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Crashed: Car at home now...to assess fixability

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Ouch, sorry to hear that, is it bad looking in daylight, or is it more just a write of because its uneconomical to repair?

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Dunno, maybe a 1.1 fiesta or a pushbike. Think I'm too dangerous with a fast car.


I felt the same way after I wrote my last C off... but after 3 months of driving a Mk3 Golf, I'd more than changed my mind :lol:

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I wouldn't be too sure. I think the bodyshop is basing it around the engine being borked. The same bodyshop that knows it's short on oil and still insists on trying to start it to see if it runs.


As far as body damage goes, it doesn't look too bad - the wings, bonnet, slam panel, lights *seem* pretty straight. One of the wheels is bent into the arch a bit though so depends if that's wrecked anything.


There's always lots of hidden problems though so you never know for sure....


Chin up G :)

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Thing is, if I choose to fix it like Tom wants, it's gonna cost me an arm and a freaking leg, and I was looking to get a flat soon.


I'll see what the insurance company offer.

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Like I say I have just broke a vr, I could do you a job lot on all the front end (apart from any panel work and the rad)

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If the engine's fine and there's nothing nasty lurking unseen then it would be such a shame to scrap it!!

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Yes, me too. After the tussle for the 24v and all I'm really sorry to hear this.

Maybe coxy can still help though as he says, esp. if the ins. pays out?


I hope it works out for you.



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Cheers guys, really don't know what I'm gonna do. Still ache all over, and haven't had much of a chance to get anything sorted as I'm flat out at work.


I get the impression that if the insurance pays out it will be a write off, and I can't afford to fix it, especially if the engine is fooked (the only way that would be is if the shop started and ran the engine dry)


I really am feeling that I just want shut of the C and to go buy a something small and with a wussie engine (that will be cheap on insurance too)

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thats just silly talk.

You having effects of the crash. give it a couple of weeks and you will want your corrado back I gaurantee it :)


chin up [slap]

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Cheers guys, really don't know what I'm gonna do. Still ache all over, and haven't had much of a chance to get anything sorted as I'm flat out at work.


I get the impression that if the insurance pays out it will be a write off, and I can't afford to fix it, especially if the engine is fooked (the only way that would be is if the shop started and ran the engine dry)


I really am feeling that I just want shut of the C and to go buy a something small and with a wussie engine (that will be cheap on insurance too)


It'll wear off and you'll come crawling back. Trust me.

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Sorry to hear about your mishap with the Corrado.


Having only just read the last 7 pages, I notice you mentioned you still ache all over. Having been in a pretty serious accident two years ago when it took ages for diagnosis of the damage to me, can I suggest you go and get checked over yourself. If your neck still hurts, you will have almost definately damaged it and need some physio. (You may be able to claim these expenses from your Insurance too).


The work and even the Car really are secondary to your own health and well being. Good Luck.

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It's not that bad pain, just like I've been playing rugby or something, necks only a tiny bit stiff. I don't have time to go to the docs. If it's still bad after the weekend I'll do something (although my doctors is a drive away, so not sure how I'm gonna get there).

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Unlucky old boy, but at least you're OK. Chin up, and don't forget to reject the first three offers from the insurance co. :-)

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Yep, inspector just called me to say it's being written off, getting the car home tonight to put back to standard, and to try and get engine running.

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Yep, inspector just called me to say it's being written off, getting the car home tonight to put back to standard, and to try and get engine running.


good luck with that , it wont be easy when your hearts not in it

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