Corrado the famous-for-fading red colour?


If so I can vouch for the fact that a proper cut & polish as Rams described will bring it up a treat.


A guy a few doors up the street has a MK2 Golf GTI in the red colour, and it was looking pretty sorry - the paint had gone white or pink in a number of places and I thought that it would need a respray to sort it out. I came home about a week ago to find the same Golf looking immaculate - the wheels were spotless and the paintwork deep red colour. It doesn't look like he's had a respray so I think he has it professionally polished and it looks superb.

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buy a buffer. a proper one is around 120 i think and they are variable speed. buy a few pads. the decent ones are spongy type stuff. Use a G3 or even Tcut and it brings it up a treat. my mate has one and has just done his car. it got covered in over-spray from the air where it had been parked. it took around 4 applications of t-cut metallic or 1 use with a buffer to get rid of it. use the weight of the buffer and dont apply any more pressure n itll come up a treat. with no metallic paints what happens is you take off a layer of paint in order to get a nice shiny finish again whwre as with metallic you are cleaning the laquer so use a heavier one like std tcut or G3. a mate had a red escort turbo n when he got it it was pink esp the mirrors n spoiler. the cloths he used to use were red, not with polish but withn paint but the car was like it was new.

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If you don't fancy any of the above, then use some Cleaner fluid and you will be amazed with the results.......followed by some quality wax on top of course....



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Is your Corrado the famous-for-fading red colour?


it is! i'll have to get a few stone chips and spots of rust sorted out too, but if machine polishing is the £150 i've been told it is, I'll save myself a fortune over a total respray...which means i'll have money for wheels!!! :D

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I've got a C in the fantastic vw red, that was looking sorry for itself. Got a full valet including G3 polish off a local valeter for £60. An absolute steal. I didn't think a 10 yr old car could look so good.

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Yeah Tornado red had pigment problems which VW never cured, not sure if it applies to Flash (?) red though?


If you're brave 'Color sanding' can be done on flat paints (non-metallic) which basically means the whole car is sanded down with 1500-1800grit wet and dry and then buffed with electric buffers afterwards. Sounds scary, but the results are astounding. It's not a common practice in this country but in Mexico a team of 4 guys go over the car with wet and dry etc and have the car ready after half a day. Amazing.





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Mopping or machine polishing your car is okay as long as it no laquaced cos if it is then you have to get it re laqucered after !!

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You can buy a decent buffer yourself from Halfords for about £60....


I run over the car with a decent cutting compund, then followed by T cut then followed up by a cutting polish and then wax.... all my cars have always looked mint after all that :lol:

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just be careful on dark cars not to leave those brutal swirl patterns. makes me cringe when i see those on a nice ride. reminds me of the shite work i used to do buffing used cars down at a dealer's detailing shop when i was about 16 and clueless (well..even more clueless). "here's a buffer. get to it" - "uhhh... ok." :lol:

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Mopping or machine polishing your car is okay as long as it no laquaced cos if it is then you have to get it re laqucered after !!


so, with the machining and laquering, what sorta figures are you looking at? I need a respray, but if that will do the job for cheaper, it sounds ideal...almost to good to be true :?:


btw, anyone live anywhere near Oxford, or know of a 'reputable' place in the area?





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i can do machine polishing on any type of paint either laquered or solid colour

it only needs flattiing or sanding if the paint finish has dirt in it or it is orange peel finish otherwise just polishing starting with g3 on a hard foam pad and finishing with g10 on a sponge pad will do

most cars after having any type of paintwork done have this done as a matter of coarse before leaving the bodyshop



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i ment figures as in, what price will I be looking at to get it machine polished and laquered in a shop :p



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