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SO FU**ing ANGRY!!!!

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Just out taking the dog for a walk when i noticed this!!

If i find them im going to take their face off!!

Why does this always happen to me at the most expensive time of year (especially when the head gasket just went on my other car!!)

So has anyone got a wing in good condition (preferebly in satin silver??)

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No idea! Im gonna rattle some cages 2moro!! Im bloody jumping!! I dont have a problem if someone hits my car coz accidents happen. But when they f**k off without admiting to it!! Makes me mad fooool!!

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gutted for ya mate, i do no what your going through. but if/when you find the culprit count to 10?? oh sod it get to 3 and lamp them?? sorry dont normally agree with violence. but when its you car its another matter. :evil:

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thats rubbish :( tossers.


report it at your local pig-station. i know they wont do anything, BUT the other driver has comitted an offence (take it this was on a public road?) and they might have your details and try to claim off of you for the damage to their car, if that makes sense?


hope you get it sorted soon :)

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If i find out who did it im gonna give them a SERIOUS talking to (and perhaps vent some of my furstration!)

The missus is reporting it to the police 2day, doubt anything will happen but its worth a try!!

bigpants baby, If you could find out dude that would be great!!

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Result!!! The scumbag has phoned me and and admitted to it!!! Gonna get my @rse down the bodyshop and get a quote!! Woohoo!!!

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Yeah i know, my faith in society has been restored!!

Well... Its a bit tight where we live and there was a coal lorry parked on the other side of the road, so this muppett thought his car would fit through the gap and as you can see it didnt! Apperently the got compleatly stuck on and had to reverse off of my car!!

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mate thats not on!


i swear their is a campaign to ruin all the corrado's!


i cant believe what is going at the moment, was this parked to the roadside or the kerbside??

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Yeah im actually quite gobsmacked!! Cannot believe my luck!! Cant wait to get it fixed coz it looks like a right old dog at the mo!!

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There are some good people out there. A bloke knocked on my door once to tell me he'd just knocked my wing mirror off. Came round the next day with a new one and fixed it.


Hope you get yours sorted :D

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